Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
I meet a lot of women in ATL but I lose interest very fast. Many of them are just not exciting and have no desire to try new things. I still have friends with benefits that scratch my itch so getting p*ssy when i want it is not a problem. I've been off the dating scene for months and I am loving all the extra money, time and energy I have to pursue new adventures.

Has anyone else took themselves off the dating market and enjoying life more?

There's nothing wrong at all with what you're doing. At one point, I used to blame myself, but then I realized that it's not really me, but it's a lot of the women that are out here that are the boring ones. A lot of these women bring absolutely NOTHING to the table and it's nothing but stress dealing with them, but men can get caught up in dealing with them just for ego's sake... just because their boys might tell them they are wrong for not getting at these hoes or something weak like that. Never deal with women just to do it or because someone else is trying to pressure you. Why reward low quality women with your precious time and resources? There's nothing wrong with refusing to date these women until they step it up into a caliber that you can deal with.

Now, I have a friend who has a lot of family from one of the islands, and they recently came to the states for a wedding. I had the pleasure of being able to observe a few of the ladies that came from the islands. It was refreshing seeing women that still maintained their femininity... one of the women just started doing dishes and she was a guest. Dealing with a lot of these masculinized American women simply isn't fun, but we do it because we feel as men that we need to be dealing with women just from some ego standpoint... but then you realize a lot of the headaches that come with it and potential sticky situations that you can get in and wish you had just saved your time, money and energy.


May 6, 2012
Respect my man. sigh I know exactly what you're saying, the song has a good beat, the lyrics; meh I honestly didn't stick around long enough to hear him get them all out, as I felt like he was reaching with his singing. My point is this, taking advice from a guy who (I've heard for a third time) just broke up with his girlfriend (Rihanna), and keep in mind this is the same guy who said something about if you want to control your girl fukk her good (Reincar remembers what he said because he commented on it) and now they've broken up. What I'm exactly trying to say is whether he's right or not and whether he's giving a good message or not, I would not take advice from this guy whether it's right or not simply because of his credibility. You wouldn't watch Space Jam to see how basketball is played, you wouldn't watch Grey's Anatomy to learn how to perform a surgery or some shyt. What I'm saying is that credibility is everything, and this mans credibility is down the toilet, fukk if his words are correct, he's not shyt and he's not to be taken serious when it comes to him giving advice.

Does that make sense?
it's not about chris brown though. i doubt he even wrote the lyrics. these dudes have composers, teams of song writers, producers, etc all behind this one song. song could probably have been sung by anyone. that's why i gave props to whoever wrote the lyrics in my original post. Chris Brown is most likely just the performer.

it's not about taking advice either. i'm not saying people should adopt this song as their whole life philosophy, lol. I just thought the song was interesting because they made it like a simp song on the surface but deep down the message is kind of pimping. it's disguised and i thought that was kinda clever.

As far as Chris Brown, i don't want to comment too much on him cause like i said, i feel like he's irrelevant to the point i was trying to make regarding this song. But at the end of the day, everyone says dude is bad news, everyone said he was finished, everyone told Rihanna to leave him. But she kept coming back to him (after all he did). That girl is most likely hooked to him. but then again, part of it is probably manufactured drama on both sides for publicity so you shouldn't focus too much on what goes on between them. no one really knows. my comment was strictly about the lyrics, Chris is most likely just the performer.


Career 13 ppg scorer
May 1, 2012
Old Atlanta
i told a girl in january that we shouldnt talk anymore and to get the fukk off my phone after she tried to cuss me out cause i didnt call her back after i said i would.. tonight.. i kind've miss her.. she was sexy.. personality was a little shytty but she was cool.. we had a similar prob last sept. till she drunk dialed me in new years

:wow: .. i still have her number saved.. idk what to do my nikkas

Poh SIti Dawn

Staying Positive, Getting Better Everyday. Holler!
Feb 8, 2013
i told a girl in january that we shouldnt talk anymore and to get the fukk off my phone after she tried to cuss me out cause i didnt call her back after i said i would.. tonight.. i kind've miss her.. she was sexy.. personality was a little shytty but she was cool.. we had a similar prob last sept. till she drunk dialed me in new years

:wow: .. i still have her number saved.. idk what to do my nikkas

If it was your fault then why not, but don't be surprised if she don't want to fukk with you.


May 6, 2012
i told a girl in january that we shouldnt talk anymore and to get the fukk off my phone after she tried to cuss me out cause i didnt call her back after i said i would.. tonight.. i kind've miss her.. she was sexy.. personality was a little shytty but she was cool.. we had a similar prob last sept. till she drunk dialed me in new years

:wow: .. i still have her number saved.. idk what to do my nikkas
why did you start missing her all of a sudden? what recently changed in your cypher to change your mood and feelings towards her absence? seems like it's a recent void you're trying to fill.

what exactly do you miss about her?


