Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women

May 1, 2012
i wanna hunnid and fitty thousand!
Brehs, i shat where i ate and hooked up with this one chick at work, cut her off cuz she started actin crazy... Now she got two dudes kinda lookin sideways at me round the office These are dudes she namedropped, they were trying to holla when i was seeing her. I was like :manny:

Im takin the ignore route for now cuz they p*ssy and dirty looks is some female shyt...

WTF are they mad at me for tho? If u can get with her do it why u shooting looks my way
she playing mind games with them weak ass nikkas that's giving you dirty looks...prolly told them some foul shyt about you to them that made them hate you even more than before when they wanted her but she chose up on you...any kind of drama they try to drag you in just act oblivious to it cuz it could jeopardize your job


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
As I'm an introvert and obviously spend alot of my time observing and noticing demeanors of certain people, I am very good at "reading" people.

But what advice would you give other people to help determine whether a girl is truly shy and not one of those "reformed hoes" who are just playing games and "testing" you.

A lot of it you just have to find out by getting to know her and asking her questions to get her history. It's hard to tell nowadays because it's pretty much the majority are reformed hoes of some sort. Shy girls and reformed hoes have different personalities though. Shy girls aren't very talkative and prefer to stay in locales she is convenient with. Hoes are more outgoing and know a lot more dudes.


Aug 12, 2012
Esther Baxter Calls Bow Wow A Liar, Says She Didn’t Take His Virgnity |

And its "creatures" like these that want to turn around when its convenient and talk about how "classy" they are in business meetings.

One of those hoodrats that can never grow the hell up and feel the need to shout out "nicca" in every sentence out their mouth and can't handle things properly. These dimes sure love to put themselves on a pedastal.

I think it was someone in this thread who said it but I will repeat it

"Female entitlement is one of the most disgusting things"


May 27, 2012
Brehs, i shat where i ate and hooked up with this one chick at work, cut her off cuz she started actin crazy... Now she got two dudes kinda lookin sideways at me round the office These are dudes she namedropped, they were trying to holla when i was seeing her. I was like :manny:

Im takin the ignore route for now cuz they p*ssy and dirty looks is some female shyt...

WTF are they mad at me for tho? If u can get with her do it why u shooting looks my way

:ohhh:So you smashed a white girl 2 cacs were feeling? :ohhh: Why would they be mad?:ohhh: Maybe cuz they think they can never satisfy her anymore:ohhh: and you "ruined" her :ohhh:


Apr 30, 2012
great video here.

Video - Breaking News Videos from

It shows the double standard when it comes to these extra marital affairs. Brad Pitt got chastised for YEARS for doing the "unthinkable" and leaving Jennifer Aniston (who had no kids with him) after he filmed "Mr and Mrs Smith" with Angelina Jolie. Yet LeAnn Rimes is supposed to get a pass for basically playing a large role as to breaking up a damn family? A little over 2 years after the divorce is final? :wtf:

This is what annoys me about this country, everyone is fighting for absolute equality when its convenient.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
1) Never take a woman too seriously
- Building your life around women and making her the center of your existence will have you looking crazy, desperate and all other sorts of things. Always have several things you put ahead of dealing with women. You never know what a woman will do next, so enjoy her time while she is here, but you got to be able to keep a smile on your face if she leaves.

2) The flyer you are, the easier it is to deal with women
- It's almost as if women are Jekyll and Hyde. If she's not feeling your look/style/presence, conversing with her will be like having dental work done. If she is digging your presence, all of a sudden her conversation is sweeter and much more free-flowing. Working on your appearance is a must and makes things 10,000 times easier.

3) Always realize you have options
Occasionally we stumble upon a girl and start feeling like she is the only one for us, which puts us in a position that makes us dependent on her and just allowing a lot of things slide that shouldn't. When you realize that if you're handling business, the next woman is always around the corner, you will stop putting up with half the nonsense that you are dealing with. If a woman is to deal with you, she has to bring positivity towards your life, not drama and nonsense. When you think of a particular woman you're dealing with, if the overall vibe you get is one of negativity and worry, then it's time to keep it pushing. It may be painful at first like getting over some addiction, but in the long-run, it will be much better for your health. Sticking with a woman who is bringing you all kinds of drama because you just figure she's the best you can get is desperate and weak. Get out of that mindset, get out of that relationship and step your game up and bring something more positive and righteous into your realm.

