Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
To be honest with you, this whole game thing is getting boring to me. It's fun getting dressed up sharp and having these women looking you up and down and it's fun chatting with them and all of that, but in the back of my mind I just get this feeling that it's pretty much a waste of time due to the utter lack of loyalty in this day and age. While it may be fun for a little while, you just come to a realization of 'what it is'.

The majority of women are extremely self-centered and their moves revolve around putting themselves in the best position possible. When you realize what their game is-- ie they reserve the right to talk to other dudes, cheat on you, flake on you randomly and pull the lowest common denominator in behavior until they find a guy to wrap up that they feel is 'out of their league.' And even then, that guy always has to give her the impression that he's willing to walk at a moment's notice just to keep her on her toes.

Now, what really happens when dealing with these women is that they will always be talking to you and several other dudes, but always telling the other dudes that the other guys are 'just friends' or 'nothing serious' if they bother mentioning them at all. Women stay juggling all of these men and when they find themselves getting closer to one, they disappear on the other ones for a while, and when the relationship goes sour, they pop back up and hit the men they disappeared on back up... aka they fall back on them. No regards for the feelings of others. Just whatever puts her in the best situation in the immediate moment.

I just find these modern women extremely rude and lacking for manners. They want to do whatever they want to do and deal with all the men they want to deal with and not even give men an iota of courtesy. Instead of even making an attempt to be loyal, they will build their little roster. Instead of telling you they aren't trying to mess with you, they will flat up ignore your texts and calls even if they seemed perfectly cool the previous day. A man would be called screwed up if he was talking to 5 women at once, being mad friendly with them and all and just all of a sudden cut off 4 of the women that were feeling him without any sort of known reason.

This unpredictability is why I'm feeling the way I am. You get the feeling that these women are for 'fun', but nothing to ever build with. This is pushing me to start focusing even more on other hobbies and interests. It's hard to take a woman seriously when you never really know what she will do next. It can be sweet as sugar today and tomorrow she is gone with the dude you never knew she was dealing with.

The moral make-up out here is disgusting... and then these women want to feel pity for themselves for turning into 'cat lady'. Nah, the way you treated others came back to you and knocked you on your head and nobody wants to deal with you now.

One of the top rules in this day and age that you need to understand is that you do not own the vagina and never will. You can be in a relationship with her, you can be doing this, you can be doing that. If she feels like giving it up to someone else, she will, no matter what you do. When you start believing your own actions determine what she does with what's between her legs is when you become a vagina slave, and you start tailoring your actions to 'keep it exclusive,' which won't work, because as we said before, she will give it to who she wants when she wants. When you turn into a vagina slave, you start abiding by corny sayings like, "If I don't do this, another man will," and you will allow yourself to be degraded and suckered. You cannot keep her legs closed for her, so stop making choices that revolve around impressing her in hopes to win loyalty. It won't happen. Another thing is you pretty much have to prepare yourself for her to walk at any time without getting too emotionally affected. Doesn't matter what she has told you, how long ya'll have been in a relationship, etc. This is why it is always important to have a ton of interests outside of women and never to get too emotionally involved.


Let's go panthers
May 1, 2012
So lemme tell you how shady women can be... (long read, I know, so save the "cool story bro"s)

I met this African broad back in September. Daycare teacher. Seemed VERY chill, we got along well. She was from out of town and had been here for a few months, didn't know many people. She hadn't been able to find permanent work here.

Anyway, she went back to her hometown across the country for a family wedding back in October. By this point we had been on maybe 3 dates. No sex, but fooled around. While there she got offered a permanent position in that city that she had applied for months back. She decided it was best to stay there and pursue that. No worries. I was bummed, but such is life. While I saw the potential, I wasn't all that attached.

She had to come back to get her stuff, so I offered her to stay with me during those days, since she had some issues with her roommate. During those three days, it was straight gf status. We fukked nonstop, she cooked for me. She even made it seem like she wanted to stay, had me lookin for places for her since she didn't know the city that well.

Anyway, she couldnt get it together so after those three days, she got on the bus and went back out West. Shes makin it seem like she wants to be with me. I like her, and I admit brehs, I was in a p*ssy haze, so I was like "well maybe something is here". She talked of moving back soon. Plan was for me to go visit her around the holidays, and see where things stand, because I wasn't gonna even TRY the long distance thing without first seeing if this was really legit.

