Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


All Star
Jun 17, 2012
The outer limits
There is this 46 year old who wants to go out...

she cool but she is one of those divorced chicks who is lonely....

We hung before and she was constantly hitting me up more than I would have liked..

After a few months we were in contact again.

I dont have the energy to deal with the "attachments"{texting all day}that will come if we were to hang out again..

She is a nice person,but im afraid if I were to hit it,I would be more aggravated after the fact...

Either let her know up front that your just trying to smash or don't do it..simple as that.

She's probably just wanting to smash too, but her :flabbynsick: status makes it tough for her to learn the new rules of engagement.

School the old schooler breh...then dine :eat:


Dec 11, 2012
Either let her know up front that your just trying to smash or don't do it..simple as that.

She's probably just wanting to smash too, but her :flabbynsick: status makes it tough for her to learn the new rules of engagement.

School the old schooler breh...then dine :eat:

Nah I told her......I wasnt looking for nuthin serious...

But women and their emotions are something else...

But Im just gonna play it out....

I think im jus not feeling the whole "game" anymore...

I just want someone I can begin to grow with....:beli:
Aug 6, 2012

Women who I wouldn’t fukk with your dikk are now getting hit on a dozen times a day on the internet. Social networking sites allow her to build a constellation of orbiters who constantly feed her with attention and make her feel more desirable. Technology, particularly the smartphone, allows them to field male attention all day long. While the proliferation of game hasn’t helped things, since she’s now approached in person a lot more, the rapid adoption of internet and mobile devices has instantly made every average girl a near celebrity in the amount of attention she receives compared to her counterpart 30 years ago. Sadly, there’s no reversing this thread. The world is copying the American model and within our lifetimes even areas in South America and Eastern Europe will be corrupted. It’s happening as we speak. So attention spans are getting shorter and girls have exponentially more options than before. What can you do?

Just like I was saying

Sent from Royalty using Tapatalk
what happens to these girls when they are 30-40 and the constant supply of ego boosts they get daily stops completely though

thats like going off crack after decades of abuse. this is the saddest generation of women ever in so many ways...


Louder than words
May 9, 2012
Vice City
One girl I saw her a few days ago and asked her if she's still on for this week, which would be our 3rd date,she said yea perfect. then I hit her up today by text so we can talk about details and she just deaded my shyt. I felt her getting disconnected lately anyway but still at least have the decency to text me back soem shyt.. well she's to the bushes as you nikkas say. some girls just don't know how to say no.

old girl I used to date a few months ago I hit her up also for shyts cause i see her in school and she be trying dumb shyt to get my attention, she's younger than the first girl and basically she was being honest to me which I appreciate it, it's funnier she's younger but more mature than the first girl. she said she doesn't have time cause she doesn't want to (she was kinda leading me on in the text to boost her ego a little though), i respect that she told me though.

this dating shyt , i don't know. i want a girl to kick it with and shyt. i'm a grad student focusing on school and work and i know how to balance shyt out but after a few dates i don't know. i have to get my own place, after i graduate in a year i think shyt will get better dating wise.

these chicks are wack. dont ever get stuck in a waiting for her phase, or always flirting with her via text. those are the cheapest, most non committal ways a female will use you for a fast ego boost, or to keep you on the roster. it also keeps you within arms reach for a quick "favor"

these girls today love to do this, dont believe for a second that they wont. they know about using their p*ssy for attention, favors, and to give it up for the guy shes chasing after. those are all different levels of interest she will have in a guy. if she starts demoting you from text buddy to doing favors for me dude, get out and abort. if she isnt talking about seeing you, and actually seeing you, then recognize her game. in the meantime all she wants is to rotate and balance it all through her discrete phone system

if I get distance from a chick, I give her all that space and then some. I wont take her serious anymore since we're not talking or meeting up. she will lose my attention, just like that.

if I ever do hear from her again, or I feel like cutting through the bullshyt, and hit her up best believe I will get right to the point and tell her when are we going to kick it. if she doesnt cooperate or like the idea, then you know what shes about. Im not about to gas her up, be playing games on the phone or doing catch up with her while she is playing the same game with other men. you dont want that breh, trust.


I think very deeply
May 4, 2012
Arrived back home a couple of days ago and enjoyed myself in the Dominican Republic. I'm gonna go back out there again next year. I'll post a few pics later on.

Whenever you feel hesitancy go in the other direction.

Text a chick she doesn't reply, natural instinct is to text again. But what you should do is pick up the sign and go in the other direction

Ask a chick out on a date she flakes because something comes up. Natural instinct is to ok how about Insert date

What you should do is just go the other direction and next her.

Women are rarely direct with their intentions.

Sometimes you have to communicate in such a way that even if she flakes you technically do not take an L.

Ala I usually eat dinner in the main restaurant at 8, come by and we can continue our conversation

Your implying you've been eating dinner there since you been on your trip, if she shows cool if not no biggie it's not like you went out of way.

