Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


Apr 30, 2012
Atlanta, Georgia
So lemme tell you how shady women can be... (long read, I know, so save the "cool story bro"s)

I met this African broad back in September. Daycare teacher. Seemed VERY chill, we got along well. She was from out of town and had been here for a few months, didn't know many people. She hadn't been able to find permanent work here.

Anyway, she went back to her hometown across the country for a family wedding back in October. By this point we had been on maybe 3 dates. No sex, but fooled around. While there she got offered a permanent position in that city that she had applied for months back. She decided it was best to stay there and pursue that. No worries. I was bummed, but such is life. While I saw the potential, I wasn't all that attached.

She had to come back to get her stuff, so I offered her to stay with me during those days, since she had some issues with her roommate. During those three days, it was straight gf status. We fukked nonstop, she cooked for me. She even made it seem like she wanted to stay, had me lookin for places for her since she didn't know the city that well.

Anyway, she couldnt get it together so after those three days, she got on the bus and went back out West. Shes makin it seem like she wants to be with me. I like her, and I admit brehs, I was in a p*ssy haze, so I was like "well maybe something is here". She talked of moving back soon. Plan was for me to go visit her around the holidays, and see where things stand, because I wasn't gonna even TRY the long distance thing without first seeing if this was really legit.

So the last few weeks, she's been very distant and saying things like, I dunno if I can get time off for you to come, etc etc. Not sending the good morning texts. I chalk it up to having doubts about whether or not this is really worth all the effort it'll take, which I had as well, so I understood.

Two weeks ago on the phone, I was like, well you know, if you want me to come, I need to start making arrangements. And she's like yeah do that. Then she disappears on me. Stops returning my phone calls, texts. Just vanished.

I get what is happening, she's not into this anymore. I barely am as well. So that's cool. But have the respect to let someone know. So I sent her a message saying as much, and she wrote this...

i didnt mean to ignore u.I know you been really good to me and am thankfull for it. But i dont think its a good idea for you to come i did get offered a job that i start next week. so i wouldnt be able to take sometime off to spend with you if you do come. not only that but also the fact that i am unsure when i return back to Ottawa. I think its hard maintaining long distance relationship so am not sure whats next from here...I would rather see us pull our relationship off as am struggling seeing whats next if we were to continue.

I reply that I understand, but just woulda been nice for her to act like an adult and be open. I say the usual "no hard feelings, stay in touch".

Few days later, she seems to have blocked me on FB. I'm like, that's weird, I didn't think I did anything to warrant that. I have my homegirl look at her profile to see if indeed she's still on FB or perhaps she deleted her whole shyt.

This is her status...

I guess this is what true ♥ feels like finally i can admit am inlove for the first time with the most wonderful and loving man. what more could i ask for from santa? :smile: am happier than ever couldnt get any better looking forward to the new year to come


Women man....

:smh: They say women are the best liars..damn


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
If you ever hear a woman say, "Her ex was jealous", that's one to avoid off top and not necessarily because of a stalking ex. Why should her previous boyfriend be jealous if she was abiding by the proper rules and regulations of a relationship? When you hear some woman say that, if you get in a relationship with her, expect her to be out of pocket and flirting with all kinds of dudes and trying to fall back on the "you're insecure" shaming tactic. Don't pay those women no mind.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
This is post worth breh im throwing this on the site. If you could elaborate a little more that would be perfect.
Here is a more postworthy rendition:

The one thing most men have come to realize in this day and age is that loyalty is at a deficit and that many women will simply jump on the current 'hot' man of the hour. You could be 'doing everything right', but this new fella just caught her eye and she just has to see what he's about.

Knowing that true loyalty is hard to come by, a man must always keep his wits about him and he must come to this stark realization... you do not control her vagina and never will. When you come to accept this, a heavy burden will be lifted off of you. This will enable you to stop making choices which you think will preserve the 'exclusivity' of her vagina, which is really an illusion in your mind. If a woman really wants to spread her legs for another man, then she will. Getting rid of the thought that your actions will 'earn' the exclusivity of her vagina is key here. Her keeping her legs closed is up to HER moral standards and not really some magic sequence of events that you need to undertake.