So the last few weeks, she's been very distant and saying things like, I dunno if I can get time off for you to come, etc etc. Not sending the good morning texts. I chalk it up to having doubts about whether or not this is really worth all the effort it'll take, which I had as well, so I understood.

Two weeks ago on the phone, I was like, well you know, if you want me to come, I need to start making arrangements. And she's like yeah do that. Then she disappears on me. Stops returning my phone calls, texts. Just vanished.

I get what is happening, she's not into this anymore. I barely am as well. So that's cool. But have the respect to let someone know. So I sent her a message saying as much, and she wrote this...

i didnt mean to ignore u.I know you been really good to me and am thankfull for it. But i dont think its a good idea for you to come i did get offered a job that i start next week. so i wouldnt be able to take sometime off to spend with you if you do come. not only that but also the fact that i am unsure when i return back to Ottawa. I think its hard maintaining long distance relationship so am not sure whats next from here...I would rather see us pull our relationship off as am struggling seeing whats next if we were to continue.

I reply that I understand, but just woulda been nice for her to act like an adult and be open. I say the usual "no hard feelings, stay in touch".

Few days later, she seems to have blocked me on FB. I'm like, that's weird, I didn't think I did anything to warrant that. I have my homegirl look at her profile to see if indeed she's still on FB or perhaps she deleted her whole shyt.

This is her status...

I guess this is what true ♥ feels like finally i can admit am inlove for the first time with the most wonderful and loving man. what more could i ask for from santa? :smile: am happier than ever couldnt get any better looking forward to the new year to come


Women man....

Berh I live in Ottawa. By any chance is she from Sudan?


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Feminism strikes another country
Brazilian divorces surge by 46% | World news |

Legalisation of no-fault divorce leads to 350,000 couples splitting in a year since 2010 in world's most populous Catholic country

A Brazilian woman holds a statue of a Franciscan monk at a mass in Sao Paulo attended by nearly one million Catholics. Photograph: Marcelo Sayao/EPA
The number of Brazilians divorcing has reached a record high, according to the country's IBGE statistics agency.

It said on Monday that there were more than 350,000 divorces last year – 46% more than in 2010 after Brazil's congress made it quicker and easier to divorce in the most populous Catholic nation on earth.

Before 2010, Brazilians had to be separated with a judge's approval for a year before they could seek a divorce. But after an amendment to the country's constitution in 2010, such a separation no longer became necessary. The agency said this had prompted the record number of divorces, which have been monitored in Brazil since 1984.

Currently, as long as there is agreement between the divorcees and there are no underage children or incapable persons involved, a divorce may be performed by a notary. Divorce only became legal in Brazil in 1977.

Kenny West

May 29, 2012
So lemme tell you how shady women can be... (long read, I know, so save the "cool story bro"s)

I met this African broad back in September. Daycare teacher. Seemed VERY chill, we got along well. She was from out of town and had been here for a few months, didn't know many people. She hadn't been able to find permanent work here.

Anyway, she went back to her hometown across the country for a family wedding back in October. By this point we had been on maybe 3 dates. No sex, but fooled around. While there she got offered a permanent position in that city that she had applied for months back. She decided it was best to stay there and pursue that. No worries. I was bummed, but such is life. While I saw the potential, I wasn't all that attached.

She had to come back to get her stuff, so I offered her to stay with me during those days, since she had some issues with her roommate. During those three days, it was straight gf status. We fukked nonstop, she cooked for me. She even made it seem like she wanted to stay, had me lookin for places for her since she didn't know the city that well.

Anyway, she couldnt get it together so after those three days, she got on the bus and went back out West. Shes makin it seem like she wants to be with me. I like her, and I admit brehs, I was in a p*ssy haze, so I was like "well maybe something is here". She talked of moving back soon. Plan was for me to go visit her around the holidays, and see where things stand, because I wasn't gonna even TRY the long distance thing without first seeing if this was really legit.

So the last few weeks, she's been very distant and saying things like, I dunno if I can get time off for you to come, etc etc. Not sending the good morning texts. I chalk it up to having doubts about whether or not this is really worth all the effort it'll take, which I had as well, so I understood.

Two weeks ago on the phone, I was like, well you know, if you want me to come, I need to start making arrangements. And she's like yeah do that. Then she disappears on me. Stops returning my phone calls, texts. Just vanished.

