If you want to realize why these women are always so sketchy, more times than not, you have to realize that these women are usually always dealing with multiple men, and babygirl might very well have a man now... If a woman likes you but has a man, she might not tell you about him, you get the number, but then all of a sudden she doesn't respond. What's going on a lot of the times is that she's dealing with her man, but when she has some free time, which may be a week later, then she pops on up. When her man starts tripping, that's when she will pop up being extra friendly. Make no mistake, the vast, vast majority of these women always have a brotha, if not brothas in reserve. If you're getting the tiny attention, that means she has another bigger meal on her plate in her mind, and she feels that she can get at you 'at her leisure.' You are the benchwarmer on her roster so to say. When her star peels off, then all of a sudden she gets the notion to 'upgrade' your spot and starts giving you more attention.
How you counteract this is to move on and start dealing with more women. You don't want to sit around rewarding these broads who give you a little bit of attention and feel they can hit you up at their leisure. You are sort of like the male version of a 'jump' in her mind. She kind of likes you, but not enough to make her responses prompt and immediate. When her other options fall off, then all of a sudden she is coming right back and warming on up... but believe me, she will peel off again because in her mind you didn't have 'the one' potential like that. You are a holdover in most scenarios. There may be exceptions to the rule, but more than likely you will be a holdover-- aka someone cool enough to pass some time with until she comes across another one she really wants to groove with.
Now when you talk to the woman, they will try to smooth it over with you with that 'baby baby things are cool' rap... It's pretty much what a playa does to one of his side-pieces. His sidepieces only hear from him sparingly and when the sidepiece calls him out, he's all, "hey baby, I just really been busy, but we need to spend the weekend together." That's the kind of stuff these women are pulling on ya'll when you try to hit them up but they are rationing their time out to you. You are their little side piece. If you're cool with that, keep on waiting on them and dancing to their tune. If you want more, focus your time and energy on a woman that wants to make you 'the one.' You can tell the difference by how responsive, attentive and available that woman is. If you want to be weak, go ahead and let that woman 'ho' you, but if you don't, keep it pushing and keep that mouthpiece popping at a better option.