Felt bad for this young breh at the gym today. He had all the "I'm a new lifter signs" and he got caught up in looking at what everybody else was doing
He got pinned HARD under 135 on the bench. I could see it coming because he was wobbling and squealing on the way up from his 4th rep and went for a 5th so I subtlety took off my headphones and stood up. .. all of a sudden a panicked "HALP"
me and another dude came over and picked the weight up off him and racked it.
He quickly walked over to the water fountain and took his glasses off. You could tell he was about to cry, so I slid over to him and put my hand on his shoulder and gave him some big homie advices. ..
And explained why he shouldn't use the clips in case he needs to bail next time and how to do it. Patted him on the back and told him there isn't a guy here that hasn't had to bail on a failed lift so learn from this and put it outta ur head.
You could tell it picked his spirit up a bit because he was definitely embarrassed in an "I ain't coming back here" kinda way.