I get what is happening, she's not into this anymore. I barely am as well. So that's cool. But have the respect to let someone know. So I sent her a message saying as much, and she wrote this...

i didnt mean to ignore u.I know you been really good to me and am thankfull for it. But i dont think its a good idea for you to come i did get offered a job that i start next week. so i wouldnt be able to take sometime off to spend with you if you do come. not only that but also the fact that i am unsure when i return back to Ottawa. I think its hard maintaining long distance relationship so am not sure whats next from here...I would rather see us pull our relationship off as am struggling seeing whats next if we were to continue.

I reply that I understand, but just woulda been nice for her to act like an adult and be open. I say the usual "no hard feelings, stay in touch".

Few days later, she seems to have blocked me on FB. I'm like, that's weird, I didn't think I did anything to warrant that. I have my homegirl look at her profile to see if indeed she's still on FB or perhaps she deleted her whole shyt.

This is her status...

I guess this is what true ♥ feels like finally i can admit am inlove for the first time with the most wonderful and loving man. what more could i ask for from santa? :smile: am happier than ever couldnt get any better looking forward to the new year to come


Women man....

cool story bro.

i stopped reading soon as u said yall aint fukk....she doesnt warrant any extra text

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
Feminism strikes another country
Brazilian divorces surge by 46% | World news |

Legalisation of no-fault divorce leads to 350,000 couples splitting in a year since 2010 in world's most populous Catholic country

A Brazilian woman holds a statue of a Franciscan monk at a mass in Sao Paulo attended by nearly one million Catholics. Photograph: Marcelo Sayao/EPA
The number of Brazilians divorcing has reached a record high, according to the country's IBGE statistics agency.

It said on Monday that there were more than 350,000 divorces last year – 46% more than in 2010 after Brazil's congress made it quicker and easier to divorce in the most populous Catholic nation on earth.

Before 2010, Brazilians had to be separated with a judge's approval for a year before they could seek a divorce. But after an amendment to the country's constitution in 2010, such a separation no longer became necessary. The agency said this had prompted the record number of divorces, which have been monitored in Brazil since 1984.

Currently, as long as there is agreement between the divorcees and there are no underage children or incapable persons involved, a divorce may be performed by a notary. Divorce only became legal in Brazil in 1977.

SMH Gotta travel the world before it becomes into one big America.


Apr 30, 2012
Now who else wanna fukk with Hollywood Court?
Feminism strikes another country
Brazilian divorces surge by 46% | World news |

Legalisation of no-fault divorce leads to 350,000 couples splitting in a year since 2010 in world's most populous Catholic country

A Brazilian woman holds a statue of a Franciscan monk at a mass in Sao Paulo attended by nearly one million Catholics. Photograph: Marcelo Sayao/EPA
The number of Brazilians divorcing has reached a record high, according to the country's IBGE statistics agency.

It said on Monday that there were more than 350,000 divorces last year – 46% more than in 2010 after Brazil's congress made it quicker and easier to divorce in the most populous Catholic nation on earth.

Before 2010, Brazilians had to be separated with a judge's approval for a year before they could seek a divorce. But after an amendment to the country's constitution in 2010, such a separation no longer became necessary. The agency said this had prompted the record number of divorces, which have been monitored in Brazil since 1984.

Currently, as long as there is agreement between the divorcees and there are no underage children or incapable persons involved, a divorce may be performed by a notary. Divorce only became legal in Brazil in 1977.

Their divorce rate is still relatively low, it's a 46% increase over the prior year. I believe their divorce rate is still under 20% overall.

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
So lemme tell you how shady women can be... (long read, I know, so save the "cool story bro"s)

I met this African broad back in September. Daycare teacher. Seemed VERY chill, we got along well. She was from out of town and had been here for a few months, didn't know many people. She hadn't been able to find permanent work here.

Anyway, she went back to her hometown across the country for a family wedding back in October. By this point we had been on maybe 3 dates. No sex, but fooled around. While there she got offered a permanent position in that city that she had applied for months back. She decided it was best to stay there and pursue that. No worries. I was bummed, but such is life. While I saw the potential, I wasn't all that attached.