Understanding this is very important in curtailing simp/sucker behavior. One thing a lot of simps say is,"Well if I don't do it, another man will." Nah, that's corny. What makes her so important that you need to keep her around by any means necessary? And the sad thing is, negroes that think like that will end up getting left anyways because they gave up their self-respect and women don't want to hang around men of low respect.

Now, knowing what we just spoke on, we must create an operating philosophy/gameplan in order to deal with this. How do you deal with a woman when you know loyalty isn't guaranteed?

1) keep your emotions under control
This is of utmost importance. You must emotionally condition yourself to not react crazily if you find out she was disloyal. You simply must cut her off. A lot of men ended up in jail due to putting hands or worse to a disloyal woman. Was she really worth you losing your life or freedom over? Someone who can't show you an ounce of loyalty? Nah. She'll get hers eventually when she's lonely because she can't demonstrate loyalty. Boot her and keep your mentality focused on positivity... such as making room for the next female who will hopefully demonstrate more loyalty.

1) Always have several things you like to do ahead of women. Never make women your top priority.
Men who make a woman their top priority end up devastated when she leaves... and in this day and age, you never know if she will stay or leave and for what reason. When you tether yourself to a female to such an extent that you can't function without her, you're going to be in serious trouble. You've become a desperate, and thus, a weak man. This is why it is very important to develop several interests that don't have to do with dating/dealing with women. If she leaves, you won't have such a void in your life as to where you can't function.

This is why you should spend more time chilling with your homies, doing things with your family, developing your relationship with Jesus, drawing, or whatever else you do. Having a repertoire of interests will keep you from being thirsty and desperate and will also have the added benefit of making you a much more interesting person because you will actually have something to talk about.

2) Mentally condition yourself to be prepared if she cheats or leaves
It's important to never get too attached in the first place, but when you deal with a woman, especially over longer periods of time, emotions will start to root and develop. This is a natural part of relationships. however, you must curb your emotions from becoming an addiction or an obsession. You must also visualize in your mind yourself acting calmly if she was to ever leave or cheat and what activities you would replace her with if she were to do so. This is important so that you can avoid making irrational decisions if that moment ever did come. Instead of exploding with anger and threatening to hurt her, you simply respond to yourself, "Ok, cool. That just leaves the door open for me to see what that other mami that was checking for me is about." Obviously, it isn't THAT simple when emotions get involved, but it definitely helps to mentally condition yourself to act coolly were disloyalty to ever come up.

3) Never build your world around a woman
You often hear RnB crooners sing about building their life around women. This is one of the most dangerous and selfish things you can do. Not only does it put an undue amount of pressure on her since you apparently made her responsible for your mental health, but you are also burning your cloak of leadership that comes with being a man.

The first question you need to ask yourself is what in the world makes any woman so important that you need to build around her? Also, knowing the temporal nature of dealing with these women, why in the world you even consider doing such a thing? The truth is that as a man and as a leader, she needs to build around YOU. YOU should be the foundation, not her.

What you DO need to focus on building on is your character, a stable financial situation, your relationship with God, and just an overall highly stable and yet fun state of being. A woman should be a PART of your life and never your life.

4) Work on and build up yourself.
The so called "king of the women" concept is real. There's a certain bar, that once passed, will allow you to have access to a ton of females. When your looks, financial situation, style, conversation, etc., is to a certain level, you will simply have a ton of females that want to deal with you... so instead of being a sucker and trying to cater yourself and build yourself around what some particular female tells you she wants, which you end up finding she doesn't, or building yourself around what you imagine 'the ladies want', get out there, and work on yourself. Explore your OWN interests and develop yourself as a person in all aspects. You will go from being a thirsty dude who chases females around to a man who females willingly present themselves to be caught by you.

