Jemele thick bruh.... I like em like dat....
I saw those thighs on Rome is Burning a couple of years ago and was
I seen her in person

Jemele thick bruh.... I like em like dat....
I saw those thighs on Rome is Burning a couple of years ago and was
I can't believe racism still exists.......
I bet Stephen A Jackson has a leather bound collection of these letters.
I can understand how she must feel but for the 1 crackkker phaggot who doesn't like her there are probably hundreds of white dudes who do.
are you joking? lots of people fam. especially after 08.what dumbass thinks racism is dead?people who actually believe that are grouped with people who believe in unicorns. it's just hate mail everyone in that business gets it
are you joking? lots of people fam. especially after 08.