She had to come back to get her stuff, so I offered her to stay with me during those days, since she had some issues with her roommate. During those three days, it was straight gf status. We fukked nonstop, she cooked for me. She even made it seem like she wanted to stay, had me lookin for places for her since she didn't know the city that well.

Anyway, she couldnt get it together so after those three days, she got on the bus and went back out West. Shes makin it seem like she wants to be with me. I like her, and I admit brehs, I was in a p*ssy haze, so I was like "well maybe something is here". She talked of moving back soon. Plan was for me to go visit her around the holidays, and see where things stand, because I wasn't gonna even TRY the long distance thing without first seeing if this was really legit.

So the last few weeks, she's been very distant and saying things like, I dunno if I can get time off for you to come, etc etc. Not sending the good morning texts. I chalk it up to having doubts about whether or not this is really worth all the effort it'll take, which I had as well, so I understood.

Two weeks ago on the phone, I was like, well you know, if you want me to come, I need to start making arrangements. And she's like yeah do that. Then she disappears on me. Stops returning my phone calls, texts. Just vanished.

I get what is happening, she's not into this anymore. I barely am as well. So that's cool. But have the respect to let someone know. So I sent her a message saying as much, and she wrote this...

i didnt mean to ignore u.I know you been really good to me and am thankfull for it. But i dont think its a good idea for you to come i did get offered a job that i start next week. so i wouldnt be able to take sometime off to spend with you if you do come. not only that but also the fact that i am unsure when i return back to Ottawa. I think its hard maintaining long distance relationship so am not sure whats next from here...I would rather see us pull our relationship off as am struggling seeing whats next if we were to continue.

I reply that I understand, but just woulda been nice for her to act like an adult and be open. I say the usual "no hard feelings, stay in touch".

Few days later, she seems to have blocked me on FB. I'm like, that's weird, I didn't think I did anything to warrant that. I have my homegirl look at her profile to see if indeed she's still on FB or perhaps she deleted her whole shyt.

This is her status...

I guess this is what true ♥ feels like finally i can admit am inlove for the first time with the most wonderful and loving man. what more could i ask for from santa? :smile: am happier than ever couldnt get any better looking forward to the new year to come


Women man....

Aww man that's fuked up on her part,I'm sure the way she handled it had a little to do with not bein woman enuff to just hurt your feelings,and not wanting to have to face any sense of guilt.....but this really wuz destined to fell,this wuz that fling that ended on a highnote.....I'm Sure the feeling wuz real but it wuz definitly on sum temporary shyt and just the great memory and great ending that had the emotions on high even thinkin this wuz a good idea to try to maintain a relationship...destined to fail soon as sumbody came along for either one of y'all that could match that same highnote y'all ended on.......she scandalous just for not bein woman enuff to just call it a wrap..

Same challenge sum of us have dealing with the memory of a nikka who died,or who got locked up in his prime before he got a chance to fuk her over or treat her bad:russ: they got us fightin ghost,u wuz the ghost in this situation....even Demi Moore I'm sure got sum dikk even after Patrick Swazy possessd Whoopi Goldberg and kissed her in that movie,then kept her from gettin shot:manny:


Louder than words
May 9, 2012
Vice City
womens ways are coy. always working under the surface more than anything else. and you have to know that and always be bolder. not angry, or loud, but bolder with your moves and your decisions.

in other words, most women know their shyt stink, but they dont want you to say it does. so make sure you do in order to keep things in check.

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
To be honest with you, this whole game thing is getting boring to me. It's fun getting dressed up sharp and having these women looking you up and down and it's fun chatting with them and all of that, but in the back of my mind I just get this feeling that it's pretty much a waste of time due to the utter lack of loyalty in this day and age. While it may be fun for a little while, you just come to a realization of 'what it is'.

The majority of women are extremely self-centered and their moves revolve around putting themselves in the best position possible. When you realize what their game is-- ie they reserve the right to talk to other dudes, cheat on you, flake on you randomly and pull the lowest common denominator in behavior until they find a guy to wrap up that they feel is 'out of their league.' And even then, that guy always has to give her the impression that he's willing to walk at a moment's notice just to keep her on her toes.

Now, what really happens when dealing with these women is that they will always be talking to you and several other dudes, but always telling the other dudes that the other guys are 'just friends' or 'nothing serious' if they bother mentioning them at all. Women stay juggling all of these men and when they find themselves getting closer to one, they disappear on the other ones for a while, and when the relationship goes sour, they pop back up and hit the men they disappeared on back up... aka they fall back on them. No regards for the feelings of others. Just whatever puts her in the best situation in the immediate moment.