Career 13 ppg scorer
May 1, 2012
Old Atlanta
why did you start missing her all of a sudden? what recently changed in your cypher to change your mood and feelings towards her absence? seems like it's a recent void you're trying to fill.

what exactly do you miss about her?

she in atlanta.. this chick im talking too here at my campus we been dating and shyt but i really dont see it being long term. especially with me wanting to move back to GA as soon as i graduate. she was just really cute and freaky and i knew she cared about me even when i was givin her that cold shoulder :wow:


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
The whole alpha-beta male is some corny PUA nonsense. A lot of these guys were nerdy type of guys who weren't really getting women and then learned some successful seduction techniques... now all of a sudden, in their mind they are some sort of macho "alpha male", leader of the pack type of guy. Yeah, alright. If you base your manhood on how much vagina you get, then you need to reconsider your thinking. That's a very shallow definition of what being a man is. So if all of a sudden your learned techniques stop working, you are no longer a man?

What is REALLY important is feeling comfortable in your own skin and valuing your own opinion of yourself way more than you value some woman's opinion of you. You remove your valuation of yourself from her and put it in your own hands. When you deem yourself worthy of a high-quality woman, you soon start carrying yourself to a much higher standard and your confidence naturally develops and becomes deeper rooted.

You also need to recognize that every woman is NOT for you. Stop trying to force women into your life just because they look fine. I'm a self-admitted looks hound, and I will tell you that I've passed up on some great girls because I was too stuck on looks. Let's be real. In your adulthood, a woman will only be fine for so long... some start falling off in their early 20s, but most start falling off in their mid to late 20s... and ultimately, what you get left with is a woman with a nasty personality. The only reason most men are intimidated by women is because she is pretty. Once you can get past looks, you will be much more successful.

This is one of the most powerful things you will hear in regards to dealing with women, so you may want to write this down. You have to be able and willing to lose each and every single woman you come across. This is important because it will get you out of the mindset of you attempting to 'keep' a woman and will put you in the mindset of dealing with women that want to be kept. The importance of this mindset is that if you try to keep a woman, you will be doing various things in an attempt to impress her and you will do all kind of placating, compromising and deal-making. In other words, you will come off as weak and she will be in control. When you deal with women that want to be kept and you are willing to lose any woman, you are more concerned with being yourself and being true to your principles and the type of woman that you deal with will be one that loves you naturally expressing yourself and will want to be around you of her own volition.

It's not about these techniques, tricks, and tactics when dealing with women. It's about cultivating and expressing yourself to the fullest and eliminating any weaknesses from yourself. It's always about being a man. When you do these things, the women will come.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
I meet a lot of women in ATL but I lose interest very fast. Many of them are just not exciting and have no desire to try new things. I still have friends with benefits that scratch my itch so getting p*ssy when i want it is not a problem. I've been off the dating scene for months and I am loving all the extra money, time and energy I have to pursue new adventures.

Has anyone else took themselves off the dating market and enjoying life more?

I've been off the dating scene for awhile, traveling relaxing. No stress, no nagging just myself

Sent from royalty using Tapatalk breh


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Life is crazy... Went from feeling swaggerless to having booku options. I got a cute lil dentist (black of course) crushing on me hard right now.


She's patient too cuz I'm not ready. No more entering relationships for the hell of it.

Life is funny like that, when you don't care or look chicks pop up.

Sent from royalty using Tapatalk breh


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Keep your Johnson in check
Having sex just to have sex is a foolish endeavor. There is so much that comes with sex that merely going around having sex for ego's sake or for a bit of pleasure is akin to playing Russian Roulette with your health and your finances. The reason a lot of guys absolutely hate their life is because they were amped up by their ego, their homeboys, or whatever else to 'go chase the cat', and they end up impregnating some woman to either get their numbers up or just because she is pretty. Then they end up knocking up some woman whose personality is absolute garbage and who makes his life a living nightmare. She will ratchet up that child support, won't let you see your kid, will bring all kinds of other men around your kids, will spend your child support money to get dressed up to look great for other men, etc. You will have many small-minded men who will try to shame you for not diving into the first decent looking woman that spreads her legs open for you, but ignore them. Those same guys will be talking down on you and tsk tsking you when you are stuck dealing with a walking nightmare. If you are a man of quality and value, you don't give away anything easily, including your sexuality because you simply realize that due to your stature, you have choices and you are not working out of desperation.

