Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


May 2, 2012

"Women will rule over anyone who lets them, in their own personal little kingdom built on and founded on their own little versions of female solipsism. The bottom line (and TLDR) is women live in a world populated by two kinds of beings: Men, and bytches - they can use both of them. Men take responsibility for reality, women take responsibility only for their internal realities and how everything in the external world fits into them. A relationship with the wrong kind of girl will be her constantly trying to 'fit you' into that internal life and you needing to not let her or she will get bored and be of no use to you - because SHE will be using YOU. Men(actual people, it's not that hard to be one) are rare, bytches are used for validating their own ideas of themselves. They are scummier than men by far, just like they are in the bathroom.

They literally will try to rule you or assemble a court of anyone who will let them think they have the upper hand. That guy, probably just being nice to a girl he's dating because he knows she's dumb, but she takes it as a sign that he is beta and she is in charge and 'being good to him' by letting him, a 'nice guy' who she could 'hurt', have sex with her, and she thinks he is 'being good to her' in exchange.

Women are gross, dude, their thinking is extremely juvenile, and I mean seriously? You can head over to XXC, Two X Chromosomes, the female community here on reddit - and see for yourself. Their thinking and 'understandings'(if you could even call it that) are in line with being babied their whole lives and made to think they are or should be their own little Queens/Princesses in their own little worlds.

OF COURSE they "want" and are attracted ONLY to guys who DON'T fall for their bullshyt, who they CAN'T rule over - why would a woman want to fukk a guy she can have power over when she knows deep own that she is weak and is only using her courtesans to clothe herself and cover her own insecurities? No, she wants a man who is above all of that, above the levels of her court, who knows more than her, who she can't collect as part of her validation fanclub who will let her rule.

Remember this. They WILL try to get one over on your if you let them, because they don't have the same level of or KIND of intelligence that you do and that's how they operate in the world, by getting people to do things for them/give them things/betabucks - material sponsorship without having to return anything because they're hardwired to think they DESERVE everything from everyone and are entitled to expect it all - but they want to see if you DO have that kind of intelligence, or whether you are the same as them on their level and basically amount to one of their 'girlfriends'(who aren't their real friends anyway, just mutually using each other socially) they won't understand that you are letting them feel that way, and they will try to collect you as one of the objects they use to dress themselves up in to make them feel like more than they are (nothing but a bunch of accessories and make up and things they were told they should 'want to be' by the society they were born into).

The modern western woman is fukkED. UP. and easily fooled, very stupid, very simple-minded, very juvenile, and very easy to understand once you remove the respect-filter that you try to use when your thinking is applied to other men who you are trying to understand, because men hold other men and themselves to that standard - women on the other hand, don't have any understanding of honor or respect(when not faked).

women do not know how to participate in life with men co-operatively as two equal human beings and partners, they DO NOT KNOW HOW, and treating them 'nicely' like you'd treat a bro who you like who you're friends with and expect to be equals with and have fun in life together ALWAYS falls short when you are with girls, being nice to them is wrong, they don't understand anything but man/woman, better/lesser, higher/lower, doer/receiver, active/passive, doer/consenter. They are unable to understand cooperating, any time you put any responsibility on them they will take it as power rather than something they need to do, if you leave any of the interpersonal impetus on them, they will take it and run with it as deeply as you let them into their world of bullshyt that they need YOU to take them out of and rescue them from, whether they know it or not. None of the responsibility for interaction can be left on the shoulders of the woman. None. Any given to her will be used as power over you and to sour the interaction.

She thinks she is queen/king of her little world because she has a few friends who let her act that way and 1 or 2 men / parents who bow and scrape before her and do what she wants. So don't do what she wants. "Be your own person". God women are so stupid. I can't stand that I know this stuff, because it has completely turned me off to girls and relationships. Yes, it works, no, it's not a good thing.

You have to be gaming them. They don't get it, they think they're sitting there in their own little world where no one understands the 'big secrets' of how their minds work, when really, we do, and we are disgusted by it - but we just aren't saying anything because we don't want to hurt their feelings. Yes women, we do get it, all the same things you think only you understand, we do understand, but we as men are expected to be above that, so we are that way - you aren't. You gossip with and hate your friends - that makes you a bad person, not the friend you're talking shyt about - but seeing as you are a woman you don't know how to take responsibility for things like that. You expect your man to do things for you but do nothing for him, you offer nothing to anyone while thinking you are entitled to everything by virtue of having a vagina.

Men have to go through the same things that you women do except we don't get to pull the same bullshyt cards that you do to get you out of it/through it because you have a vagina, thus making us stronger beings. Act like it men, or be the betabuck she uses. Men can see the value inherent in their fellow human beings, women have this as a much more rare trait, and more commonly only see the value TO THEM in other people, as they are not honest with themselves or of any value to anyone else because they are constantly trying to get things from other people for themselves, be it validation, facebook likes, or money."


May 12, 2012
ive had this happen to me, chick dropped how she slept with a guy on the first night because she "felt something she never felt before":minion:

another chick blowing me in the parking lot of dave and busters first time i met her from pof telling me "she never does this" :gladqueen:

another chick made me wait a month because some "other guy left her after she gave it up early"

like you said your just there like :mugabe:

that's always the red flag for me, especially when i didn't even do anything out of the ordinary to earn it

bytch be like "im giving it to you because you're special :noah:"

im sitting there thinking ":wtf: i've just been listening to you spill your guts to me for 3 weeks, i literally put in ZERO work"

pay attention to shyt like that and you'll be amazed the sheer amount of women that are unwife-able due to hoeish tendencies :scusthov:


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
that's always the red flag for me, especially when i didn't even do anything out of the ordinary to earn it

bytch be like "im giving it to you because you're special :noah:"

im sitting there thinking ":wtf: i've just been listening to you spill your guts to me for 3 weeks, i literally put in ZERO work"

pay attention to shyt like that and you'll be amazed the sheer amount of women that are unwife-able due to hoeish tendencies :scusthov:

it amazes me girls who suck and get their insides smashed on the first date or in a week or something then get upset and call guys a$$holes when they dont call them back or want to commit.
Aug 6, 2012
thisis what happens

Men don’t look at me the way they used to. In general, they don’t look at me at all. This is what happens when a woman turns 40 (50, 60 etc.). It’s a fact of life.

