Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
Random shyt I've learned

Realize nobody gives a fuk about your happiness but you,so take every bit of advice u get into consideration but take it with a grain of salt,its good to have in the back of your head becuz sumtimes u will recollect past game that wuz givin to u:ohhh: and it will save u from a bad situation......but at the same time sum people u gettin game from or basing everything on there horrible past experiences and life choices,and its sum people out there that really just don't wanna see nobody else happy,sumtimes subconciounsly,even family members....sumtimes people just past down shyt that wuz told to them that they think fits a certain situation without really even listening to u for real or telling u the right careful who u take advice from,and since u don't know any of us in this thread I suggest not taking it too seriously at all and to just keep it in mind,trust your own gut,mind and heart.

-Overthinking,when we start doin to much of this we basically become women,and who makes relationships difficult?women....when u get to thinking to much about "what does it mean if a woman says this","what does it mean if a woman does this?" In your own mind in a relationship all u gon do is stress yourself out,get on your girls nerves,think yourself out of a relationship cuz u paranoid and think she about to hurt you so u hurt her first.....don't become like a women by keeping a bunch of garbled theories that don't neccesarily fit every woman and every situation in your head bcuz despite popular opinion on here,in my own personal experience not all women are the same....people got all kindve upbringings and backgrounds that can cause them to do or act in certain ways that may be harmless coming from one person,but sinister and sneaky from the next.

-Don't be afraid to ask questions,easiest and quickest way to not waste your time and cut through the bullshyt.....sumtimes sumthing just won't sound right or seem right and nikkas will be afraid to ask questions cuz they don't wanna seem like a simp:childplease:....learn the art of interrogation,interrogation doesn't always mean dark room light shining in the face:why:....u can play good cop if u want to and get good results too:mjpls:....but being timid and afraid to ask anything?cuz u wanna look cool like u don't care cuz u a player:childplease: if that ain't really how u feel u just might end up lookin stupid as fuk and like a sucker in the end bruh lol.

-alottve these women even the "masculine" ones want to be dominated and are like that loud dog that barks the most til u hit em square in the nose:whoa: not literally neccesarily,unless u had to a man I don't neccesarily let that scare me off but that's personal taste,I don't mind a little ratchetness....fact is your a man and she ain't so if u handle yourself like that 9/10 she gon have to bow down to that,that whole tough demeanor really ain't real with a lot of women....a dog can stand up on all fours tryna flex on a grizzly but soon as the grizzly flex back the reality sets in usually "damn that's a grizzly:whoo:"...and usually its like a instant thing which tells u that shyt ain't real....we let these women get like they are but they easily are corrected I've noticed...please stop arguin with these women if u gon just let em win in the end...too many passive azz grizzlies gettin flexed on out here now they wanna bite at all our heels.

-I used to think women that smoked weed and shyt wuz alright to fuk with,but not no more,leave these drug addicts alone,its a good chance she fukin her supplier or whoever she smoke or pop pills wit....if ya women like to get drunk or even just drink and u never seen her around other men with alchohol in her system u might wanna find out what that looks like,good women can become whores when they have drinks.....and if they young sumtimes they don't have a clue what different alchohols and ammounts can do to them until its too late...

-just cuz a woman acts indifferent to u don't mean she don't like u,women are good about not looking,definitly not speaking even tho they may have the biggest crush on you,seen it plenty of times,worked wit females for years or went to school wit em and they wait til the day they bout to leave to tell u they wuz feel u....sum of them can really hid that shyt well and just either flat out refuse to put theyself out there at all unless u do it first,until its the last damn day...or it might take them forever,women can be scary as hell about that shyt,always wanna not say anything or tell a friend hoping they tell you..

-make sure u ain't in a play relationship and don't know it,alotta women just want the title and be able to say they have a man,they will fulfill the bare minimum of their g/f duties,and while u thinkin u really building sumthin with her she just wants the play relationship....since its just a play relationship it will be very easy for her to move on,meanwhile u been fallin for her thinkin its serious....only her actions can show u if its real....don't get it twisted a play relationship can be fun as hell and ideal long as both of y'all know y'all playin....and no she probaly won't just tell u bcuz she herself may not know she wants a play relationship:mindblown:


May 2, 2012


Aug 18, 2012
Saw a recent pic of my ex and she looks really cute :to:


Jun 9, 2012
So lemme tell you how shady women can be... (long read, I know, so save the "cool story bro"s)

I met this African broad back in September. Daycare teacher. Seemed VERY chill, we got along well. She was from out of town and had been here for a few months, didn't know many people. She hadn't been able to find permanent work here.

Anyway, she went back to her hometown across the country for a family wedding back in October. By this point we had been on maybe 3 dates. No sex, but fooled around. While there she got offered a permanent position in that city that she had applied for months back. She decided it was best to stay there and pursue that. No worries. I was bummed, but such is life. While I saw the potential, I wasn't all that attached.

She had to come back to get her stuff, so I offered her to stay with me during those days, since she had some issues with her roommate. During those three days, it was straight gf status. We fukked nonstop, she cooked for me. She even made it seem like she wanted to stay, had me lookin for places for her since she didn't know the city that well.

