If she ever tries to come back you better stand your ground and decline. If things were going that great there is a possibility that she might come back in the future.Carné Asada;3849392 said:I'm going to have to cut this one girl off. I tried brehs. I really liked this girl. We were going great until her ex came back and fukked things up. Now, I find myself more frustrated than happy. I thought she was the one after all of these years. She seemingly came out of no where. We got along. Had some great times together. But it didn't pan out. We're meeting tomorrow and I'm going to have to man up move on. I just don't thin relationships are for me brehs. Nor is marriage. I don't even like kids.
i feel you and i agree that i should have. but now that it's not on the spot, i'm kinda wondering how i should move going forward.youll be surprised by how well some women react when you check them. especially if you do it on the spot. some women will respond really well, and it also shows who has the upper hand.
at the least its better than her raising up a stink about her shyt just because you brought it to attention. at that point she needs to be dropped. a lot of them NEED a man to point out what she does wrong and to tell her whats real. they will ultimately respect you for it, and thats what makes the difference in a lot of relationships.
that's kind of how i feel as well. feel like i'm behind the 8ball so i should just charge it to the game and if she comes back i establish the new rules. if she doesn't then she doesn't...lol, it's funny how it's easy to tell other people to be ready to take the L but when it's you...but i guess i'll have to suck it up...Sounds to me she still fronting...If I were you I would just charge that to the game and keep it moving else she gonna be dangling that carrot for a minute while other cats prolly hitting it behind your back![]()
lol, i feel you man...
This chick I know is like that. when we first started chillin, she was on me HEAVY! Calling me all throughout the day, every day checking up on me. I actually haven't smashed yet despite her coming to my house several times(she claims she's a virgin
I didn't ask her so w/e.) I'm not going to lie I wasn't that interested in her as much as she was in me so I always had that distance when it came to who's feeling who.
Recently though for some reason, someone I know supposedly is talking with her and I got a little perplexed and tried to hit her up and now her "phone" doesn't work as good or was broken. She hits me up but convo's don't last as long and calls aren't returned as she'd say. I don't even bother to call her and she calls me a few weeks later like "why u never call me ?"
I don't got time to be playing phone buddy with you!
At this point I just don't hit her up at all really.![]()
lol, trust me man, i completely understand your frustration. but if you allow women to change who you are, then you're still giving them too much power over your identity. be about your code and don't make exceptions. don't be about "doing things to get women". if you're a jerk, don't become a nice guy just to get women. and if you're a nice guy, don't become a jerk to get women. Just be Monsieur.Fox and some women will choose that. If the women that choose that aren't up to your standards for whatever reason (looks, behavior, etc) thenNow I see why rappers say bytches ain't shyt.
In fact I used to feel bad about doing girls wrong, but I'm glad I did those bytches wrong. In fact that's all I'm going to do is shyt on broads from now.
Carné Asada;3849392 said:I'm going to have to cut this one girl off. I tried brehs. I really liked this girl. We were going great until her ex came back and fukked things up. Now, I find myself more frustrated than happy. I thought she was the one after all of these years. She seemingly came out of no where. We got along. Had some great times together. But it didn't pan out. We're meeting tomorrow and I'm going to have to man up move on. I just don't thin relationships are for me brehs. Nor is marriage. I don't even like kids.
BTW, I posted this PIFF by Phil Valentine before in this thread. But for those who missed it, listen from 1:35:00 onwards. This is what you call wisdom from an elder. I certainly wish I was told this by my father or any older man at least 10 years ago:
Dr Phil Valentine Interview 1 of 2 with Lenon Honor - YouTube
Yessir. In their mind, cats have all these high standards, but all of that gets overrode as soon as a fine woman gives them a cool conversation. Just because the conversation is cool doesn't mean she's cool for you. Looks are cool and everything, but looks go away, and when they do, all you are really left with is that behavior.
You got to take things at face value when dealing with women. What makes a woman special is her specific actions towards you that she doesn't perform for other men. Does she answer immediately when you call? Text back immediately? Is she willing to chill with you without you having to pay a dime? If you see her in a crowd, are you the first guy she gravitates towards?
In this day and age, the game has been flipped. It's the men that are the ones getting emotional and the ones craving relationships to validate themselves. I'd like a nice relationship, but a relationship doesn't complete me and I will NOT get in one just to have one. When you start needing a relationship, you will start accepting all kinds of nonsense in order to have the company of that woman. A lot of guys also mistakenly assume that by you 'wifeying' her up, aka getting in a relationship with her, it will keep other guys out of her honeypot... but let's be real. How many stories have been posted of the boyfriend finding out that her 'friend' wasn't really her friend? Being in a relationship with a woman will never 'lock down' that thing between her legs. So cats have to stop trying to rush and make decisions to 'lock down' these women. It's her morals, mindset and behavior that will really determine what in the world she does, not by rushing a relationship wit her.
Cats also got to stop letting other dudes, their homeboys or whoever else put batteries in their back and rushing to get in relationships with these women because they want props from the crew. The most likely scenario is that your crew is hyping you up to get with some dimepiece, but they don't consider her personality at all. Then you start making all these moves to wrap up this fine woman and you're out a whole bunch of money, time and sanity. Be your own man and focus on that woman's behavior.
i feel you and i agree that i should have. but now that it's not on the spot, i'm kinda wondering how i should move going forward.
lol, i feel you man...