Monday someone called me big guy and then yesterday someone was like "Aye big Chris!"

I've been strict on my diet and haven't missed a lift or cardio session in two weeks. Have finally made it to 200 lbs but I'm still the big guy. I'm not even tall 5'10 so they're not talking about my height. (I know it's nothing but it's funny how some stuff can mess with you.)
Haven't read all your posts, but I assume from this that your goal is weight-loss (and not just cutting)
If so, don't worry about it. It takes a while for people to notice the changes. I went about two months of serious dieting and cardio (5 days a week) before people started noticing anything. Believe me though, once they do and when the comments/compliments start coming in, it becomes a whole lot easier because you now have "objective" evidence that the work you put in is paying off.
So basically, just keep doing what you're doing, you
will eventually reap your rewards.
Just be patient and remain disciplined