Don't know the girl you talking about but in general, i'd advise not to say something like that. I know it sounds like the gentleman thing to say and all. But subconsciously, you're putting yourself down in her eyes. you,re devaluing the time she is spending talking to you by telling her whatever she'll be doing while she's having her "me"/chill time is more valuable then your attention. And i'm not saying this will make or break you. all i'm saying is that women will consciously think it's considerate. but subconsciously it lowers your worth to her.
again, don't know the type of vibe you have with her so go with your gut and forget what im saying if it doesn't make sense to you. but from my perspective, you might be doing too much. you already had one long interesting convo with her, then you'll call her again tonight, then you'll send her a text tomorrow wishing her a good day and how much you like talking to her, then you'll call her tuesday to set up a meet...Give her the option of seducing you as well. Give her the space to seduce you. the way you described it, she'll most likely think "this dude is really feeling me hard and it feels like he's scared i might get away". You're giving her all the power and if she's a bytch she'll play you like a simp. even if she's not a bytch she'll feel less attracted to you and think she's higher valuee than you if you're jocking harder than she is. give her space to do her thing with you...again, it depends on your vibe with her, you know what's best for you.
i see what you,re saying. to be frank, if she's feeling you it doesn't really matter. I just like movies in general. And that thing you said about third date is part of the reason i like it early. cause it feels like something couples that have been together for a while do with no pressure. to me that's the point. to establish a vibe where you,re already a couple without saying it. I don't have to say much in a movie. i just share snacks with her, usually buy a jumbo drink and share with her, have my arm around her and just enjoying a movie together. We both feel like we've been together for a year. it establishes a certain familiarity. so sleeping together seems normal. but then if there's nothing to say you don't care cause it's on her as much as it's on you. she'll feel comfy with you but when there's nothing to say and she sees you genuinely don't care, she might wonder if she's boring or uninteresting. so she gives it up to make things interesting again.
different strokes for different folks man. if what you,re doing isn't broke, don't fix it. be who you truly are and keep winning!
you must have missed understood me, tonight will be our first phone conversation, everything so far has been chatting online for the past 4 days. Thats why i said i will keep tonights convo short (ie 30-45 minutes which is short to me) and then hit her up tuesday to set something up for this weekend. I agree with what you are saying about how to get off the phone, so what would you suggest i say when im ready to get off the phone with her tonight. So is the text tomorrow a no go? Should i just make the first convo tonight and then not contact her again until Tuesday
I guess the reason why I play by the call every other day when first meeting someone is because in the past ive had females tell me that me going 2-3 days without contacting/calling them wasnt cool. Its never completely burn me to where we still didnt progress, but i just figured every other day was the way to go, it shows im interested yet im not smothering them with calls and text every day