Now, I don't recommend the player lifestyle or keeping a harem. I recommend having one loyal woman... But now, the problem a lot of you men have is that once you catch you a cool little woman, you start falling off. Once you catch her, you get lazy, let yourself blow up, and just turn into the opposite of what attracted your woman in the firstplace. Even when you've got a woman, you should always maintain your flyness as well as handling your business. This puts pressure on her and gives her way more incentive to be loyal because she is actually still turned on when she looks at you and she will know that if she screws up, she knows that several other women are waiting in the background for their opportunity at you.

Now, something crazy to know is that the more women like you, the more other women like you. It's a snowball effect, so once you pass this bar and get a few women talking, your reputation will start to spread and you'll have a lot of choice. This is why staying on top of your p's and q's is something you must do consistently. It will allow you to deal with higher quality women, and the woman you DO choose to be with will have a lot more pressure to act right because she knows a lot of other women are chattering about you and are eager to take her place. Realize this... the one thing women really want is not diamonds, minks or some other material possession. It is to be the main lady of a fly dude.

5) She's not to be taken seriously until proven otherwise
Never be surprised at what a woman can pull. This is why you keep them lower on the tier of your 'interest level'. When you are not all that emotionally affected by what women are doing and never allow her vagina to control you, you have several interests and things that just interest you, then you will be much better able to make rational decisions when choosing a woman and having the fortitude to dismiss her if she starts engaging in completely unacceptable behavior.

A woman must show that she is to be taken serious and show that she is worthy of the emotional investment. This will involve you rigorously analyzing her personality traits and morals. Is she respectful? Is she classy? Does she believe in God? She just has to come across as a classy woman before you promote her. A lot of problems are simply eliminated by choosing the right woman as opposed to allowing the next pretty thing that gives you attention into your life.


Oct 9, 2012
I wanted to see if someone could chime in on these two topics:

1. It seems like older guys especially in the African American community encourage young guys to simp. Why's that?

2. All my homeboys in relationships always whine about their relationship problems, but they always throw slick shots at me for being single instead of encouraging me to be single until you find the right one. :what:. Why's that?


Aug 12, 2012
I wanted to see if someone could chime in on these two topics:

1. It seems like older guys especially in the African American community encourage young guys to simp. Why's that?

2. All my homeboys in relationships always whine about their relationship problems, but they always throw slick shots at me for being single instead of encouraging me to be single until you find the right one. :what:. Why's that?

They cannot seem to just let go that songs like "Your A Big Girl Now" By Stylistics ,etc are not just "songs". Not saying the artists singing songs like those during the old timers songs weren't into what they were singing....

But these older guys especially in the black community cannot seem to understand that they are just songs and take the whole concepts too literally and apply them to life wayyyyy too much.

Cory MBA

Bigger Picture
May 4, 2012
4) Work on and build up yourself.
The so called "king of the women" concept is real. There's a certain bar, that once passed, will allow you to have access to a ton of females. When your looks, financial situation, style, conversation, etc., is to a certain level, you will simply have a ton of females that want to deal with you... so instead of being a sucker and trying to cater yourself and build yourself around what some particular female tells you she wants, which you end up finding she doesn't, or building yourself around what you imagine 'the ladies want', get out there, and work on yourself. Explore your OWN interests and develop yourself as a person in all aspects. You will go from being a thirsty dude who chases females around to a man who females willingly present themselves to be caught by you.

Even when you've got a woman, you should always maintain your flyness as well as handling your business. This puts pressure on her and gives her way more incentive to be loyal because she is actually still turned on when she looks at you and she will know that if she screws up, she knows that several other women are waiting in the background for their opportunity at you.

