Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women

Jason B

Dec 4, 2012
Honestly man, it's best to not even consider what a woman thinks of you. It's best not to care whether she considers you aloof or thirsty. The less men worry about what women are thinking and trying to rearrange their behavior to accommodate that, the better. You know where you stand, and if the woman misconstrues you talking to her as some thirstiness, that's on her. Just toss her to the side and keep it pushing.

Definitely agree with you on not caring about what a woman thinks. It is just that I do not want my reputation being compromised due to false statements regarding my person.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
We have 800 pages of information on how to deal with women. That right there should tell you the extent of the 'problem.'

The real problem is that we are spending too much time trying to make housewives and long term relationship material out of women that really don't qualify for that, which is a massive portion of the women in this nation, and in the process we end up chasing our own tails in the process. A decent woman is often REARED as a decent woman. She is taught from an early age to respect a decent man, is taught how to follow his leadership, and is taught how to make a REAL contribution to the household. In this day and age, women were reared on neo-feminist and promiscuous trash (MTV, Sex & the City, etc., so they don't respect any kind of real male leadership and can't cook, clean or any of the feminine duties and won't really shoulder the burden of the masculine duties. Will a woman really pay the majority of the bills, give her husband spending money, etc. without complaint? I highly doubt that. Only way she'll do that is if he is her in house 'babyboy', aka thug slanging it on her... but what kind of self-respecting man really wants to be a woman's 'kept man', aka son number 2?

The vast majority of these women simply do not know how to be housewives and many of us are under the misconception that if we change OUR behavior, that they will magically start turning into sweet, feminine women that can contribute to a household. Nah, the only thing that is happening is that we're sweetening the pot for them. We've discussed 800 pages of different ways to modify our behaviors and to improve ourselves, but ultimately, what are you being rewarded with? A woman that has slept with 50 men in the past, will continue to talk to her male 'homies' with or without your consent, still will go to the club, has kids, and won't cook or clean for you unless you constantly demonstrate a value that is extremely high, and as soon as she doesn't see you that way, she's gone in the wind... likely to a guy she's been chatting with the majority of the time she was with you.

This is why I really couldn't care less about dealing with women at this point in my life. You spend all this money on clothes, cars, jewelry and obtaining knowledge for what? To procure a woman that 40 other guys already did any and everything to and that YOU as a MAN have to show her how to make basic feminine contributions to the team? Nah, screw that.

So we have to sit here and hit these women who bring very little to the table with the perfect blend of conversation (cockiness, humor, and wisdom), bring top notch leadership, constantly keep them emotionally compelled on a drama-filled rollercoaster, etc. only to receive what in return? You have to constantly play these little games like not calling back for 2 or 3 days... you have to look fresh all the time... etc., etc., and for what? The false title of a relationship? She may be 'yours' in title only, but best believe there are probably tons of other guys she is chatting to unbeknownst to your knowledge via facebook, email, twitter that she is constantly fielding and will leave you for when the offer gets sweet enough.

Real talk, save your money. Don't spend your money on extravagant clothes, don't buy any new jewelry. Don't take these broads out to dinner and just stop wasting your time trying to put on any kind of show for them. It's all for naught. Some of the best knowledge you've received in this thread is to avoid being 'played' by women so you won't end up like one of those guys who've had to give up more than half of his assets to a woman as well as continuous streams of payments. Why did I say more than half? The woman will likely get the house and the MAN is the one that has to continue paying the mortgage on it... then we factor in possible alimony, child support, etc.

Let's talk about some of the other NONSENSE. You sit and listen to your woman's problems, but you try to tell her yours and she'll conveniently find a way to excuse herself and will then start to look at you as weak. She'll complain you don't spend enough time with her and will justify that to cheat on you... but then you spend all that time with her and she'll call you clingy and justify that to cheat on you as well. If you want to spend time with her, you'll be perceived as needy. You have to make her laugh... but you're the one that usually pays for dinner and all of that, so why isn't she tasked with making YOU laugh and entertaining YOU?

