Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


We Wavy
May 1, 2012
50East/Sacramento, CA
and why should you be happy you pulled the digits off? dont let women be the Barometer for valuing your looks and self esteem

Learned the hard way this year and from my last post. Even though the girl was a sorority whore and lived in my apt complex. Honestly I didn't cared about her other than to fukk. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't look at her more than a slut. I wasn't looking to save shyt but my blue balls. I just got more of a thrill of getting a number that I thought was hers right after a run.

I'm 31yrs old and I'm done with all of the games and chasing that has to do with dating. I'm more concerned with getting my degree and locking up a state job so I can finally :eat:


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
I mean, to be honest, she seemed genuinely excited when I talkd to her a couple days ago about us going out, and everything was cool all the way up until this evening.

It's very possible that she was telling the truth and she had a long day or something....


On the flip side, she didn't answer my call this evening(I called twice)...and just texted me back instead of just answering and telling me the "truth".

And it's a first date....I've NEVER had a woman cancel on me on the first date. And if she REALLY wanted to go out, then she would have.

So, I guess I responded the right way. :obama:

But then again she's fine as hell, so it's got my mind a little twisted that I shot back at her like that.

And I see she's been online the past couple hours on POF. So i dont think she ditched me for someone else.

Eh, who knows...:manny: It aint meant to be.

I'mma be real with ya... I think you mentioned she was a dancer for some sports team. That, coupled with the fact she's on POF lets you know something ain't quite right about her. She's that fine, and yet she needs to be on POF? She might be kind of nuts or have an unbearable personality.

A lot of fine women are what I call man traps. It's just like a rat right after the cheese. They look irresistable, but once you get involved, you will get snapped right in half. With a lot of fine girls like dancers, a lot of them deal with celebs and athletes, so you know they are getting passed around on that tip. They get a TON of male attention, so they view men as expendable. They are mad cool when you are int their presence and dealing with them, but when you are not around, they are extra flakey, not responding to texts, answering calls and just doing disrespectful stuff.

They do that because they feel they are so fly that if they don't want to talk to you at that particular moment, they won't. I know this because I've been in that exact same situation.

What makes them so devastating is that they are so fine and when they are paying you attention, it makes you feel like you got it going on... but what makes them dangerous is that they are built in a fashion to screw with your mind.

I think you played it right. I don't really got time to be playing back-up lackey to some broad and neither do you. It's all about respect man. If she can't take 5 seconds out to hit you back on the text, screw it, how can she really get down with you for the bigger things?

I'm a 'looks hound' myself in that I really dig a fine woman, but bottom line is you have to train yourself to make her behavior a priority. No matter how fine she is, if she can't act right, she will get left. You might have a bit of fun with these fine dimepieces that act like that, but you will never have peace of mind. Peace of mind is worth way more.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Let me tell you what. A lot of these fine women, especially one in the 'looks industry' of various sorts have massive egos. They have a lot of men sweating them and they believe that they can deal with men however they please. While they are in your face, they are cool and mad friendly. As soon as they leave, you become a fish in their private ocean of numbers. They will literally look at you as expendable unless you have something that really stands out to them.. so pretty much as soon as you leave her presence, she feels free to ignore your calls and texts at her whim because she has 10,000 other guys hitting her up, but she will try to hit you back at her leisure when she feels like it.

Never allow yourself to get emotionally caught up on these type of women, because as fly as they are, they will really bother you mentally. You will sit and wonder why in the world she isn't answering your texts or calling you back. You will think, "What did I do wrong?" You did nothing wrong. She just felt like talking to the next 'new thing' in front of her, and you've became expendable to her, unless she gets bored and decides to hit you up on a whim.

These women have terrible manners and think they can be done with a dude by simply ignoring him... so while they were freindly on the surface, after the date they may be like, "Man I really hope such and such doesn't call me... ugh he's such a bugaboo." And on a whim, she's moved on to the next dude.

You may sit back and strategize, thinking, "What do I need to do to catch her? Should I play nonchalant and cold to get her on the team?" But what you really should be doing is not thinking about that gal at all. Women that cannot give you or others basic courtesy and respect should not be around you. Someone who is blatantly ignoring texts and phone calls for no reason fits that bill. If you have to play all of these little games and utilize tactics just to get basic courtesy from a woman, she's simply not worth dealing with. That's real talk.


Apr 30, 2012
from the ho thread floating up top now...

Yes, women can change...anyone can change after they put themselves in a situation that is not ideal...a few examples.

so many of my facebook female friends that I went to college with are going through this. They basically write on each others wall when someone is having a bad day and that they deserve to be happy too...the "perfect guy" will come along eventually...:wow:

Things you will find is them talking about how their son/daughter has them up all night and are tired...those are the single ones and no guys wants to pay any attention to them anymore

The ones who keep bashing they got played and how they are not understanding. Those are the "single" moms who want to find a new guy to take care of her and her kid.

There are some who just continue to try to post uplifting images about hope and how things will be ok one day. Basically building up this incredible hope that a prince will come and "save" or "rescue" them from a bad remember this is a "bad situation", but their child means everything to them...these continuously contradict themselves.

But my absolute favorite, the ones who still have their baby daddy play a large part in HER life and then wonder why it might cause an issue with the "new man" :snoop:

Its OUR fault tho guys...WE enable them to get like this. You can't have it both ways when it comes to this...if you are going to Ho out in college/early part of life you better be ready to deal with the consequences. I cannot stand people who get mad about positions THEY put themselves in. We HAVE to tell some of these girls/women who potentially see us as a "nice guy" or someone she can see herself with in the future...that's fine if its a mutual understanding, but you have to put them in check. Not many guys are willing to put these women in check immediately and they grow up to be like the women on my facebook profile...expecting someone from the past or maybe someone they just meet to "rescue" them. Almost acting SHOCKED when someone finally breaks out the truth and puts her in her place. More posts like this in the dealing with women thread...


Apr 30, 2012
Let me tell you what. A lot of these fine women, especially one in the 'looks industry' of various sorts have massive egos. They have a lot of men sweating them and they believe that they can deal with men however they please. While they are in your face, they are cool and mad friendly. As soon as they leave, you become a fish in their private ocean of numbers. They will literally look at you as expendable unless you have something that really stands out to them.. so pretty much as soon as you leave her presence, she feels free to ignore your calls and texts at her whim because she has 10,000 other guys hitting her up, but she will try to hit you back at her leisure when she feels like it.

Never allow yourself to get emotionally caught up on these type of women, because as fly as they are, they will really bother you mentally. You will sit and wonder why in the world she isn't answering your texts or calling you back. You will think, "What did I do wrong?" You did nothing wrong. She just felt like talking to the next 'new thing' in front of her, and you've became expendable to her, unless she gets bored and decides to hit you up on a whim.

These women have terrible manners and think they can be done with a dude by simply ignoring him... so while they were freindly on the surface, after the date they may be like, "Man I really hope such and such doesn't call me... ugh he's such a bugaboo." And on a whim, she's moved on to the next dude.

You may sit back and strategize, thinking, "What do I need to do to catch her? Should I play nonchalant and cold to get her on the team?" But what you really should be doing is not thinking about that gal at all. Women that cannot give you or others basic courtesy and respect should not be around you. Someone who is blatantly ignoring texts and phone calls for no reason fits that bill. If you have to play all of these little games and utilize tactics just to get basic courtesy from a woman, she's simply not worth dealing with. That's real talk.
It ties in with guys not putting these women in check. They view you as the nice guy, as someone who she can count on in the future so she will take full advantage of that position she has over you. The attractive women use this to their full advantage...they truly believe that since they are an attractive woman that they have the power just because of that.

You have to be ready to throw the :ufdup: when the time comes.

Oh she's have to respond exactly how most will feel if you were feeling the chick. Congratulations and then move on immediately, you have to let her know right then and there that the chance SHE HAD WITH YOU is now gone. Don't think she will come back in the future? One inevitably will if you are a guy who has built many relationships with women in the past. You HAVE to be ready especially dealing with the good looking ones as THOSE are the ones who usually get pregnant early. Letting them know BEFOREHAND is the key here...let the girl/woman know your position and be ready to ACT if the time comes.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
from the ho thread floating up top now...

Yes, women can change...anyone can change after they put themselves in a situation that is not ideal...a few examples.

so many of my facebook female friends that I went to college with are going through this. They basically write on each others wall when someone is having a bad day and that they deserve to be happy too...the "perfect guy" will come along eventually...:wow:

Things you will find is them talking about how their son/daughter has them up all night and are tired...those are the single ones and no guys wants to pay any attention to them anymore

The ones who keep bashing they got played and how they are not understanding. Those are the "single" moms who want to find a new guy to take care of her and her kid.

There are some who just continue to try to post uplifting images about hope and how things will be ok one day. Basically building up this incredible hope that a prince will come and "save" or "rescue" them from a bad remember this is a "bad situation", but their child means everything to them...these continuously contradict themselves.

But my absolute favorite, the ones who still have their baby daddy play a large part in HER life and then wonder why it might cause an issue with the "new man" :snoop:

Its OUR fault tho guys...WE enable them to get like this. You can't have it both ways when it comes to this...if you are going to Ho out in college/early part of life you better be ready to deal with the consequences. I cannot stand people who get mad about positions THEY put themselves in. We HAVE to tell some of these girls/women who potentially see us as a "nice guy" or someone she can see herself with in the future...that's fine if its a mutual understanding, but you have to put them in check. Not many guys are willing to put these women in check immediately and they grow up to be like the women on my facebook profile...expecting someone from the past or maybe someone they just meet to "rescue" them. Almost acting SHOCKED when someone finally breaks out the truth and puts her in her place. More posts like this in the dealing with women thread...

These women have literally been brainwashed by western society and the media. You see those kay's jewelry commercials? Imagine women getting that sort of thing pumped into their brain for at least 8 hours a day. Then on top of it, they have 10,000 simp negroes justifying their every behavior... and really, for the most part all they have left to deal with is those hood/player type dudes who tell them whatever to get sex. Women rarely have a man to break it down for her in a real way, and you got even fewer that want to listen.

Women constantly have unrealistic expectations pumped into their head from a variety of avenues that they don't want to believe a real dude until it comes time to pay the piper for their behavior.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
It ties in with guys not putting these women in check. They view you as the nice guy, as someone who she can count on in the future so she will take full advantage of that position she has over you. The attractive women use this to their full advantage...they truly believe that since they are an attractive woman that they have the power just because of that.

You have to be ready to throw the :ufdup: when the time comes.

Oh she's have to respond exactly how most will feel if you were feeling the chick. Congratulations and then move on immediately, you have to let her know right then and there that the chance SHE HAD WITH YOU is now gone. Don't think she will come back in the future? One inevitably will if you are a guy who has built many relationships with women in the past. You HAVE to be ready especially dealing with the good looking ones as THOSE are the ones who usually get pregnant early. Letting them know BEFOREHAND is the key here...let the girl/woman know your position and be ready to ACT if the time comes.

The sad thing is that these women aren't even really looking for men. They are looking for a mixture of a financial provider and a babysitter. They want to offload their financial burden and have someone to watch their kid while they go back to dealing with the wild and rambunctious negroes that impregnated they butt and got in the wind. This is why I don't deal with single mothers like that.

These women have literally been brainwashed to think of themselves as more fly than they actually are until life tears them a new one and they see that they were tricked, especially by those simp negroes who were pandering to their butts trying to get some cut... and once they blew up from the pregnancy weight, they are no where to be seen.


Apr 30, 2012
The sad thing is that these women aren't even really looking for men. They are looking for a mixture of a financial provider and a babysitter. They want to offload their financial burden and have someone to watch their kid while they go back to dealing with the wild and rambunctious negroes that impregnated they butt and got in the wind. This is why I don't deal with single mothers like that.

These women have literally been brainwashed to think of themselves as more fly than they actually are until life tears them a new one and they see that they were tricked, especially by those simp negroes who were pandering to their butts trying to get some cut... and once they blew up from the pregnancy weight, they are no where to be seen.
Many women are not looking for men period. They think they are looking for a man, but many are attracted to immature boys who are the age of an adult. The whole concept of what they think settling down means is completely out of touch with the way things are SUPPOSED to work. We have some serious issues in this country and it goes further than the feminist movement. The "40 is the new 20" line is something I always laughed at. Think of that statement...@ 20 years old many of us were in college messing around, experimenting, learning about life, learning what its like to become responsible. If "40 is the new 20" then have we really progressed with our lives from the age of 21-39? That line doesn't even make sense. I would HATE to view myself as a 20 year old when I am 40.

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
Many women are not looking for men period. They think they are looking for a man, but many are attracted to immature boys who are the age of an adult. The whole concept of what they think settling down means is completely out of touch with the way things are SUPPOSED to work. We have some serious issues in this country and it goes further than the feminist movement. The "40 is the new 20" line is something I always laughed at. Think of that statement...@ 20 years old many of us were in college messing around, experimenting, learning about life, learning what its like to become responsible. If "40 is the new 20" then have we really progressed with our lives from the age of 21-39? That line doesn't even make sense. I would HATE to view myself as a 20 year old when I am 40.