Same with the bar at ten

sent from royalty via tapatalk

I hear you, but that's how it was anyways. I usually met at that spot like all the other folk so it was just a case of 'you can meet here at that time' whatever. Looking back, she did seem kinda off when I asked what kind of work she does and she stuttered on some :unsure: like she works for the CIA or some shyt, so it was probably a blessing. I just chalked it up to her being one out of many flaky chicks out there we talk about. I met up with so many other people afterwards that shyt was just a flash in the pan anyway. Funnily enough, when I seen her afterwards she'd always say hi with an embarrassed look on her face and once she even asked where I was sitting but I just gave her the :beli: "I'm sitting around over there" deliberately not being specific and just KIM. I don't take flakers seriously or give 'em a second chance.

was she fucckable? i get the impression she wanted u to invite her to your room. a woman vacationing by her self usually means a woman who wants to have wild anonymous sex. someone else was more aggressive than u and got to her before u did. she acted strange cause she got her fill (of another man) from the night before.

Mixed chick from Germany, quite slim and not the kind of chick I'd usually go for but :manny: As for whatever else she may have did, none of my business really. I don't own her.

DaRealness, have you gone off the resort and hung out with any of the local women yet?

At that particular resort in Punta Cana, there's not that much going on in the wider surrounding area and town is so far that unless you're willing to walk around for ages or pay for a taxi, it's just not worth it. Most of the women I made friends with where those who were on vacation too and those who worked at the hotel especially a couple of the girls who worked at the bar and the maid who cleaned my room everyday. There were a lot of American folks including Latino people who live in the states that I broke bread with. Cos I'm black and obviously not from the island, everybody assumed I was American until they heard me speak and got fascinated lol. They thought I was from the midwest somewhere. I did meet a few chicks at this popular club called Imajin but forgot to bring the damn camera cos I overslept in the evening and was rushing. :snoop: It was live though. I exchanged details with some chicks as well as some other folk I met, but that was it. I was on all day trips/excursions nearly every day anyway.

lol that was kinda harsh.

to the dude though. when ur far away from home like that, its ok to be bolder. its ok to take lots of chances cause the embarrassment (if there is one) will be shortlived...since ur not from around there.

Nah, that comment from dude who couldn't even quote me wasn't harsh, it was just stupid and didn't make any fukking sense. A chick approaches who spotted you at the beach and initiates conversation and mentions that she wanted to speak to you when she first saw you the first time but felt apprehensive. You talk for a lil while and then casually suggest meeting up at the spot where both of you are gonna be anyway, but somehow that's coming off as "desperate and lonely"? FOH. :childplease: Last I checked, that's how people usually connect and make friends. I suppose the many guests that I met who asked me to meet up with their peoples and chill or play sports with were desperate too? I didn't ask for no hand in marriage and you can't "wine and dine" somebody in an all inclusive buffet restaurant that everybody meets up in that's not even out of your way. You can't do shyt about another person's flakiness. People will say shyt just to say it sometimes. :smh:

As for boldness, it wasn't even like that. The women out there in the DR are mad easy to flirt with and don't take themselves seriously unlike many of the chicks where I live so that's not even an issue.


Apr 30, 2012
Atlanta, Georgia
Every now and than I relapse back into my old ways. But I love this thread for keeping me mostly on track when dealing with these women.

I just keep thanking God I didn't marry or get my ex pregnant. She would literally drive me crazy if I had to be attached to that for a lifetime.


opposite of mediocre
Jun 8, 2012
well brehs im off for the week from work so im going to do my won study on online dating

signing up on the wasteland knowing at pof in another city for a week.

will let you know how it goes

We know how it'll end breh. Don't dedicate anymore precious time to these nothing ass broads.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
what happens to these girls when they are 30-40 and the constant supply of ego boosts they get daily stops completely though

thats like going off crack after decades of abuse. this is the saddest generation of women ever in so many ways...

thisis what happens

Men don’t look at me the way they used to. In general, they don’t look at me at all. This is what happens when a woman turns 40 (50, 60 etc.). It’s a fact of life.

In theory, this is supposed to be an exhilarating passage in the life of a woman. At last we’re liberated from the tyranny of the male gaze! We don’t have to care what men think of us any more. We’re free to be our true, authentic self. We can wear a red hat


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
We know how it'll end breh. Don't dedicate anymore precious time to these nothing ass broads.

oh im not lol

this is my info on my profile

Women are just on here for the attention that they don't get in real life, and to inflate their ego. Whether it's the obese beluga whale or the single mom this is your last destination how enthralling.

And considering this is baggage central, I'm just wading through the decayed carcasses, click click click.



Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Arrived back home a couple of days ago and enjoyed myself in the Dominican Republic. I'm gonna go back out there again next year. I'll post a few pics later on.