Things are never straight-forward either. Here's one for you... Everything seems cool with a girl, ya'll have had excellent conversatoins, she tells you she likes you, but all of a sudden she stops responding to your texts. Instead of telling you she's not feeling you on that level, she just expects you to get 'the hint', which is nearly impossible to get because she's been acting like she was digging you for the longest... but what she is really doing is dealing with another guy while giving herself an IN to come back to you when convenient... for example if the other guy falls off or she really sees you shining, guess who mysteriously pops up and just wants to 'see how you've been,' or who mysteriously becomes unbusy. Yeah ok.

You would think if a problem came up, that you can just talk about it and it would be fixed... but that's not the case. You'll be looked at as weak for 'not taking control' or maybe 'too controlling' because you don't want a woman that's not in the club all the time while ya'll are in a relationship. Relationships nowadays have way too much unnecessary and manufactured drama. 95% of the problems men deal with when associating with women should not exist.

Honestly man, it took a while, but I've seen it for the big charade it is. We're pretty much stuck in a society in which women have been stripped of the majority of traits that make them desireable to be in a relationship with via feminism and promiscuity programming... and when it comes down to it, I'd much rather redirect my energies into something else.

My gameplan if you choose to follow it?
Look presentable but LIVE BENEATH YOUR MEANS. When you do what I'm telling you, you're not going to buy some flashy car you can barely make the payments on. Use all of this extra money that you're saving by avoiding putting on some circus show for a broad and PAY OFF YOUR DEBTS. Minimize your expenditures. You will soon have a large stream of income coming in that you can just stack and stack and put yourself in a position to have financial independence. When you have financial independence, you can actually jet on out of here when it all comes crashing down. I'm going to start posting in this thread on different philosophies I've been ruminating over in my mind.

Jason B

Dec 4, 2012
We have 800 pages of information on how to deal with women. That right there should tell you the extent of the 'problem.'

The real problem is that we are spending too much time trying to make housewives and long term relationship material out of women that really don't qualify for that, which is a massive portion of the women in this nation, and in the process we end up chasing our own tails in the process. A decent woman is often REARED as a decent woman. She is taught from an early age to respect a decent man, is taught how to follow his leadership, and is taught how to make a REAL contribution to the household. In this day and age, women were reared on neo-feminist and promiscuous trash (MTV, Sex & the City, etc., so they don't respect any kind of real male leadership and can't cook, clean or any of the feminine duties and won't really shoulder the burden of the masculine duties. Will a woman really pay the majority of the bills, give her husband spending money, etc. without complaint? I highly doubt that. Only way she'll do that is if he is her in house 'babyboy', aka thug slanging it on her... but what kind of self-respecting man really wants to be a woman's 'kept man', aka son number 2?

The vast majority of these women simply do not know how to be housewives and many of us are under the misconception that if we change OUR behavior, that they will magically start turning into sweet, feminine women that can contribute to a household. Nah, the only thing that is happening is that we're sweetening the pot for them. We've discussed 800 pages of different ways to modify our behaviors and to improve ourselves, but ultimately, what are you being rewarded with? A woman that has slept with 50 men in the past, will continue to talk to her male 'homies' with or without your consent, still will go to the club, has kids, and won't cook or clean for you unless you constantly demonstrate a value that is extremely high, and as soon as she doesn't see you that way, she's gone in the wind... likely to a guy she's been chatting with the majority of the time she was with you.

This is why I really couldn't care less about dealing with women at this point in my life. You spend all this money on clothes, cars, jewelry and obtaining knowledge for what? To procure a woman that 40 other guys already did any and everything to and that YOU as a MAN have to show her how to make basic feminine contributions to the team? Nah, screw that.

So we have to sit here and hit these women who bring very little to the table with the perfect blend of conversation (cockiness, humor, and wisdom), bring top notch leadership, constantly keep them emotionally compelled on a drama-filled rollercoaster, etc. only to receive what in return? You have to constantly play these little games like not calling back for 2 or 3 days... you have to look fresh all the time... etc., etc., and for what? The false title of a relationship? She may be 'yours' in title only, but best believe there are probably tons of other guys she is chatting to unbeknownst to your knowledge via facebook, email, twitter that she is constantly fielding and will leave you for when the offer gets sweet enough.

