It's amazing the amount of money you will eventually save by not trying to impress women. When cats start trying to impress women, they start buying a whole variety of things they absolutely do not need. They will buy tons of colognes, a flashy car, jewelry, expensive clothes, spending money on dates, on gifts, etc... and when you really think about it, what is it all for?
If you were smart, you could take all of that extra money, pay off all of your debts, invest it, start a business or any other variety of steps to guarantee your financial freedom. Financial Freedom is way greater than trying to razzle dazzle some woman that 39 other guys already dove inside. Plus, when you have a fat bank account, it serves the exact same purpose that all of those depreciating assets does... women will be attracted to your REAL wealth rather than your 'flashy wealth....' which is to say that you will still attract women for trivial purposes, except in the latter case, you actually aren't turning yourself into a debt slave in the process.
I'm telling you cats, stack your paper up, live a low maintenance lifestyle and don't worry too much about catching women that can't be caught by you flying under the radar. Being able to retire early and not have to worry about where your next paycheck is coming from > being the fly guy for the next 5 to 10 years and dumping your money into a black hole, never to be seen again. The kind of women you attract with flash are NOT the ones you want to deal with.

shyt is just too real