Now, something crazy to know is that the more women like you, the more other women like you. It's a snowball effect, so once you pass this bar and get a few women talking, your reputation will start to spread and you'll have a lot of choice. This is why staying on top of your p's and q's is something you must do consistently. It will allow you to deal with higher quality women, and the woman you DO choose to be with will have a lot more pressure to act right because she knows a lot of other women are chattering about you and are eager to take her place. Realize this... the one thing women really want is not diamonds, minks or some other material possession. It is to be the main lady of a fly dude.



May 30, 2012
Here is a more postworthy rendition:

The one thing most men have come to realize in this day and age is that loyalty is at a deficit and that many women will simply jump on the current 'hot' man of the hour. You could be 'doing everything right', but this new fella just caught her eye and she just has to see what he's about.

Knowing that true loyalty is hard to come by, a man must always keep his wits about him and he must come to this stark realization... you do not control her vagina and never will. When you come to accept this, a heavy burden will be lifted off of you. This will enable you to stop making choices which you think will preserve the 'exclusivity' of her vagina, which is really an illusion in your mind. If a woman really wants to spread her legs for another man, then she will. Getting rid of the thought that your actions will 'earn' the exclusivity of her vagina is key here. Her keeping her legs closed is up to HER moral standards and not really some magic sequence of events that you need to undertake.

Understanding this is very important in curtailing simp/sucker behavior. One thing a lot of simps say is,"Well if I don't do it, another man will." Nah, that's corny. What makes her so important that you need to keep her around by any means necessary? And the sad thing is, negroes that think like that will end up getting left anyways because they gave up their self-respect and women don't want to hang around men of low respect.

Now, knowing what we just spoke on, we must create an operating philosophy/gameplan in order to deal with this. How do you deal with a woman when you know loyalty isn't guaranteed?

1) keep your emotions under control
This is of utmost importance. You must emotionally condition yourself to not react crazily if you find out she was disloyal. You simply must cut her off. A lot of men ended up in jail due to putting hands or worse to a disloyal woman. Was she really worth you losing your life or freedom over? Someone who can't show you an ounce of loyalty? Nah. She'll get hers eventually when she's lonely because she can't demonstrate loyalty. Boot her and keep your mentality focused on positivity... such as making room for the next female who will hopefully demonstrate more loyalty.

1) Always have several things you like to do ahead of women. Never make women your top priority.
Men who make a woman their top priority end up devastated when she leaves... and in this day and age, you never know if she will stay or leave and for what reason. When you tether yourself to a female to such an extent that you can't function without her, you're going to be in serious trouble. You've become a desperate, and thus, a weak man. This is why it is very important to develop several interests that don't have to do with dating/dealing with women. If she leaves, you won't have such a void in your life as to where you can't function.

This is why you should spend more time chilling with your homies, doing things with your family, developing your relationship with Jesus, drawing, or whatever else you do. Having a repertoire of interests will keep you from being thirsty and desperate and will also have the added benefit of making you a much more interesting person because you will actually have something to talk about.

2) Mentally condition yourself to be prepared if she cheats or leaves
It's important to never get too attached in the first place, but when you deal with a woman, especially over longer periods of time, emotions will start to root and develop. This is a natural part of relationships. however, you must curb your emotions from becoming an addiction or an obsession. You must also visualize in your mind yourself acting calmly if she was to ever leave or cheat and what activities you would replace her with if she were to do so. This is important so that you can avoid making irrational decisions if that moment ever did come. Instead of exploding with anger and threatening to hurt her, you simply respond to yourself, "Ok, cool. That just leaves the door open for me to see what that other mami that was checking for me is about." Obviously, it isn't THAT simple when emotions get involved, but it definitely helps to mentally condition yourself to act coolly were disloyalty to ever come up.

3) Never build your world around a woman
You often hear RnB crooners sing about building their life around women. This is one of the most dangerous and selfish things you can do. Not only does it put an undue amount of pressure on her since you apparently made her responsible for your mental health, but you are also burning your cloak of leadership that comes with being a man.

The first question you need to ask yourself is what in the world makes any woman so important that you need to build around her? Also, knowing the temporal nature of dealing with these women, why in the world you even consider doing such a thing? The truth is that as a man and as a leader, she needs to build around YOU. YOU should be the foundation, not her.

What you DO need to focus on building on is your character, a stable financial situation, your relationship with God, and just an overall highly stable and yet fun state of being. A woman should be a PART of your life and never your life.

4) Work on and build up yourself.
The so called "king of the women" concept is real. There's a certain bar, that once passed, will allow you to have access to a ton of females. When your looks, financial situation, style, conversation, etc., is to a certain level, you will simply have a ton of females that want to deal with you... so instead of being a sucker and trying to cater yourself and build yourself around what some particular female tells you she wants, which you end up finding she doesn't, or building yourself around what you imagine 'the ladies want', get out there, and work on yourself. Explore your OWN interests and develop yourself as a person in all aspects. You will go from being a thirsty dude who chases females around to a man who females willingly present themselves to be caught by you.

Now, I don't recommend the player lifestyle or keeping a harem. I recommend having one loyal woman... But now, the problem a lot of you men have is that once you catch you a cool little woman, you start falling off. Once you catch her, you get lazy, let yourself blow up, and just turn into the opposite of what attracted your woman in the firstplace. Even when you've got a woman, you should always maintain your flyness as well as handling your business. This puts pressure on her and gives her way more incentive to be loyal because she is actually still turned on when she looks at you and she will know that if she screws up, she knows that several other women are waiting in the background for their opportunity at you.

Now, something crazy to know is that the more women like you, the more other women like you. It's a snowball effect, so once you pass this bar and get a few women talking, your reputation will start to spread and you'll have a lot of choice. This is why staying on top of your p's and q's is something you must do consistently. It will allow you to deal with higher quality women, and the woman you DO choose to be with will have a lot more pressure to act right because she knows a lot of other women are chattering about you and are eager to take her place. Realize this... the one thing women really want is not diamonds, minks or some other material possession. It is to be the main lady of a fly dude.

5) She's not to be taken seriously until proven otherwise
Never be surprised at what a woman can pull. This is why you keep them lower on the tier of your 'interest level'. When you are not all that emotionally affected by what women are doing and never allow her vagina to control you, you have several interests and things that just interest you, then you will be much better able to make rational decisions when choosing a woman and having the fortitude to dismiss her if she starts engaging in completely unacceptable behavior.

A woman must show that she is to be taken serious and show that she is worthy of the emotional investment. This will involve you rigorously analyzing her personality traits and morals. Is she respectful? Is she classy? Does she believe in God? She just has to come across as a classy woman before you promote her. A lot of problems are simply eliminated by choosing the right woman as opposed to allowing the next pretty thing that gives you attention into your life.

What do you want me to call this post?


Aug 18, 2012
I've pulled back on talking to the Brazilian girl a bit. It's not productive to start liking someone that lives 5000 miles away.


Aug 12, 2012
B'klyn music teacher busted for having sex with teen choir member: cops -

This time he played the wrong tune.

A Brooklyn middle school music teacher and trumpet player bedded a teenage member of his wife’s youth choir — and even had sex with the girl while his wife was at church, officials said.

Vaughn McKinney, a teacher at IS 59 in Queens, was arrested this morning on charges of rape and sexual misconduct, cops said.

The music teacher allegedly pressured the then- 16-year-old girl into a sexual relationship after she complained about needing a job because she didn’t have enough money to buy a phone.

McKinney not only bought the girl a cell phone and paid the monthly bills, according to city investigators, he also gave her an iPod, shoes from a SoHo boutique and cash — but with sleazy strings attached.

Vaughn McKinney

Paul Martinka

The home of married music teacher Vaughn McKinney.

“If I get you the cell phone, you know what you have to do for it,” McKinney was quoted as saying by the girl’s father, a report by the Special Commissioner of Investigation found.

The now 18-year-old girl told investigators she has sex with McKinney 12 to 15 times throughout 2011 — including at a hotel identified as the Surfside Motel in Queens and in his East Flatbush basement on Sundays after his wife, Patricia, had left for church.

Patricia McKinney is the musical director for the East Flatbush Ecumenical Community Choir, which the girl was a member for four years.

Vaughn McKinney would sometimes attend the choir’s practice sessions.

The twisted relationship began to unravel last fall when the girl confided in a youth minister at The Brooklyn Tabernacle Church about the affair, the report says.

The church pastor then confronted McKinney, allegedly got him to confess — and reported the matter to the girl’s mother.

The pastor told investigators he did not contact police at that point, the report says.

The girl’s mother also stalled in reporting the incident, investigators said. When the teen’s father found out, he went to the local precinct but the girl was uncooperative.

Eventually, Patricia McKinney found a bill for the girls’ cell phone and reached out to her.

Patricia soon learned the harsh truth after meeting with the girl’s mom, then “left the restaurant, went to her car and started to cry,” according to the report.

No one reported the relationship to authorities until March 2012, when the girl’s mother contacted SCI.

Their report confirmed the sexual contact, but left it open as to whether it began when the girl was 16 or 17.

Not that im condoning what this guy did.....but it really is starting to become sickening how these female creatures act. I am 200 percent sure, she started the swan tears and started playing the victim role with her father about the teacher.

When she is the one who fukked him 12 to 15 times to get gifts......absolutely sickening and disgusting. Again not condoning what the guy did at all. But we get females sickening like these and then after getting what they want all of a sudden want to play the victim role and act all angel like......especially when that is the age of consent in many other countries like Canada.

It really is sickening and I do not know what else to say. Just straight disgusting some of these broads are

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
B'klyn music teacher busted for having sex with teen choir member: cops -

This time he played the wrong tune.

A Brooklyn middle school music teacher and trumpet player bedded a teenage member of his wife’s youth choir — and even had sex with the girl while his wife was at church, officials said.

Vaughn McKinney, a teacher at IS 59 in Queens, was arrested this morning on charges of rape and sexual misconduct, cops said.

The music teacher allegedly pressured the then- 16-year-old girl into a sexual relationship after she complained about needing a job because she didn’t have enough money to buy a phone.

McKinney not only bought the girl a cell phone and paid the monthly bills, according to city investigators, he also gave her an iPod, shoes from a SoHo boutique and cash — but with sleazy strings attached.

Vaughn McKinney

Paul Martinka

The home of married music teacher Vaughn McKinney.

“If I get you the cell phone, you know what you have to do for it,” McKinney was quoted as saying by the girl’s father, a report by the Special Commissioner of Investigation found.

The now 18-year-old girl told investigators she has sex with McKinney 12 to 15 times throughout 2011 — including at a hotel identified as the Surfside Motel in Queens and in his East Flatbush basement on Sundays after his wife, Patricia, had left for church.

Patricia McKinney is the musical director for the East Flatbush Ecumenical Community Choir, which the girl was a member for four years.

Vaughn McKinney would sometimes attend the choir’s practice sessions.

The twisted relationship began to unravel last fall when the girl confided in a youth minister at The Brooklyn Tabernacle Church about the affair, the report says.

The church pastor then confronted McKinney, allegedly got him to confess — and reported the matter to the girl’s mother.

The pastor told investigators he did not contact police at that point, the report says.

The girl’s mother also stalled in reporting the incident, investigators said. When the teen’s father found out, he went to the local precinct but the girl was uncooperative.

Eventually, Patricia McKinney found a bill for the girls’ cell phone and reached out to her.

Patricia soon learned the harsh truth after meeting with the girl’s mom, then “left the restaurant, went to her car and started to cry,” according to the report.

No one reported the relationship to authorities until March 2012, when the girl’s mother contacted SCI.

Their report confirmed the sexual contact, but left it open as to whether it began when the girl was 16 or 17.

Not that im condoning what this guy did.....but it really is starting to become sickening how these female creatures act. I am 200 percent sure, she started the swan tears and started playing the victim role with her father about the teacher.