I hear you, but that's how it was anyways. I usually met at that spot like all the other folk so it was just a case of 'you can meet here at that time' whatever. Looking back, she did seem kinda off when I asked what kind of work she does and she stuttered on some :unsure: like she works for the CIA or some shyt, so it was probably a blessing. I just chalked it up to her being one out of many flaky chicks out there we talk about. I met up with so many other people afterwards that shyt was just a flash in the pan anyway. Funnily enough, when I seen her afterwards she'd always say hi with an embarrassed look on her face and once she even asked where I was sitting but I just gave her the :beli: "I'm sitting around over there" deliberately not being specific and just KIM. I don't take flakers seriously or give 'em a second chance.

Mixed chick from Germany, quite slim and not the kind of chick I'd usually go for but :manny: As for whatever else she may have did, none of my business really. I don't own her.

At that particular resort in Punta Cana, there's not that much going on in the wider surrounding area and town is so far that unless you're willing to walk around for ages or pay for a taxi, it's just not worth it. Most of the women I made friends with where those who were on vacation too and those who worked at the hotel especially a couple of the girls who worked at the bar and the maid who cleaned my room everyday. There were a lot of American folks including Latino people who live in the states that I broke bread with. Cos I'm black and obviously not from the island, everybody assumed I was American until they heard me speak and got fascinated lol. They thought I was from the midwest somewhere. I did meet a few chicks at this popular club called Imajin but forgot to bring the damn camera cos I overslept in the evening and was rushing. :snoop: It was live though. I exchanged details with some chicks as well as some other folk I met, but that was it. I was on all day trips/excursions nearly every day anyway.

Nah, that comment from dude who couldn't even quote me wasn't harsh, it was just stupid and didn't make any fukking sense. A chick approaches who spotted you at the beach and initiates conversation and mentions that she wanted to speak to you when she first saw you the first time but felt apprehensive. You talk for a lil while and then casually suggest meeting up at the spot where both of you are gonna be anyway, but somehow that's coming off as "desperate and lonely"? FOH. :childplease: Last I checked, that's how people usually connect and make friends. I suppose the many guests that I met who asked me to meet up with their peoples and chill or play sports with were desperate too? I didn't ask for no hand in marriage and you can't "wine and dine" somebody in an all inclusive buffet restaurant that everybody meets up in that's not even out of your way. You can't do shyt about another person's flakiness. People will say shyt just to say it sometimes. :smh:

As for boldness, it wasn't even like that. The women out there in the DR are mad easy to flirt with and don't take themselves seriously unlike many of the chicks where I live so that's not even an issue.

i remember when i was at dr, a waitress came and rubbed my belly when i said it was hurting lol


May 12, 2012
when these girls open up and start telling you stories of past relationship experiences pay very close attention. 9 times out of 10 they will try to slide in something that contradicts with what they actually did so they dont come off as a hoe

example1. "Im usually not the type to smash that early, but i did" .... :lupe:

bytches will try to tell you they aren't out here smashin like that then proceed to tell u about some "no good" nikka they smashed within the first week of meeting him.

most of the time if you are paying attention these bytches will expose themselves without even knowing it and if you attempt to call them out on it they will backpedal and try to switch up the details or tell you some shyt like "you're thinking about this too hard"

trust me brehs if there was any time where a true "interview" takes place it will be when she opens up and starts telling you info like that because they wont think you're really listening to everything they say so they get mad sloppy.

typically they will usually tell you these type of things during her period/when she's drunk or other instances where she's OD emotional/vunerable.

the funny shyt is the next day they expect you to forget all of that shyt and try to brush it off with the "i was just caught up in emotions that day, dont think about that stuff"

:patrice: it's already too late by then

entire time these bytches talkin im sitting there like :ehh: but in my head im



Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
when these girls open up and start telling you stories of past relationship experiences pay very close attention. 9 times out of 10 they will try to slide in something that contradicts with what they actually did so they dont come off as a hoe

example1. "Im usually not the type to smash that early, but i did" .... :lupe:

bytches will try to tell you they aren't out here smashin like that then proceed to tell u about some "no good" nikka they smashed within the first week of meeting him.

most of the time if you are paying attention these bytches will expose themselves without even knowing it and if you attempt to call them out on it they will backpedal and try to switch up the details or tell you some shyt like "you're thinking about this too hard"

trust me brehs if there was any time where a true "interview" takes place it will be when she opens up and starts telling you info like that because they wont think you're really listening to everything they say so they get mad sloppy.

typically they will usually tell you these type of things during her period/when she's drunk or other instances where she's OD emotional/vunerable.

the funny shyt is the next day they expect you to forget all of that shyt and try to brush it off with the "i was just caught up in emotions that day, dont think about that stuff"

:patrice: it's already too late by then

ive had this happen to me, chick dropped how she slept with a guy on the first night because she "felt something she never felt before":minion:

another chick blowing me in the parking lot of dave and busters first time i met her from pof telling me "she never does this" :gladqueen:

another chick made me wait a month because some "other guy left her after she gave it up early"

like you said your just there like :mugabe: