from the ho thread floating up top now...
Yes, women can change...anyone can change after they put themselves in a situation that is not ideal...a few examples.
so many of my facebook female friends that I went to college with are going through this. They basically write on each others wall when someone is having a bad day and that they deserve to be happy too...the "perfect guy" will come along eventually...
Things you will find is them talking about how their son/daughter has them up all night and are tired...those are the single ones and no guys wants to pay any attention to them anymore
The ones who keep bashing they got played and how they are not understanding. Those are the "single" moms who want to find a new guy to take care of her and her kid.
There are some who just continue to try to post uplifting images about hope and how things will be ok one day. Basically building up this incredible hope that a prince will come and "save" or "rescue" them from a bad remember this is a "bad situation", but their child means everything to them...these continuously contradict themselves.
But my absolute favorite, the ones who still have their baby daddy play a large part in HER life and then wonder why it might cause an issue with the "new man"
Its OUR fault tho guys...WE enable them to get like this. You can't have it both ways when it comes to this...if you are going to Ho out in college/early part of life you better be ready to deal with the consequences. I cannot stand people who get mad about positions THEY put themselves in. We HAVE to tell some of these girls/women who potentially see us as a "nice guy" or someone she can see herself with in the future...that's fine if its a mutual understanding, but you have to put them in check. Not many guys are willing to put these women in check immediately and they grow up to be like the women on my facebook profile...expecting someone from the past or maybe someone they just meet to "rescue" them. Almost acting SHOCKED when someone finally breaks out the truth and puts her in her place. More posts like this in the dealing with women thread...