Random Gym Observations....List the Good, The Bad & The Ugly

Exiled Martian

Was young I couldn't do good, now I can't do Bad
Sep 13, 2013
Swag-hili Shores
Well I guess me and the other guys who use my gym have built up some kind of immunity then... because it never really gets cleaned, the guy who is meant to do it, gets free membership but he still can'tbe bothered, and the best part is,we are the most expensive gym in the town...Other gyms charge half what we do. What you pay for is a quiet male only gym (no girls distracting you), with serious people entering competitions.

We had a guy join who religiously wiped benches down, he left after a week. Personally I think it's a bit gay, scared of a bit of sweat? We have an old guy right now who pisses in the shower everytime he uses the gym , and we just walk on his piss when we do,scared of a bit of sweat and piss? train with the women. The only people we have ever thrown out were two indian men who shyt in the shower, thinking it was a toilet? or couldn't be bothered to find the toilet so just shyt while showering I have no idea. On the squat rack it still has my bloodstains from when I cracked my head on it and bled everywhere. I look on those stains fondly, as I carried on training despite my cut head, I look on it as a testament to my hard work.

:dahell:..Your gym sounds like the kinda place where crack heads do wrist curls to get their forearm extra veiny for them syringe reps breh....I bet you got some SWOLE ass germs up in that muthafuka :scusthov:

Pay top dollars to train at a gym that's sounds worse kept than a slaughter house & brag about your pissss & blood stained sets brehs :shaq2:


im pawgin' you stalkin' :umad:
Mar 9, 2014
Well I guess me and the other guys who use my gym have built up some kind of immunity then... because it never really gets cleaned, the guy who is meant to do it, gets free membership but he still can'tbe bothered, and the best part is,we are the most expensive gym in the town...Other gyms charge half what we do. What you pay for is a quiet male only gym (no girls distracting you), with serious people entering competitions.

We had a guy join who religiously wiped benches down, he left after a week. Personally I think it's a bit gay, scared of a bit of sweat? We have an old guy right now who pisses in the shower everytime he uses the gym , and we just walk on his piss when we do,scared of a bit of sweat and piss? train with the women. The only people we have ever thrown out were two indian men who shyt in the shower, thinking it was a toilet? or couldn't be bothered to find the toilet so just shyt while showering I have no idea. On the squat rack it still has my bloodstains from when I cracked my head on it and bled everywhere. I look on those stains fondly, as I carried on training despite my cut head, I look on it as a testament to my hard work.

How hasn't your crackhead ass gym been shut down yet? :mindblown:

And more importantly, if that's the most expensive gym in your city, what kind of bumfukk :trash: city do you live in?
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Jun 6, 2013

How hasn't your crackhead ass gym been shut down yet? :mindblown:

And more importantly, if that's the most expensive gym in your city, what kind of bumfukk :trash: city do you live in?

I live in a rundown seaside town in the UK, that is used these days as dumping ground for all the scum they don't want in london, immigrants, , unwed mothers with numerous b*stard children, ex cons, the town didn't use to always be like that,it used to be a commuter town for folk who work in london, but gone are those days. But my gym,is not only the most expensive gym in town ,it is also the oldest one, and the owner competed at the same time as arnie in the 1968 mr universe, although back then they had different categories for height,theowner is much smaller than arnold, so competed in the small man category. He competed against franco columbo,frank zane....

Arnold before he lived in america, lived in london, and went several times to my town for parties,he was not exactly close friends with my gyms owner but they did go drinking together at times,because the owner was friends with wag bennett, and arnold even took the time to come to ,my gym (it was a shyt pit back then) and have a workout and present the owner with a painting of himself (just like arnold), the painting and a photo of that occasion hangs on the wall. Not many people,certainly in the UK can say arnold did a workout in their gym.

Arnold said himself in his encylopedia, that he got some of the best workouts in complete shyt holes,dorian yates also trained in a pit, my gym may not be clean,but it produces competitors in not just bodybuilding,but powerlifting,and martial arts , and lots of blood sweat and piss is how you make them. What you pay for is a quiet gym don't underestimate how a quiet gym can boost your training if you can get on all the equipment when you want to , with no women during the week anyway (women who aren't serious competitors are not just distractions they fukk up the atmosphere of any hardworking gym,I'd ban them completely from any serious gym,but thats just me) ,and being part of a bit of history.

It will never be shutdown as the owner is from a well established italian family in the town , we could have a fully functioning nuclear reactor in there and it won'tbe shut down ,.

Carolina Slim

May 1, 2012
Raleigh by way of Crooklyn
Dudes coming in to the gym with their girls and cuffin them the whole time. I was at this one gym; there was a broad in there who was serious bout her lifting. She was fit, reasonably muscular. She was doing regular deads, stiff legged deads, and pulling good weight. But she was petite. So dudes was looking at her like :ohhh: but not like :shaq:. She was a strong 4 or 5. Nobody checking for her like that. N1ggas was legit admiring her lifting. Along comes some dude, pawing on her, giving her kisses, palming her booty (they were hanging out the shorts), the whole time looking around the gym like :smugbiden::smugdraper: but then all the n1ggas he thought was scoping his woman was like :heh::pachaha::mjlol::russ:. Son went from :jawalrus: to :why: in a matter of seconds


Jun 6, 2013
Iam getting fukking sick, of people in my gym's fukking protein farts recently . And the main culprit even admitted to me today, that the reason he smells like shyt it seems most of the time, is ,he is too lazy to properly do his protein shake in the morning and it's not properly blended which he claims fukks his guts up. He done one the other day that was so bad, it made this other dude retch while doing bicep curls. And what else annoys me about this,is he has a stunning looking wife, I mean seriously fit, and he was telling me that he farts in bed all night, and she just giggles c*nt c*nt c*nt so he is.

Exiled Martian

Was young I couldn't do good, now I can't do Bad
Sep 13, 2013
Swag-hili Shores