Johnson control is also very important for maintaining a stress-free life and keeping your friendships intact. Some guys cannot keep their peter in their pants and end up doing something incredibly foolish like sleeping with their friends' sisters, mother, girlfriend, etc. They are making the choice to trade something as rare and real as a true friendship as well as besmirching their own reputation for a relatively brief moment of pleasure. Never get into a mindset where you are just having sex 'just cuz'. Whether you like it or not, it IS a bonding experience between you and any woman you engage in it with, and you definitely don't want to be bonded to a woman you cannot stand or who will cultivate a classless mentality into your future children.
Sep 6, 2012
Chatterbox FM
Keep your Johnson in check
Having sex just to have sex is a foolish endeavor. There is so much that comes with sex that merely going around having sex for ego's sake or for a bit of pleasure is akin to playing Russian Roulette with your health and your finances. The reason a lot of guys absolutely hate their life is because they were amped up by their ego, their homeboys, or whatever else to 'go chase the cat', and they end up impregnating some woman to either get their numbers up or just because she is pretty. Then they end up knocking up some woman whose personality is absolute garbage and who makes his life a living nightmare. She will ratchet up that child support, won't let you see your kid, will bring all kinds of other men around your kids, will spend your child support money to get dressed up to look great for other men, etc. You will have many small-minded men who will try to shame you for not diving into the first decent looking woman that spreads her legs open for you, but ignore them. Those same guys will be talking down on you and tsk tsking you when you are stuck dealing with a walking nightmare. If you are a man of quality and value, you don't give away anything easily, including your sexuality because you simply realize that due to your stature, you have choices and you are not working out of desperation.

Johnson control is also very important for maintaining a stress-free life and keeping your friendships intact. Some guys cannot keep their peter in their pants and end up doing something incredibly foolish like sleeping with their friends' sisters, mother, girlfriend, etc. They are making the choice to trade something as rare and real as a true friendship as well as besmirching their own reputation for a relatively brief moment of pleasure. Never get into a mindset where you are just having sex 'just cuz'. Whether you like it or not, it IS a bonding experience between you and any woman you engage in it with, and you definitely don't want to be bonded to a woman you cannot stand or who will cultivate a classless mentality into your future children.

My nigguh, you dropping loads of knowledge in this thread! :salute:

I wish I could have stayed more in tune with myself when I was coming up through high school. I let too many people get in my ear and my head about sex and the need to have it and all that shyt has kind of turned me numb to it now.


May 6, 2012
Just met a girl today, was telling Reinaldo earlier. She's cool, she's white, tall somewhat slender, comes from a well off family (or so it seems). One thing that bothered me was she seemed sort of prejudice towards Mexicans. We spoke about her ex, but it's only because I asked. Got her number, I lead which was cool. I asked for her number, but instead she gave me hers, the funny thing is what she did is she texted me "hiiiiii" while we were still talking before I was going to say goodbye. So it makes me wonder, should I text her back because she's wanting me to have a text conversation with her or because she just wanted to let me know what her number is.

btw she's a cool girl, only decent thing is that, I'm 21, this girl is 19, age difference bothers me. but not that much.
don't base what you should do on what she wants or expects. base what you should do on what you want and feel.


May 6, 2012
she in atlanta.. this chick im talking too here at my campus we been dating and shyt but i really dont see it being long term. especially with me wanting to move back to GA as soon as i graduate. she was just really cute and freaky and i knew she cared about me even when i was givin her that cold shoulder :wow:
the way i see it man. on one hand you did kinda fukk up by not calling her when you said you would. on the other hand, she brought up the issue in a very disrespectful way. did you apologize before she started cussing you out? bottom line is this. i personally don't believe in rewarding bad behavior. i think if you call her that's what you'd be doing. i think you did right by tossing her to the bushes (if it felt right to you). why not get another cool and freaky chick who could care about you with a less shytty personality? unless she comes back on her own, find another candidate for her spot. heck, last time she came back on her own and it was a similar incident. she'll either come back or she won't. either way, take care of your business and live your life. they come and go in your orbit. the sun doesn't need the earth (or any of the other planets) to shine. it'll do what it does regardless. but the earth needs the sun to provide warmth and light. that's why it orbits around it (attraction). if you start orbiting around her then you'll be like a simple asteroid/satellite around her who depends on her more than she depends on you.

if the boss fires an employee but then calls the employee back, even if the boss tries to do it slick, the employee will know intuitively that she is missed and needed. and will ask for a pay raise.


Aug 12, 2012
Kristjana Banks from Saginaw, Michigan | Expose Hoes

You all see how destructive these broads are getting? I've seen porn movies less explicit than this. The argument between two hoes about who is the bigger hoe is even more laughable. Kev you said you only disagree with the "exposing" when it comes to corny reasons like getting rejected ir something.

But things like these you can't fault calling out girls like these. Can you imagine if someone tried to wife that and did not know?

And they say only black girls are ratchet :scusthov: