Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


May 26, 2012
San Diego
This girl who I've posted about, we went out about a month ago, she asked me..I hit her up a week or so later, got the run around. Heard from her and saw her, professionally for work, was cordial, she was flirting but I was not really going for it. She asked me what was wrong in a text later. Today, about a week later, she texts me, seemingly wants to go way out of her way to help me with something, I haven't asked for, I'm kinda hesitant, but said I was down. I'll see what happens.

All the advice/posts in her, from the most knowledgeable posters to those with questions like me, are helpful one way or another. Last two posts are on point as fukk too.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
If you want to realize why these women are always so sketchy, more times than not, you have to realize that these women are usually always dealing with multiple men, and babygirl might very well have a man now... If a woman likes you but has a man, she might not tell you about him, you get the number, but then all of a sudden she doesn't respond. What's going on a lot of the times is that she's dealing with her man, but when she has some free time, which may be a week later, then she pops on up. When her man starts tripping, that's when she will pop up being extra friendly. Make no mistake, the vast, vast majority of these women always have a brotha, if not brothas in reserve. If you're getting the tiny attention, that means she has another bigger meal on her plate in her mind, and she feels that she can get at you 'at her leisure.' You are the benchwarmer on her roster so to say. When her star peels off, then all of a sudden she gets the notion to 'upgrade' your spot and starts giving you more attention.

How you counteract this is to move on and start dealing with more women. You don't want to sit around rewarding these broads who give you a little bit of attention and feel they can hit you up at their leisure. You are sort of like the male version of a 'jump' in her mind. She kind of likes you, but not enough to make her responses prompt and immediate. When her other options fall off, then all of a sudden she is coming right back and warming on up... but believe me, she will peel off again because in her mind you didn't have 'the one' potential like that. You are a holdover in most scenarios. There may be exceptions to the rule, but more than likely you will be a holdover-- aka someone cool enough to pass some time with until she comes across another one she really wants to groove with.

Now when you talk to the woman, they will try to smooth it over with you with that 'baby baby things are cool' rap... It's pretty much what a playa does to one of his side-pieces. His sidepieces only hear from him sparingly and when the sidepiece calls him out, he's all, "hey baby, I just really been busy, but we need to spend the weekend together." That's the kind of stuff these women are pulling on ya'll when you try to hit them up but they are rationing their time out to you. You are their little side piece. If you're cool with that, keep on waiting on them and dancing to their tune. If you want more, focus your time and energy on a woman that wants to make you 'the one.' You can tell the difference by how responsive, attentive and available that woman is. If you want to be weak, go ahead and let that woman 'ho' you, but if you don't, keep it pushing and keep that mouthpiece popping at a better option.


May 26, 2012
San Diego
That's good advice, and pretty much exactly what I've done/been doing, for me, it was done as far as my end after that first 'run around'. Don't want to give impression I'm all hung up on her, I mean I like her, but it's whatever, I'm talking to other women, some more serious then others, my work comes first regardless, too. I feel it's too extreme to not respond, or give her the run around, I'm not with the me playing the same shyt I don't like, doesn't work for me. It is a slippery slope though, sometimes I'd rather not even see them/hear from them, if they aren't straight up.

Definitely very aware of the multiple men scenario too, but I'm doing the same routine, we are both single as far as I know, so there isn't that obligation of who we date and who we don't. But, self respect and value is important, that can't be neglected or compromised to a level I am uncomfortable with.


Louder than words
May 9, 2012
Vice City
This girl who I've posted about, we went out about a month ago, she asked me..I hit her up a week or so later, got the run around. Heard from her and saw her, professionally for work, was cordial, she was flirting but I was not really going for it. She asked me what was wrong in a text later. Today, about a week later, she texts me, seemingly wants to go way out of her way to help me with something, I haven't asked for, I'm kinda hesitant, but said I was down. I'll see what happens.

All the advice/posts in her, from the most knowledgeable posters to those with questions like me, are helpful one way or another. Last two posts are on point as fukk too.