When she is the one who fukked him 12 to 15 times to get gifts......absolutely sickening and disgusting. Again not condoning what the guy did at all. But we get females sickening like these and then after getting what they want all of a sudden want to play the victim role and act all angel like......especially when that is the age of consent in many other countries like Canada.

It really is sickening and I do not know what else to say. Just straight disgusting some of these broads are

I don't know about all that,she wuz a kid fukin for gifts who sounds like she felt guilt eventually and told a pastor......not sayin she didn't know what she wuz doin,but sickening and disgusting for what she did seems a little bit harsh ain't it? She kno what she doin but females that young might not realize the impact bein a ho can have on the long term future reputation and self image....sum females never learn or don't care and they will be grown women fuking for cell phones,and cell phone payments.....seein as this girl felt guilt and conffessed to a pastor who decided to tell,she one step ahead mentally than alotta females I know out her grown,fukin nikkas for weaves,shoes,bags,bills etc with no concious.


the heir apparent
Jun 21, 2012
B'klyn music teacher busted for having sex with teen choir member: cops -

This time he played the wrong tune.

A Brooklyn middle school music teacher and trumpet player bedded a teenage member of his wife’s youth choir — and even had sex with the girl while his wife was at church, officials said.

Vaughn McKinney, a teacher at IS 59 in Queens, was arrested this morning on charges of rape and sexual misconduct, cops said.

The music teacher allegedly pressured the then- 16-year-old girl into a sexual relationship after she complained about needing a job because she didn’t have enough money to buy a phone.

McKinney not only bought the girl a cell phone and paid the monthly bills, according to city investigators, he also gave her an iPod, shoes from a SoHo boutique and cash — but with sleazy strings attached.

Vaughn McKinney

Paul Martinka

The home of married music teacher Vaughn McKinney.

“If I get you the cell phone, you know what you have to do for it,” McKinney was quoted as saying by the girl’s father, a report by the Special Commissioner of Investigation found.

The now 18-year-old girl told investigators she has sex with McKinney 12 to 15 times throughout 2011 — including at a hotel identified as the Surfside Motel in Queens and in his East Flatbush basement on Sundays after his wife, Patricia, had left for church.

Patricia McKinney is the musical director for the East Flatbush Ecumenical Community Choir, which the girl was a member for four years.

Vaughn McKinney would sometimes attend the choir’s practice sessions.

The twisted relationship began to unravel last fall when the girl confided in a youth minister at The Brooklyn Tabernacle Church about the affair, the report says.

The church pastor then confronted McKinney, allegedly got him to confess — and reported the matter to the girl’s mother.

The pastor told investigators he did not contact police at that point, the report says.

The girl’s mother also stalled in reporting the incident, investigators said. When the teen’s father found out, he went to the local precinct but the girl was uncooperative.

Eventually, Patricia McKinney found a bill for the girls’ cell phone and reached out to her.

Patricia soon learned the harsh truth after meeting with the girl’s mom, then “left the restaurant, went to her car and started to cry,” according to the report.

No one reported the relationship to authorities until March 2012, when the girl’s mother contacted SCI.

Their report confirmed the sexual contact, but left it open as to whether it began when the girl was 16 or 17.

Not that im condoning what this guy did.....but it really is starting to become sickening how these female creatures act. I am 200 percent sure, she started the swan tears and started playing the victim role with her father about the teacher.

When she is the one who fukked him 12 to 15 times to get gifts......absolutely sickening and disgusting. Again not condoning what the guy did at all. But we get females sickening like these and then after getting what they want all of a sudden want to play the victim role and act all angel like......especially when that is the age of consent in many other countries like Canada.

It really is sickening and I do not know what else to say. Just straight disgusting some of these broads are

:usure: You might be reaching with this one, breh. Whether or not she was being manipulative, there's no reason for a grown man to be fukking with a 15/16 year old