Real talk, save your money. Don't spend your money on extravagant clothes, don't buy any new jewelry. Don't take these broads out to dinner and just stop wasting your time trying to put on any kind of show for them. It's all for naught. Some of the best knowledge you've received in this thread is to avoid being 'played' by women so you won't end up like one of those guys who've had to give up more than half of his assets to a woman as well as continuous streams of payments. Why did I say more than half? The woman will likely get the house and the MAN is the one that has to continue paying the mortgage on it... then we factor in possible alimony, child support, etc.

Let's talk about some of the other NONSENSE. You sit and listen to your woman's problems, but you try to tell her yours and she'll conveniently find a way to excuse herself and will then start to look at you as weak. She'll complain you don't spend enough time with her and will justify that to cheat on you... but then you spend all that time with her and she'll call you clingy and justify that to cheat on you as well. If you want to spend time with her, you'll be perceived as needy. You have to make her laugh... but you're the one that usually pays for dinner and all of that, so why isn't she tasked with making YOU laugh and entertaining YOU?

Things are never straight-forward either. Here's one for you... Everything seems cool with a girl, ya'll have had excellent conversatoins, she tells you she likes you, but all of a sudden she stops responding to your texts. Instead of telling you she's not feeling you on that level, she just expects you to get 'the hint', which is nearly impossible to get because she's been acting like she was digging you for the longest... but what she is really doing is dealing with another guy while giving herself an IN to come back to you when convenient... for example if the other guy falls off or she really sees you shining, guess who mysteriously pops up and just wants to 'see how you've been,' or who mysteriously becomes unbusy. Yeah ok.

You would think if a problem came up, that you can just talk about it and it would be fixed... but that's not the case. You'll be looked at as weak for 'not taking control' or maybe 'too controlling' because you don't want a woman that's not in the club all the time while ya'll are in a relationship. Relationships nowadays have way too much unnecessary and manufactured drama. 95% of the problems men deal with when associating with women should not exist.

Honestly man, it took a while, but I've seen it for the big charade it is. We're pretty much stuck in a society in which women have been stripped of the majority of traits that make them desireable to be in a relationship with via feminism and promiscuity programming... and when it comes down to it, I'd much rather redirect my energies into something else.

My gameplan if you choose to follow it?
Look presentable but LIVE BENEATH YOUR MEANS. When you do what I'm telling you, you're not going to buy some flashy car you can barely make the payments on. Use all of this extra money that you're saving by avoiding putting on some circus show for a broad and PAY OFF YOUR DEBTS. Minimize your expenditures. You will soon have a large stream of income coming in that you can just stack and stack and put yourself in a position to have financial independence. When you have financial independence, you can actually jet on out of here when it all comes crashing down. I'm going to start posting in this thread on different philosophies I've been ruminating over in my mind.

The problems outlined in your post is the result of society lowering the bar of what is acceptable all across the board. I am certain that a significant number of dudes in the thread and the forum in general were born in the '80s. Notice that in 2013, there are numerous things that are now acceptable that were completely unacceptable while many of us were growing up during the '90s although there were some subtle changes toward the latter part of the decade and these changes intensified at the beginning of the 2000s.

A while back, I was a reading one of the those manosphere blogs, and saw an interesting comment. Someone commented that society has basically returned to a pre-civilization state, obviously meaning that many people have thrown rationale to the side and have decided to act in accordance their primal nature. And of course, we are witnessing the disastrous impact this has had on society. And sadly, it seems that it is only going to get worse as times progresses.

And yes, one has to look out for self because if it is left up to others, you will fall by the way side quickly and it will be hard to recover from that fall.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
The problems outlined in your post is the result of society lowering the bar of what is acceptable all across the board. I am certain that a significant number of dudes in the thread and the forum in general were born in the '80s. Notice that in 2013, there are numerous things that are now acceptable that were completely unacceptable while many of us were growing up during the '90s although there were some subtle changes toward the latter part of the decade and these changes intensified at the beginning of the 2000s.

A while back, I was a reading one of the those manosphere blogs, and saw an interesting comment. Someone commented that society has basically returned to a pre-civilization state, obviously meaning that many people have thrown rationale to the side and have decided to act in accordance their primal nature. And of course, we are witnessing the disastrous impact this has had on society. And sadly, it seems that it is only going to get worse as times progresses.

And yes, one has to look out for self because if it is left up to others, you will fall by the way side quickly and it will be hard to recover from that fall.

When you figure out the code words that women used and what are behind them, it will give you a headache. "I'm busy" and then she disappears = 99% of the time she is dealing with another guy. If she was really busy, she would reschedule immediately.

What really trips me out is that women hold way more respect for the guy that treats them like a plaything... like one of his whores than she does for the actual guy taking care of her and providing for her.

Here is a post from another forum on the topic of "Do you trust women", and it's pretty much a behind the curtains looks. When you start knowing the 'code words' women use and figuring out what they really mean, you will see where I'm coming from. Some cats probably thought I was being cold in my response to monsieur about ma who disappeared for two weeks, but believe me, even something like that isn't off limits.
Do you trust women?
Personally, I am not able to take things as a case by case scenario. just yesterday I was riding in the car with a girl I used to fukk with and she was kissing all over me while I was driving. Meanwhile she's on the phone with her bf who is yellig at her and she keeps trying to make excuses as to why she needs to get off the phone. I started fingering her while driving back to her house while she's still on the phone and she's moanin and tells the guy that she just hit her self.she makes up a lie that she's in a cab (bs no one rides cabs in the suburbs). later she texts me that she loves me more than him. I just reply "cool." Not that I know the guy, but what the fukk is wrong with women that they laugh at the pain I a guy that actually gives a shyt about them while hanging around a guy who just sees her as a toy for his enjoyment. learning about game has been like a double-edged sword: on one side I am happy to finally be the one getting laid, on the other, I hate having to see how dirty people can be. I'm only 19 and had relatively low experience with girls before I went to college so seeing this was like the other side of the curtain.
It brought me back to the times where girls would say "I'm busy" or "I have to call my mom", or whatever bullshyt excuse. Looking back I imagine all those girls over some guys house or getting fukked by another dude.

TLDR: no I don't trust women.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
People won't believe us until some egghead who 'conducts a study' tells them, but check this exerpt from nypost

Author Daniel Berger reveals surprising findings on women’s sexuality in ‘What Do Women Want?’ -
It’s everything you wanted to know about sex but didn’t know to ask.

In the new book “What Do Women Want? Adventures in the Science of Female Desire” (Ecco), author Daniel Bergner upends long-standing myths about women and sex — everything from the nature of attraction and pursuit to the prevalence of taboo fantasies to monogamy itself.

“Women are supposed to be the standard’s more natural allies, caretakers, defenders,” Bergner writes, “their sexual beings more suited, biologically, to faithfulness.”

The long-standing thinking holds that men are more promiscuous by nature because they’re biologically programmed to spread their seed, while the risks of pregnancy and child-rearing cause women to be more selective.

Photos: Getty Images
“We hold tight to the fairy tale,” he writes. “We hold on with the help of evolutionary psychology, a discipline whose central sexual theory comparing women and men — a theory that is thinly supported — permeates our consciousness and calms our fears.”

It’s telling that, in our post-“50 Shades of Grey” era, some of these findings surprised even the field’s leading researchers. Here are some of the most unexpected ones:


The results of 10 separate studies so rattled sexologist Marta Meana that she was initially hesitant to talk about them: Between 30 and 60 percent of women reported frequently having what’s been termed “rape fantasies,” and many of the women who described their own daydreams were also disturbed. “If I truly believed in women’s equality with men,” said one, “then I’d have to have sex and imagine sex that reflected that — no domination, no rape fantasies. One result was that I married a nice liberal man who shared my convictions on how sex should be. Seven years later we divorced.”

Most experts believe that the number of women who have so-called rape fantasies is actually much higher, but the notion and nomenclature is so taboo few are willing to admit to it. One theory holds that the fantasies actually dial into female narcissism, the notion that one is so unbelievably desirable that a man — whether a professor or family friend or stranger — is so overcome with longing that he loses control. After Meana’s findings were reported in a magazine, she was deluged with e-mails from women, some accusing her of promoting and excusing rape, others expressing gratitude for finally breaking the discussion open. She was booked on “Oprah” and was relieved to see a wholesome, middle-aged woman talking about her own version of the fantasy.

“There were lots of messages from high-powered women thanking me for allowing a discussion of elements of sexuality that don’t fall neatly into an ideological box,” Meana says in the book. “One woman, in the art world in New York, told me, ‘I could not say what you said without feeling shamed, as though my eroticism made me a willing participant in a patriarchal system.’ ”


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Sad thing is what kevm is saying is true. Think of all the women you dated, hung around slept with, or just talked to. How many were good hearted how many could you actually see yourself married to for the rest of your life. It's sad but most women today offer nothing except for sex. Sex that they have given away to tons and tons of men, so why should you pay a premium price for used goods.

And I agree with brother kev, I don't even play this game anymore. Chasing a broad so i can be one of the 50 guys in her phone, strategically planning just so maybe I c an get a dinner date that I have to fork out like 50 bucks for?

I live my life for me, if I feel like being a homebody I will be, if I feel like going to the mall dressed in a wrinkle t shirt and old track pants shrugs. If I feel like dressing up I will for me.

Look at the at the stories posted by us it's alarming. All you can do as a man these days if you enter relationships is be prepared to walk away and never look back when necessary.

I'm 28 in a few weeks, have a good job, a car, have money, educated, good looking :obama:, I don't club, drink, he'll I rarely swear. I know I'd make a good husband, father. But for what? There is no reward anymore.

Sent from royalty using Tapatalk 4 beta


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Honestly bruh, I just sit around and say, "Man this is real stupid." As much as you don't want to face the truth, the truth eventually rears its ugly head and you can't ignore it. You get much further in this day and age treating a woman like a ho than you do as someone who you consider anywhere near your equal and with a great deal of respect. If she gets the impression you hardly have any emotions for her, you rarely call her, she gets the impression a lot of other women are after you, etc... they go crazy for you... but you're one of those guys who always make time for your woman, who doesn't mind spending money on her and making sure she is taken care of, don't even look at other women to be respectful, she looks at you as some kind of lame to be taken advantage of. With most of these women, no matter which option you choose, you lose. You either try to live that smooth, drama-free life and have women think you are boring and end up cheating on you, or you turn yourself into a scumbag and act out of character to give her that little emotional roller coaster that she craves... and you end up having to deal with all of the emotional nonsense that comes with that while sacrificing your dignity in the process. Huge waste of time.

It's sad, but women react more to dudes that cheat on them and put them through an emotional ringer than the dude who keeps it drama free and is actually focused on BUILDING something for the future. Me personally, I don't have time to play these retarded games to keep a 'woman interested' lest I look over my back and she sleep with some other guy.

Look at the Tim Duncan situation... brought his woman a millionaire lifestyle to where she doesn't have to work another day in her life. He's not a criminal, nobody has a bad word to say about the guy... but she throws it all away for a personal trainer. Doesn't show a modicum of gratitude for the lifestyle she was able to experience due to Tim. Obviously you are going to have a ho sympathizer come out the cuts talking about, "You don't know what they were going through with their relationship! Maybe he wasn't paying enough attention to her!" Man if not being paid enough attention or whatever minor excuse is used to justify a broad's cheating was allowed for a man, a man would be cheating all and every day and never be at fault. On the other hand, you look at the baltimore prison, where ONE prisoner slept with 11 women, getting 4 of them pregnant... and they were actually helping out his little operation. You see how stupid that is?

NEVER make a woman's living for her. As soon as you upgrade her too much, she won't show gratitude... she will take off with your wealth, leave you in the dust and rush off to another guy. If not for Jesus, I would be a completely different guy and taking advantage of the situation at hand because it's really not difficult to use what I know to make attempts at personal gain off of a woman, but instead, I'd much rather retain my morals and character and instead focus my energies on more positive pursuits.

Kenny West

May 29, 2012

no :cape: but I really don't think chicks for the most part can't keep control of their emotions. Especially around their cycle. they go thru emotional highs and lows all the time and use the ever easily attainable, male attention to at least maintain a high state

when a chick is caught up in her emotions there is no measure to what they'll do. some when extremely horny will walk thru a blizzard for some dikk :steviej: or when emotional they'll hit a low over something trivial and be super depressed. and of course the temper tantrums.

i had one chick who was just starting birth control shots (can be extremely emotional at points) go off on me randomly...texted me 17 straight texts of bullshyt :huhldup:

next morning she like: :whoa: apologizing and shyt. the way she described her night it sounded like bruce banner turning into the hulk n shyt :mindblown:

women are pretty much slaves to their's kinda sad really. but when we live in a society that doesn't fault them for anything so they can just hulk up and follow a tingle that ends up destroying her marriage and she can be like :yeshrug: and still win off that alimony


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
That's pretty much the gist of it. Society never faults women for their wrong or never tells them how to get better. Instead, they always have some superstar save-ems making their appearance on the scene of the crime to redirect some faulty behavior a woman is engaged in and constantly giving her an out. How in the world can these women ever get better if somebody is always bailing them out?
Sep 6, 2012
Chatterbox FM
When you figure out the code words that women used and what are behind them, it will give you a headache. "I'm busy" and then she disappears = 99% of the time she is dealing with another guy. If she was really busy, she would reschedule immediately.

What really trips me out is that women hold way more respect for the guy that treats them like a plaything... like one of his whores than she does for the actual guy taking care of her and providing for her.

Here is a post from another forum on the topic of "Do you trust women", and it's pretty much a behind the curtains looks. When you start knowing the 'code words' women use and figuring out what they really mean, you will see where I'm coming from. Some cats probably thought I was being cold in my response to monsieur about ma who disappeared for two weeks, but believe me, even something like that isn't off limits.

Powerful shyt. I've been on the opposite end of some shady relationship practices. I've been in the position that that poster was in. It's those type of stories, and those type of experiences that really drive home the doubt I have about serious, monogamous relationships, and long term marriages.

Riding in a car with a girl who just bought me food, and she's on the phone with a BF and is hitting me with the "shh! shh! don't say anything" one finger over the lips move, while telling her dude that she's out with a homegirl.

Laying in bed next to a girl that is on the phone with a BF of over 3 years, then when she gets off the phone she's hitting me with this "do you ever think if I was single, we'd be dating?" nonsense.

It's wack. It's kinda scary too, brehs. That stuff makes me realize just how easy it is for girls to mask shyt. If you're not with a girl 24/7, you can never really have full, true confirmation. And nigguhs don't want to be around these women 24/7.

I don't trust women either. I don't trust people in general. I used to have this premature thought that the longer a relationship was, the more commitment and loyalty would be involved, I was wrong on that.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Powerful shyt. I've been on the opposite end of some shady relationship practices. I've been in the position that that poster was in. It's those type of stories, and those type of experiences that really drive home the doubt I have about serious, monogamous relationships, and long term marriages.

Riding in a car with a girl who just bought me food, and she's on the phone with a BF and is hitting me with the "shh! shh! don't say anything" one finger over the lips move, while telling her dude that she's out with a homegirl.

Laying in bed next to a girl that is on the phone with a BF of over 3 years, then when she gets off the phone she's hitting me with this "do you ever think if I was single, we'd be dating?" nonsense.

It's wack. It's kinda scary too, brehs. That stuff makes me realize just how easy it is for girls to mask shyt. If you're not with a girl 24/7, you can never really have full, true confirmation. And nigguhs don't want to be around these women 24/7.

I don't trust women either. I don't trust people in general. I used to have this premature thought that the longer a relationship was, the more commitment and loyalty would be involved, I was wrong on that.

I would actually say the longer a relationship the more likely she is to stray. In the beginning stages everything is going great, even after a few months or even a year her feelings are still growing when they reach the mountaintop and there is nothing new nothing more to love that's when she will stray.

I remember my boy telling me once how he was getting head and this broads phone rings and she answers it and talks to her bf how she's out with friends and will call him later and that she loves him. Then hangs up phone and goes back sucking him off.

And when he told me I was laughing like damn that dude lost but as years went on I'm like damn I could be that guy, I've been cheated on before but at least I found out.

Many dudes out there kissing lips that were sucking dikks a hour ago. Etc.

It's a scary scary world

Sent from royalty using Tapatalk 4 beta


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4


All Star
May 1, 2012
Real talk, put women on the backburner and focus on handling your responsibilities. Your biggest one is to get out of debt.

I don't have much debt but I don't have job presay so what do i do about finding a wife?

should I stop looking & get body count of women or what?