Nobody who should be taken seriously thought racism died after Obama was elected. Anyone who seriously thinks that is an idiot
well guess what, this country is full of idiots. putting shyt like this out there is a form of humble pie.
Nobody who should be taken seriously thought racism died after Obama was elected. Anyone who seriously thinks that is an idiot
What is your point here sir. Your comment is a baseless statement
Its changes nothing. You don't know if what you said is true or not, so what are you really saying? Because there could be hundreds of ppl who like her, that this didn't happen?
I'm just trying to understand what your point is???
What I'm stating here is that putting that letter out there is not going to do anything but rile up unnesseary bad energy. If you are a black celebrity or media person you are going to get it right? of course not. she's a beautiful sister who does a wonderful job for espn. She's no Cari Championbut I guarentee you more people like her than not
. Now if espn is trying to push her out of the door then it is what it is and you fight