I just find these modern women extremely rude and lacking for manners. They want to do whatever they want to do and deal with all the men they want to deal with and not even give men an iota of courtesy. Instead of even making an attempt to be loyal, they will build their little roster. Instead of telling you they aren't trying to mess with you, they will flat up ignore your texts and calls even if they seemed perfectly cool the previous day. A man would be called screwed up if he was talking to 5 women at once, being mad friendly with them and all and just all of a sudden cut off 4 of the women that were feeling him without any sort of known reason.

This unpredictability is why I'm feeling the way I am. You get the feeling that these women are for 'fun', but nothing to ever build with. This is pushing me to start focusing even more on other hobbies and interests. It's hard to take a woman seriously when you never really know what she will do next. It can be sweet as sugar today and tomorrow she is gone with the dude you never knew she was dealing with.

The moral make-up out here is disgusting... and then these women want to feel pity for themselves for turning into 'cat lady'. Nah, the way you treated others came back to you and knocked you on your head and nobody wants to deal with you now.

One of the top rules in this day and age that you need to understand is that you do not own the vagina and never will. You can be in a relationship with her, you can be doing this, you can be doing that. If she feels like giving it up to someone else, she will, no matter what you do. When you start believing your own actions determine what she does with what's between her legs is when you become a vagina slave, and you start tailoring your actions to 'keep it exclusive,' which won't work, because as we said before, she will give it to who she wants when she wants. When you turn into a vagina slave, you start abiding by corny sayings like, "If I don't do this, another man will," and you will allow yourself to be degraded and suckered. You cannot keep her legs closed for her, so stop making choices that revolve around impressing her in hopes to win loyalty. It won't happen. Another thing is you pretty much have to prepare yourself for her to walk at any time without getting too emotionally affected. Doesn't matter what she has told you, how long ya'll have been in a relationship, etc. This is why it is always important to have a ton of interests outside of women and never to get too emotionally involved.

Ain't that everybodys aim:manny:....there's always a right and wrong way to position yourself in business and in love though people will have to get hurt in order for you to find your own happiness......this goes back to me sayin "understand nobody gives a fuk about your happiness but you"......its a sad fact but loyalty has caused MANY women to end up alone becuz they end up being bitter,so this route might hurt sum of us....but the opposite route where they loyal to nikkas for a damn decade only to find out he been cheating the whole time which leaves them angry and bitter wuznt helping us out any either imo....I can't be completly mad at a woman for havin that mindset honestly,its smarter than they previous mindset long as they careful about it....and realize they don't need to do us the way we do them....bcuz we not the same as women,if u wanna have that play relationship with me and still talk to other dudes and date(not fuking:whoa:) just let us know so that we know how to play it,so we not tryna get serious with u,dwindling our own roster down......we can't openly tell women we play it like that becuz majority of them wouldn't go for it and we would miss out on fukin:laff:...s in order to not miss out and have our cake and it eat too we have to lie.

U don't really owe anybody your loyalty if y'all ain't married but at a certain point honesty and respect should be apart of the equation....most men don't have any of those as part of the equation which has caused women to get smarter in protectin theyselves from hurt and from wasting they best just sucks for the guys who are loyal like that who don't cheat,don't have side chicks or play games:manny:...its a crazy situation bcuz its healthy I think for women to have a dude she talking to/fuking but still keep her options open,even tho obviously I would never tell a woman that who I wuz interested in:laff:...they just gotta learn how to handle it and realize they not us and can never be us emottionally....the way they are emotionally its going to be damn near impossible for them to juggle in a nice way.

But far as expanding interest having different hobbies that's a good thing definitly,and certainly have different bytches:obama:....being loyal to a woman not your wife or babys mothers is nonsense as much as u may wanna be that loyal nice guy....those type of guys can end up bitter as these women who waste they time in relationships only to get played and wast a decade in a relationship,bitter and disinfranchized....might be a bad thing to say,and sound fuked up....but rosters should always be kept in tact,how much u do with those rosters is up to you...but women shouldn't have to sacrifice they happiness either to make us happy.....its enuff women out there who just wanna be loved we still got the overwhelming upperhand:salute:...