That 2nd and 3rd childhood shyt is far too real. Why else you got balding cats in the club still talking about copping J's and talking about "swag?" I see far too many 30 somethings still in the club every weekend talking about chasing and bagging hoes. Chasing hoes beyond 30 is :what: and just reeks of desperation to get validation from your peers.

People used to say that our baby boomer parents have problems with holding on to youth, but people from gen x and y are literally killing themselves to remain college students much later in life, with hypergamy n all.

Imagine one day, you gonna see grandmothers in the club still looking for men with swag and chasing dikk? This society is turning to shyt with all these immature ass simp men and delusional hoes that refuse to smarten up.

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
These women have literally been brainwashed by western society and the media. You see those kay's jewelry commercials? Imagine women getting that sort of thing pumped into their brain for at least 8 hours a day. Then on top of it, they have 10,000 simp negroes justifying their every behavior... and really, for the most part all they have left to deal with is those hood/player type dudes who tell them whatever to get sex. Women rarely have a man to break it down for her in a real way, and you got even fewer that want to listen.

Women constantly have unrealistic expectations pumped into their head from a variety of avenues that they don't want to believe a real dude until it comes time to pay the piper for their behavior.

You don't know how many times a chick look at me all baffled and shocked that I am direct and not tolerating shyt. The sad things is that most of these hoes have no chance of getting reformed, which makes good men forced to explore the world to find a decent woman.


May 7, 2012
I'm slowly getting back that confidence/swagger brehs :shaq:

I'd like to take this moment to salute the posters in this thread :salute:

hide your girls :myman:


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
from the ho thread floating up top now...

Yes, women can change...anyone can change after they put themselves in a situation that is not ideal...a few examples.

so many of my facebook female friends that I went to college with are going through this. They basically write on each others wall when someone is having a bad day and that they deserve to be happy too...the "perfect guy" will come along eventually...:wow:

Things you will find is them talking about how their son/daughter has them up all night and are tired...those are the single ones and no guys wants to pay any attention to them anymore

The ones who keep bashing they got played and how they are not understanding. Those are the "single" moms who want to find a new guy to take care of her and her kid.

There are some who just continue to try to post uplifting images about hope and how things will be ok one day. Basically building up this incredible hope that a prince will come and "save" or "rescue" them from a bad remember this is a "bad situation", but their child means everything to them...these continuously contradict themselves.

But my absolute favorite, the ones who still have their baby daddy play a large part in HER life and then wonder why it might cause an issue with the "new man" :snoop:

Its OUR fault tho guys...WE enable them to get like this. You can't have it both ways when it comes to this...if you are going to Ho out in college/early part of life you better be ready to deal with the consequences. I cannot stand people who get mad about positions THEY put themselves in. We HAVE to tell some of these girls/women who potentially see us as a "nice guy" or someone she can see herself with in the future...that's fine if its a mutual understanding, but you have to put them in check. Not many guys are willing to put these women in check immediately and they grow up to be like the women on my facebook profile...expecting someone from the past or maybe someone they just meet to "rescue" them. Almost acting SHOCKED when someone finally breaks out the truth and puts her in her place. More posts like this in the dealing with women thread...

I love how women think even after messing up and having a kid they deserve the best.


Let That Hoe Go
May 30, 2012
Brehs how do you deal with an introvert,quiet girl?I know the quieter the better but still :manny:

A woman is a woman and will think like a woman regardless of the behavior that she exhibits to society.

We put too much stock into trying to figure out women, instead of getting them to comply with our program.

One tip I can give you is to observe how she interacts with her friends. It's really hard to see a chick's real persona on a one-on-one with her, especially in the beginning. But the saying is true

"Show me your friends and I can tell you who you are"

Cory MBA

Bigger Picture
May 4, 2012
Brehs how do you deal with an introvert,quiet girl?I know the quieter the better but still :manny:

Kev or any of you guys do you have an answer to this? I have the same question

Depends what you are trying to do. If you are interested in getting to know her, you have to ask questions. Eventually you will find what she is passionate about and gets her to open up. We all have things that spark us.

Once you know what brings her to life, you can try to establish some common ground if its a shared interest...OR if you are not familiar with the subject, she will enjoy sharing what she knows with you.

Some people are not really 'quiet'...they are just guarded with everyone but their family and friends.