@NatiboyB @Nigerianwonder you guys still defending this behaviour as hard as you were in all those other threads?
the case that he had yes it was bullshyt. This case is different. But that last one yes it shouldn’t have went through and was some overzealous bs charging.
This case I’m not really following but I have noticed that rarely is information that discredits the alleged victims reported in the media. They also don’t state how the alleged girl in the video said she was 14 yet the alleged victim on the stand didn’t actually Confirm her age. Also how the government paid for her trips to Florida for example and paid bills.
I also don’t see much reporting about how his ex wife Andrea was also involved in this as well.
At the heart of it this is a whole web of debauchery where clearly more than one person should be on trial. And the majority of these alleged victims should be on trial as well. That is my issue with this thing.
If you have a person dead to rights you have them. No need for all of the RICOs and all of that mess.
Grown women having orgies and etc with teenage girls. Teenage girls lying about their age with their parents assistance yet I’m supposed to just come down on one side. No toss all of them.