I think I recall some of your story. right now after all the doubts yall had before, she wants you to be on her time. thats some real wack shyt. if she makes a move next time, then she better handle it right. or you just forget all of that and make YOUR move. youll get your answer right then and there. if youre not bold with it this time, then she might not get the message. either way, that eliminates the games and puts it on her.

just my observation, I dont know her or the whole story. in general however, I push on women Im interested in once, and if I get a real bad response, I prefer to go for other women who are more about what they say.

edit: and kev is right, theres a 99.9% chance that shes dealing with other men. if you dont want to be chasing, then give her one shot and then keep it moving. make sure you have your mind on other things or other women in the meantime until you put it on her.


Aug 18, 2012
I have a lot of women interested in me. But I just feel so apathetic towards getting involved with any of them and I'm not leading any of them on. I've told them I will be traveling in the future but they don't hear me. I just hold casual conversations and I get texts/messages/VMs the next day where they're saying they were thinking of me or want to go somewhere. I went to a birthday party over the weekend and my brother in laws cousin wanted to hang out she's very attractive but I'm a private person and I don't like the idea of my brother in laws entire family being inside on my dating life. Also my brother in laws mom introduced me to some young woman she used to work with at a law firm and we exchanged numbers and even though she was cute I just felt like I was going through the motions.

I'm not sure what to do anymore and of all the people my father is now the one bugging me about having kids. If I die my last name dies with me and that seems to bother him. He already has two grandsons from my sister but I guess since she's married and their last names are different that isn't good enough. There are two women I would definitely try to start something with one lives a couple thousand miles away and the other I haven't seen in almost 2 years and have no way of contacting her. Guess this is the price to pay for being stubborn and picky.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
I have a lot of women interested in me. But I just feel so apathetic towards getting involved with any of them and I'm not leading any of them on. I've told them I will be traveling in the future but they don't hear me. I just hold casual conversations and I get texts/messages/VMs the next day where they're saying they were thinking of me or want to go somewhere. I went to a birthday party over the weekend and my brother in laws cousin wanted to hang out she's very attractive but I'm a private person and I don't like the idea of my brother in laws entire family being inside on my dating life. Also my brother in laws mom introduced me to some young woman she used to work with at a law firm and we exchanged numbers and even though she was cute I just felt like I was going through the motions.

I'm not sure what to do anymore and of all the people my father is now the one bugging me about having kids. If I die my last name dies with me and that seems to bother him. He already has two grandsons from my sister but I guess since she's married and their last names are different that isn't good enough. There are two women I would definitely try to start something with one lives a couple thousand miles away and the other I haven't seen in almost 2 years and have no way of contacting her. Guess this is the price to pay for being stubborn and picky.

What you are doing is being your own man. Your dad, your homeboys, your mom, they will all try to live vicariously through you in different forms or fashions, but they will never lift your burdens for you when you have to face up with the responsibilities of those choices they made for you. You will end up living a life of regret when you let someone make choices for you. I'm very picky myself, but that just means that I want top notch quality. I'm not going to get into a relationship just to get into one. I'm not one to settle for less. There's nothing wrong with that attitude.


Louder than words
May 9, 2012
Vice City
I have a lot of women interested in me. But I just feel so apathetic towards getting involved with any of them and I'm not leading any of them on. I've told them I will be traveling in the future but they don't hear me. I just hold casual conversations and I get texts/messages/VMs the next day where they're saying they were thinking of me or want to go somewhere. I went to a birthday party over the weekend and my brother in laws cousin wanted to hang out she's very attractive but I'm a private person and I don't like the idea of my brother in laws entire family being inside on my dating life. Also my brother in laws mom introduced me to some young woman she used to work with at a law firm and we exchanged numbers and even though she was cute I just felt like I was going through the motions.

I'm not sure what to do anymore and of all the people my father is now the one bugging me about having kids. If I die my last name dies with me and that seems to bother him. He already has two grandsons from my sister but I guess since she's married and their last names are different that isn't good enough. There are two women I would definitely try to start something with one lives a couple thousand miles away and the other I haven't seen in almost 2 years and have no way of contacting her. Guess this is the price to pay for being stubborn and picky.

my opinion: its good to have peace and quiet. not everyone is supposed to be in a relationship every day and every second of their life. since its really your decision and your life that you have to live, why does it matter what they think or want you to do?

now if those two women are the only women in the world that youd pursue, then perhaps you just need to open up a bit and look around you some more. you never know, and as long as you keep holding onto these other chicks its going to probably be a tougher search for you. stop thinking about what could be, and start thinking about what is. I personally dont do long distance relationships and I dont like to wait on a woman. so focusing on your search is a more viable option. I would realistically look for something similar to them instead.


