With girls, you are either number 1, or nobody
Posted on January 10, 2013
Something a lot of males fail to realize (or women fail to know they do) and is a natural result of their biological hypergamy is their doting on their
#1 guy, to the utter ignoring of all under.
At best, you might be a ‘good friend’ who is somewhere in the position of 2-4, but even girls you have known a very long time truthfully give a shyt about you. Girls have a very fascinating behavior you can easily see for yourself if you are in the friendzone and not her
#1 , and you can take it two ways.
The first way is to just stop calling, or texting her. Watch and be amazed when weeks or months pass and she seems oblivious that you are no longer in her life. But you were ‘such good friends’? Nope, you werent
#1 so it doenst matter.
The second thing you can do, is try to advance your position in the queue. This is perhaps the funnier path because when you make a move or turn up your attention you are rapidly hit with a ‘oh, i thought we were JUST FRIENDS’ or some LBJF escape.
Most guys live their life in this nebulous not-caring zone of girls, so when the rare chance they suddenly find themselves in
#1 (whether old
#1 died, or moved on etc) the endless calling, texting is suddenly mind blowing, it is a truly night and day phenomenon