Anyway, she couldnt get it together so after those three days, she got on the bus and went back out West. Shes makin it seem like she wants to be with me. I like her, and I admit brehs, I was in a p*ssy haze, so I was like "well maybe something is here". She talked of moving back soon. Plan was for me to go visit her around the holidays, and see where things stand, because I wasn't gonna even TRY the long distance thing without first seeing if this was really legit.

So the last few weeks, she's been very distant and saying things like, I dunno if I can get time off for you to come, etc etc. Not sending the good morning texts. I chalk it up to having doubts about whether or not this is really worth all the effort it'll take, which I had as well, so I understood.

Two weeks ago on the phone, I was like, well you know, if you want me to come, I need to start making arrangements. And she's like yeah do that. Then she disappears on me. Stops returning my phone calls, texts. Just vanished.

I get what is happening, she's not into this anymore. I barely am as well. So that's cool. But have the respect to let someone know. So I sent her a message saying as much, and she wrote this...

i didnt mean to ignore u.I know you been really good to me and am thankfull for it. But i dont think its a good idea for you to come i did get offered a job that i start next week. so i wouldnt be able to take sometime off to spend with you if you do come. not only that but also the fact that i am unsure when i return back to Ottawa. I think its hard maintaining long distance relationship so am not sure whats next from here...I would rather see us pull our relationship off as am struggling seeing whats next if we were to continue.

I reply that I understand, but just woulda been nice for her to act like an adult and be open. I say the usual "no hard feelings, stay in touch".

Few days later, she seems to have blocked me on FB. I'm like, that's weird, I didn't think I did anything to warrant that. I have my homegirl look at her profile to see if indeed she's still on FB or perhaps she deleted her whole shyt.

This is her status...

I guess this is what true ♥ feels like finally i can admit am inlove for the first time with the most wonderful and loving man. what more could i ask for from santa? :smile: am happier than ever couldnt get any better looking forward to the new year to come


Women man....


Li pitit gason
Nov 28, 2012
3rd Rock From the Sun
So lemme tell you how shady women can be... (long read, I know, so save the "cool story bro"s)

I met this African broad back in September. Daycare teacher. Seemed VERY chill, we got along well. She was from out of town and had been here for a few months, didn't know many people. She hadn't been able to find permanent work here.

Anyway, she went back to her hometown across the country for a family wedding back in October. By this point we had been on maybe 3 dates. No sex, but fooled around. While there she got offered a permanent position in that city that she had applied for months back. She decided it was best to stay there and pursue that. No worries. I was bummed, but such is life. While I saw the potential, I wasn't all that attached.

She had to come back to get her stuff, so I offered her to stay with me during those days, since she had some issues with her roommate. During those three days, it was straight gf status. We fukked nonstop, she cooked for me. She even made it seem like she wanted to stay, had me lookin for places for her since she didn't know the city that well.

Anyway, she couldnt get it together so after those three days, she got on the bus and went back out West. Shes makin it seem like she wants to be with me. I like her, and I admit brehs, I was in a p*ssy haze, so I was like "well maybe something is here". She talked of moving back soon. Plan was for me to go visit her around the holidays, and see where things stand, because I wasn't gonna even TRY the long distance thing without first seeing if this was really legit.

So the last few weeks, she's been very distant and saying things like, I dunno if I can get time off for you to come, etc etc. Not sending the good morning texts. I chalk it up to having doubts about whether or not this is really worth all the effort it'll take, which I had as well, so I understood.

Two weeks ago on the phone, I was like, well you know, if you want me to come, I need to start making arrangements. And she's like yeah do that. Then she disappears on me. Stops returning my phone calls, texts. Just vanished.

I get what is happening, she's not into this anymore. I barely am as well. So that's cool. But have the respect to let someone know. So I sent her a message saying as much, and she wrote this...

i didnt mean to ignore u.I know you been really good to me and am thankfull for it. But i dont think its a good idea for you to come i did get offered a job that i start next week. so i wouldnt be able to take sometime off to spend with you if you do come. not only that but also the fact that i am unsure when i return back to Ottawa. I think its hard maintaining long distance relationship so am not sure whats next from here...I would rather see us pull our relationship off as am struggling seeing whats next if we were to continue.

I reply that I understand, but just woulda been nice for her to act like an adult and be open. I say the usual "no hard feelings, stay in touch".

Few days later, she seems to have blocked me on FB. I'm like, that's weird, I didn't think I did anything to warrant that. I have my homegirl look at her profile to see if indeed she's still on FB or perhaps she deleted her whole shyt.

This is her status...

I guess this is what true ♥ feels like finally i can admit am inlove for the first time with the most wonderful and loving man. what more could i ask for from santa? :smile: am happier than ever couldnt get any better looking forward to the new year to come


Women man....

sad mang :to: but the warning signs were there..soon as she started acting different you should have known someone was either hitting that or tryning to (especially if she's more than decent looking) :ufdup: live and learn cuz on to the next one :win:


Jun 9, 2012
sad mang :to: but the warning signs were there..soon as she started acting different you should have known someone was either hitting that or tryning to (especially if she's more than decent looking) :ufdup: live and learn cuz on to the next one :win:

LOL no sadness here breh. I liked her but it was gonna be a tough go to make it work anyway, so not a single hurt feeling.

Just amazed at how people can present themselves as women of upstanding character and yet do shyt like this....