Aug 18, 2012
What you are doing is being your own man. Your dad, your homeboys, your mom, they will all try to live vicariously through you in different forms or fashions, but they will never lift your burdens for you when you have to face up with the responsibilities of those choices they made for you. You will end up living a life of regret when you let someone make choices for you. I'm very picky myself, but that just means that I want top notch quality. I'm not going to get into a relationship just to get into one. I'm not one to settle for less. There's nothing wrong with that attitude.

My mother understands that I told her that having kids isn't the problem finding the right woman for me is. I told her women aren't like her anymore. If I posted a picture of my brother in laws cousin in the main forum people would say they'd wife her without even knowing her personality which is kind of annoying to be honest.

my opinion: its good to have peace and quiet. not everyone is supposed to be in a relationship every day and every second of their life. since its really your decision and your life that you have to live, why does it matter what they think or want you to do?

now if those two women are the only women in the world that youd pursue, then perhaps you just need to open up a bit and look around you some more. you never know, and as long as you keep holding onto these other chicks its going to probably be a tougher search for you. stop thiking about what could be, and start thinking about what is. I personally dont do long distance relationships and I dont like to wait on a woman. so focusing on your search is a more viable option. I would realistically look for something similar to them instead.

I only care what my parents and sister think outside of that opinions of me matter little.

They aren't the only women I'd pursue. They are two women I can say unequivocally that I'd be with them long term. The one from 2 years ago is someone I worked with while I had a girlfriend and we lost touch once I left that job. We had a lot of chemistry & similar interests plus she was gorgeous. The last time I saw her she wanted to go out to dinner but since I was with someone I couldn't. Looking back on how things ended with my ex I regret not talking to her and keeping her around as a friend. She was better than my ex in almost every way possible and loyalty to someone that ended up having no loyalty to me is just a shytty ending.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
I'm well on my way towards writing this book. It's not really a book on 'women', but moreso the mindset. I can't wait until it's done. Thanks for those who made the suggestion that I should do as such.


All Star
May 12, 2012
I'm well on my way towards writing this book. It's not really a book on 'women', but moreso the mindset. I can't wait until it's done. Thanks for those who made the suggestion that I should do as such.

Damn man, you've written so much on this page that hits close to home it's scary. I remember the first time I learned about the games chicks play when they wanna have a bf then have you/other men on the side also. Had the shyt happen to me twice in a year with 2 chicks that had been pursuing ME. One was a beautiful Puerto Rican chick whom I was very hesitant to talk to because I thought she was out of my league(I was very young and very stupid) and the other was the cousin of one of my homeboys who had already did me dirty but I gave her another chance only to accidentally find out she was already taken. I'm the type of guy that will shut down and not pursue anything further with a chick who's spoken for I don't care if he's all the way in Australia and that confused them both. They would call me and I would literally sit on the phone and say nothing, then as soon as they'd ask what's wrong I'd say "don't you have a bf you should be talking to?" And of course they'd react like I was in the wrong.


Redemption is Coming
May 4, 2012
I'm well on my way towards writing this book. It's not really a book on 'women', but moreso the mindset. I can't wait until it's done. Thanks for those who made the suggestion that I should do as such.

Good for you man. You can pretty much write a book. You know a lot and your subject matter comes out unforced and natural.

I know a couple homies who would really need this thread, but if I tell them about it, they would take offense. If you may need my input, I d be honored to give an opinion or 2 :hug:

Huellz Santana

May 3, 2012
Da city where the skinny nikkas die
When you start caring about yourself and your life and your goals more than p*ssy then you will be fine and be able to resist any temptation.

I have just recently gotten to that level. There are A LOT of very attractive women just hovering in my square right now, but I'm focused on other shyt and I have told them that. They can and will wait.

Be about your shyt and the rest will fall into place.
i feel you but i've pretty much reached all the goals i've set for myself. now im wonderign what that next step is. i want a family. fukk... i feel like a woman even thinking about that stuff.

as i get older the good chicks are getting snatched up and i dont wanna be stuck with someone's leftovers. but truthfully that's just a lack of confidence speakign.

thats why i try to soak the game from this thread​