Rejoined my old gym
Haven't been there in over 3 years but the staff still remember me and welcomed me back warmly
Felt good stepping back into a gym where the staff act like proffesionals and none of the machines had a "Out of order" sign sitting on top of them
"Free" Wi-Fi (not really free, but you get the point)
Big screen TVs scattered all across the joint
TVs on the treadmills and bikes
Swimming Pool
A shower I can actually use, meaning I can start going there before work
A resident physiotherapist and biokineticist
Secure parking
Bad bytches in leggings
I know this stuff is pretty much standard in most big gyms but man, I really took it for granted the first time round
It's only when you've been to a REALLY shytty gym that you learn to appreciate it
I think this change of environment is what I need to take my fitness to the next level
Was only supposed to go from next month but they said they won't bill me for this month, so I start tomorrow morning