Stop intellectualizing and rationalizing and start doing. It's that simple. Something I see a lot of is guys talking about how women aren't doing this and that and how they're acting like this and that. The reality of the matter is because you are allowing them to act like that.
We really got to stop trying to convince and intellectualize with these women and tell them straight up what we want and tell them to walk if they're not down with it. Not down with the new-age, feminist type of woman who ain't holding her man down? Let her know straight up.
I noticed a lot of women talking about they're down to do the traditional things when I let them know what kind of dude I am.
Something you need to know with women and life in general is that there are things intellectualization and rationalization applies to and things that it doesn't. When you start overthinking simple stuff, you really end up messing things up. Overthinking with women is going to get you tore up and it's going to make you weak because you're going to look for the rational in the irrational.
What you have to do is keep it super simple and set STRONG boundaries that you don't back off from and communicate your mission directly and powerfully. Either she's with it or she ain't, and if she's not, she can keep it pushing. Enjoy your interactions with women, but never take them too seriously. The woman you take seriously is the one that is serious about you FIRST. She has to show an eagerness to want to see you win and to show a willingness to comply with your directives as a man.
A lot of dudes nowadays are simply scared of being men and laying some laws down because they'll get shamed by society or some such nonsense.
To all the fellas here if you have a legit good loyal women DONT screw it up for a fat booty pretty face or new wet wet. Good women this day and age are hard to find, there are plenty of "average women" and whores that swear up and down that are "good" women. But actually loyal good women...nope
CotdamA 30+ unmarried women has very high chance of having a questionable past and baggage. I believe the more men a woman has been with the less likely she is to be emotionally committed each subsequent one. When you have handed out little pieces of your heart over years to dozens of different men what is left for the husband you proclaim to truly love? What value do the words “I love you” mean when she has stared into the eyes of 10-100+ different men and said the same thing?
And behold, a woman comes to meet him, Dressed as a harlot and cunning of heart. She is boisterous and rebellious, Her feet do not remain at home -proverbs 7:11
It's finally over today was the final day of work at my job of nearly a decade. It felt weird as the clock ticked down that a place I went to nearly every day for a large portion of my life will now just be a memory. Throughout everything in my life the good and all the trials and tribulations the two constant things in my life were my family and this job. As I Went from floor to floor saying bye to past managers, supervisors, and co-workers some which have become close friends I received hugs, well wishes and even a few cried. As I finally exited the building for the last time and headed to my car I sat in there for a few minutes, started my car and that was it, a chapter closed in my life. Life can change in a instant, everything I have been through up until this point was needed to propel me into my destiny. I started there as a boy and now I leave a man. Life starts now!!!
Right after that headed to my new job to get my photo for my badge. My new life begins monday. And I can't wait!
Yep, when I was young, I thought I could use some powerful game to make a woman loyal, but in reality, it all comes down to her character. No matter what I do, if a woman wants to cheat, that's exactly what she's going to do.
One thing I would tell these youngn's is that if you find a quality woman, get her and get out of the game. A lot of these young dudes got the impressions that they're going to be whoring it up until their late 20s and then just 'settle down'. More than likely, it won't happen that way. You'll probably be whoring it up, but when it comes down to settling, you'll be left with a whole bunch of the 'leftover' women, aka women who have some trait that makes wifing them impossible. These are women that have been around the block and simply don't have it in them to be able to stick with one man. I think one thing these young dudes need to learn is to stop thinking that you have some super powerful game and instead focus on being a quality person and looking for a quality woman, which are getting less and less as the days go by.
Something I've learned is that most women you meet simply don't care for you like that. As soon as the emotional feelies are gone, they couldn't care less if you are living in a garbage can. In reality, it's not even you that she likes in most cases. It's the feeling she gets from being around you and as we all know, that feeling can disappear in an instant. A lot of women will like you simply because you are 'new', and that 'newness' provides an interesting emotional reaction to them, but the 'new smell' wears off quickly, and how this woman came in is the same way she will disappear. She came in based on a 'new emotional reaction'? She will likely disappear as soon as that feeling of newness disappears.
That'ss why, as they use the scientific term 'pair-bonding', is so important. When a woman messes with ton of dudes, her ability to connect deeply on an emotional level with any particular one lessens and lessens. Hence, once her emotional hooks for a man are no longer able to be deep, you can pretty much already predict that she'll be out the door sooner or later, or just keep you around for benefits.
What we have in this day and age is not women that are looking for a 'man to be with.' They are looking for biological drug hits. In other words, they are looking for men to induce that pleasure chemical in their brain, and as soon as they can't get that fix from you, they're gone. When you begin to learn that a lot of women you will meet this way, you won't trip when they simply disappear without reason. EXPECT most of them to disappear like that.
I agree with this whole paragraph but particularly the bolded.
I also look at it from the perspective of what all that "whoring" around will do to someones viewpoint on what it is to be a good partner. If you constantly bounce from woman to woman for an extended period of time, that cant always be good for the development of ones personal ideas of what a monogamous relationship should consist of. Its not always the women that may develop" baggage and bad habits" when it comes to meeting someone of the opposite sex with the intentions of having a flourishing relationship. Just saying.
This is what I was trying to say in the post above. lol I must have missed this. Good shyt Kev.
The sad thing its not even women but men as well.