Respect yourself, respect the man you are dealing with and make sure the man you are dealing with is respectful
As a woman, if you do not respect yourself, you cannot expect anyone else to do it. You cannot engage in several actions that show a lack of respect for yourself and then try to 'demand respect' later. The only kind of respect that you can truly demand is the level of respect that you are worthy of. The problem going on with a lot of people these days is that they want the labels, but they don't want to have to qualify for them. You can't be a 'jazzy, classy lady' if you do none of the things that embody that label. The label thus becomes meaningless if everyone applies to themselves without having to qualify. It loses all of it's power. Contrary to what you may think, men will actually respect you more if you keep your legs closed, but you have to do it across the board. You can't withhold sex from one man but simultaneously give it to another man on the first night. Now, you may lose some attention in the quantity of men you deal with, but you will gain in quality. Men talk among each other in regards to women. If your name keeps on coming up in the man discussions about women who got hit on the first night, you will develop a reputation, and many men will treat you according to your reputation. On the other hand, if they know you for respecting yourself and not letting the nonsense fly, then they will approach you more respectfully. Now, you may drive away a lot of the guys just trying to hit it, but if you want to be in a serious relationship, that is to your BENEFIT.
Now, let's talk about respecting the man you are dealing with. If you are seriously interested in someone and they are interested in you, you have to treat him with respect. If you are one of those women constantly texting on the phone while he is taking you out, you are never ready on time, or he texts you and you either ignore his texts or respond hours later, then you will immediately lower your value with him. This sounds like common sense, but it is way more prevalent in reality than you would think. These little details matter a lot.
Another issue is you have to choose a respectful man in the first place if you want respect. If you choose T. Bird the next up and coming rapper and his songs are filled with nothing about what he does to hoes and what he's about to do with the next ho he gets, then if you accept his company, do not be surprised that he does the SAME THING to you, despite how he acts when he's talking to you. Players are great at putting on a front, or in other words, a pleasing persona in order to get what they want from you... and as soon as they get it, the real them comes out. If you want to know someone, you have to find out about their history. If he doesn't have any sort of history of commitment, I don't care what you think... You don't have the magic box or secret seduction skills to change that around. If you want commitment, look for someone who has a history of being committed in some capacity. Now, that's not to say that people can't change and be a different person from their past history, but don't be surprised if that 'change' was only temporary. Real change is difficult and most people revert back to their long-standing patterns of behavior. If you are willing to take the risk of waiting for a man to change from his player ways, understand what you are getting into and the potential repercussions behind it. If you want to minimize your risk for nonsense, look for a man that has already demonstrated in his history that quality of commitment-- if that's what you are looking for.