In theory, this is supposed to be an exhilarating passage in the life of a woman. At last we’re liberated from the tyranny of the male gaze! We don’t have to care what men think of us any more. We’re free to be our true, authentic self. We can wear a red hat
true but im talking about this generation of girls specifically you got to stop and think how much time and energy day in and day out is going into creating a certain persona for twitter/instagram... when that gets taken away... thats going to create a huge culture shift of depressed :flabbynsick: women out of nowhere all at once. just visualize it. something like that has never happened before on that kind of a scale


Dec 11, 2012
thisis what happens

Men don’t look at me the way they used to. In general, they don’t look at me at all. This is what happens when a woman turns 40 (50, 60 etc.). It’s a fact of life.

In theory, this is supposed to be an exhilarating passage in the life of a woman. At last we’re liberated from the tyranny of the male gaze! We don’t have to care what men think of us any more. We’re free to be our true, authentic self. We can wear a red hat

older p*ssy always seemed easier to get


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
true but im talking about this generation of girls specifically you got to stop and think how much time and energy day in and day out is going into creating a certain persona for twitter/instagram... when that gets taken away... thats going to create a huge culture shift of depressed :flabbynsick: women out of nowhere all at once. just visualize it. something like that has never happened before on that kind of a scale

breh id say the majority of these chicks are depressed and losers in real life.

I know one of those instagram attention whores, posts a diff picture eery day thirsty dudes liking and all that, youd think her life is amazing, in real life she has no job, is broke all the time, has no real friends and nikkas only pump and dump

these women are nothing special, every year a new flock turns 18


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Carné Asada;4332083 said:
Lol @ POF. I'm 0-12 on that mofo. And I'm a fly dude. shyts amazing.

Lol its azz I got one note so far
I'm in Omaha Nebraska on my weekly troll

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All Star
Oct 15, 2012
New York

Women who I wouldn’t fukk with your dikk are now getting hit on a dozen times a day on the internet. Social networking sites allow her to build a constellation of orbiters who constantly feed her with attention and make her feel more desirable. Technology, particularly the smartphone, allows them to field male attention all day long. While the proliferation of game hasn’t helped things, since she’s now approached in person a lot more, the rapid adoption of internet and mobile devices has instantly made every average girl a near celebrity in the amount of attention she receives compared to her counterpart 30 years ago. Sadly, there’s no reversing this thread. The world is copying the American model and within our lifetimes even areas in South America and Eastern Europe will be corrupted. It’s happening as we speak. So attention spans are getting shorter and girls have exponentially more options than before. What can you do?

Just like I was saying

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it's sad bruh, i want to dovetail the idea about the world copying the american model...

I have been to latin america quite a few times and love there is so much better. When a girl likes a guy she doesn't play games like the girls here in the states, girls are in love with their man and aren't afraid to show it. Walking down the streets I see so much couples just making out in public and showing affection, it kind of warms my hear to see so much love. As in the states the shyt is all a fukking game and it's fukking sad as hell.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012

This notion really bothers me, but ive learned to adapt to it. Its like i have to work my ass off solo, buy a house, and be whippin' foreign whips already just to get these chicks choosin'? By the time i get all that i doupt ill even would want a relationship.

If she doesnt want to deal with you when your on the comeup, then whats gonna happen when another dude also on the comeup catches her eye..worse yet what if you happen to go through some rough times? Im not about saving up all this bwed just so i can spend it on a bish..then let her take my shyt like tim duncan

I feel you bruh, I know what you mean. You might think, "How are you going to want me at my best, but you wouldn't pay me attention when I was grinding for it. You really want me to take you seriously? "

My mentality behind going out there and getting it isn't to 'qualify' to deal with women. It's more along the lines of the level of freedom you will feel once you DO have it going on. It's not about getting it to impress women. It's about getting it to have financial freedom and just freedom to move around and enjoy life in a much grander fashion. Tons more women will be attracted to you as a side benefit. Cats that spend all their time chasing women instead of procuring their future have it bad later on in life because they will have nothing to show for anything. When you DO get it, YOU will be the one qualifying women. You will be the one able to say, "Nah, you don't got your mind right, so I'm not dealing with you." When you do have it, it will ultimately be up to you to screen women and not accept any that put you in a bad position ala Tim Duncan...


Dec 2, 2012
it's sad bruh, i want to dovetail the idea about the world copying the american model...

I have been to latin america quite a few times and love there is so much better. When a girl likes a guy she doesn't play games like the girls here in the states, girls are in love with their man and aren't afraid to show it. Walking down the streets I see so much couples just making out in public and showing affection, it kind of warms my hear to see so much love. As in the states the shyt is all a fukking game and it's fukking sad as hell.

what place in latin america was that? public signs of affection were pretty much a no no where i've been to. and while the latin woman i met were all raised to take care of their man, they also liked to fukk with your head. they were masters at playing games. but then, so were the men, so it kinda equaled out.