4) Respect is to always be maintained
- If a woman attempts to bring nonsense and disorder to my life, she is getting cut out of my life, period. If a woman is making these sly, under-handed remarks to you, just flaking all the time, and acting a fool, kick her to the curb. There is no need to put up with a noncommittal woman when there are other women who would love to spend time with you. Part of being a man of value is to actually seek out those women who VALUE YOU. We give pretty women a longer leash, but you have to come to the point where you say bye bye to them too and just have consistency with how you treat people. Once you can see past looks, you will be much more able to judge personality and morals, which is what will truly determine long-term success.

5) Maintain your character and integrity
Don't become a vagina slave and allow the pursuit of women to completely morph you into a different person. It's easy to get into this line of thinking where you turn into some pick-up artist and you just start completely changing everything about you in order to attract women. If it comes down to maintaining your integrity and who you are or changing up your core, decent essence in order to keep some woman around, choose the former.


May 2, 2012
@kevm3 @His_Excellence_Reincar and everyone else. what you say your top 5 unbreakable rules(or commandments) are when dealing with women are?

Guilty until proven innocent: Everything a female says is a lie until proven otherwise..

Put your feelings in your back pocket..

2 ears + 1 mouth = Listen twice as much as you speak..

Women only have power over you in 2 cases: you're married to her or you have kids by her.. Big Daddy Government & the court system exists to turn you into a beast of burden to finance & slave away your time, energy & resources to a depreciating asset who gets uglier & fatter as time passes on.. Don't become an indentured servant..
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Rocket Scientist

May 5, 2012
High IQ
The reason I asked about the shy women,is because im now exhibiting shy women's behavior. I also notice how different women are talking 1 on 1 with them compared to them around their friends. A guarded woman (not flashy,loud) is the best to talk to. The part about a woman's friend is the truth. A woman is her friends and vice versa. Thats why in a relationship,a sister or a homegirl of hers will KNOW more about your relationship and the issues then you.real talk


Aug 12, 2012
Let me tell you what. A lot of these fine women, especially one in the 'looks industry' of various sorts have massive egos. They have a lot of men sweating them and they believe that they can deal with men however they please. While they are in your face, they are cool and mad friendly. As soon as they leave, you become a fish in their private ocean of numbers. They will literally look at you as expendable unless you have something that really stands out to them.. so pretty much as soon as you leave her presence, she feels free to ignore your calls and texts at her whim because she has 10,000 other guys hitting her up, but she will try to hit you back at her leisure when she feels like it.

Never allow yourself to get emotionally caught up on these type of women, because as fly as they are, they will really bother you mentally. You will sit and wonder why in the world she isn't answering your texts or calling you back. You will think, "What did I do wrong?" You did nothing wrong. She just felt like talking to the next 'new thing' in front of her, and you've became expendable to her, unless she gets bored and decides to hit you up on a whim.

These women have terrible manners and think they can be done with a dude by simply ignoring him... so while they were freindly on the surface, after the date they may be like, "Man I really hope such and such doesn't call me... ugh he's such a bugaboo." And on a whim, she's moved on to the next dude.

You may sit back and strategize, thinking, "What do I need to do to catch her? Should I play nonchalant and cold to get her on the team?" But what you really should be doing is not thinking about that gal at all. Women that cannot give you or others basic courtesy and respect should not be around you. Someone who is blatantly ignoring texts and phone calls for no reason fits that bill. If you have to play all of these little games and utilize tactics just to get basic courtesy from a woman, she's simply not worth dealing with. That's real talk.

The whole Ester Baxter situation is the perfect example of this. I have always wondered what the story is gonna be that these high maintanence whores tell their children and grandchildren, especially when the internet is getting bigger and bigger as the years go by.

Its like is it that hard to find a dime peice who actually acts like a lady and not a ghetto hoodrat being a stereotype and telling grown ass men to "suck her dikk"?(I know we have all heard those ratchet broads telling everyone male or female to suck their dikk)


May 2, 2012

I Have a Secret «