Ad hominems is all your position/argument basically consists of. You haven't made any valid points. You still haven't posted a consistent personal definition for how you define "black".you made the statement as if my entire response was an ad hominem
I haven't deflected or danced around anything. I told you that the comment you keep asking me about was eluding to self hate that runs rampant in our community. You can pretend that self hate isn't a huge issue in the black community but that just shows how out of touch you are. True black pride is very scarce.instead of one particular comment that you continuously deflect from
you still tap dancing over your previous post, about blacks rejecting their blackness if they had the option.
If c00ns like you have their way blacks will forever be fighting amongst themselves over petty bullshyt remaining a non threat to whites and their system of oppression.but hey, there will be no kumbaya, all inclusive, lets all hold hands With half-cacs.
AAs are already mixed bruh. There's no undoing that. We are direct descendants of the "half-cacs" that you hate so much. You really should be ashamed of yourself because you undoubtedly have biracial and other immediately mixed blacks in your family tree somewhere. People who made it possible for your stupid ass to even be here. People who were subjugated to much more overt racism than you've ever experienced. The nerve of you and your selfish, insecure, narrow minded ass position.if you want true unity, you wouldn't cosign principles that naturally create diversity. as much as you dudes want us to be all mixed up and confused like brazilians, i will never cosign that bullshyt.
AAs are already mixed bruh. There's no undoing that. We are direct descendants of the "half-cacs" that you hate so much. You really should be ashamed of yourself because you undoubtedly have biracial and other immediately mixed blacks in your family tree somewhere. People who made it possible for your stupid ass to even be here. People who were subjugated to much more overt racism than you've ever experienced. The nerve of you and your selfish, insecure, narrow minded ass position.
People have no control over how they came to be. No large community is ever going to see eye to eye and agree on everything. Members of large communities are never going to have the exact same experiences and be treated the exact same way. That doesn't mean diversified communities can't unite over shared interests. Overcoming or working around systematic white supremacy/black oppression is certainly a shared interest that all people classified as black can unite around.
And I told your fakkit ass that I'm not dumbing down for you. If these posts are too much for your bird brain then get a tutor or someone to help your stupid ass out.what the fukk did i tell you about condensing your paragraphs that can be summed up in sentences?
On Thursday afternoon, MSNBC’s Joy Reid came to the defense of embattled #BlackLivesMatters activist Shaun King, saying she was convinced that he actually was biracial and the white man publicly identified as his father was not actually his father.
Reid blamed the uproar on “three right-wing blogs,” who were “stoking racial resentment for their audience, it’s what they do. You should remember what happened to Shirley Sherrod at the hands of Andrew Breitbart; this is a similar situation.”
“I did talk to Shaun, I can tell you that Shaun King is biracial. There’s no reason to doubt he’s biracial,” she said.
Reid revealed that the man listed on King’s birth certificate is not his biological father, and Shaun had learned of that fact when he was around nine or ten. “I think getting into further details about who his father is unfairly drags his mother into a story in which she is not a public figure. This is a private story between his mom, dad, and the person who is his biological father.”
Phenotype isn't the problem. The problem is neither of King's parents are black and he's claiming he's half-black. That's just straight up lying.
I think he just disclosed that the man that everyone is referring to as his father is not his biological father.
So outliers are the norm now?
So outliers are the norm now?
I KNEW a nikka would post Jon B![]()