Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


May 6, 2012
this is not a gem (well maybe it could be? shrugs)
just something i was thinking about before.

i ran into an old friend outside the pizza shop we were bullshytting..when a girl walked by

when i tell you the ass on this girl was insane...yoooooo
there arent words in the english language that would do it any justice..just ridiculous.

but i started thinking...thats gotta be one of the most ridiculous/stupid things we do as men. judge or give a woman value you don't know just by looking at her ass

i know i sound crazy right a heterosexual male with urges and instincts and am attracted to beauty

sorry if im not making any sense..just my thoughts
i feel what you're saying man. have had the same types of thoughts too. like sometimes i'd be thinking we see the cute face, nice ass, nice breasts and legs and lose our minds. but one day it'll all be buried underground in a box and it will all be worm food...


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
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i feel what you're saying man. have had the same types of thoughts too. like sometimes i'd be thinking we see the cute face, nice ass, nice breasts and legs and lose our minds. but one day it'll all be buried underground in a box and it will all be worm food...

yep ive had those thoughts as well but you already elevate her just because of her body, this girl i know is fine as hell, :datazz: , titties, skin the whole 9, but dig deeper shes a single mom, unemployed on ei, baby daddy drama, 30k in debt

in 5-10 years that ass will be wrinkly

women have such a short self life, if you dont believe me, look at these broads mothers they were once as hot as their daughter

actually just go on pof and search like 32-40 and youll see

not evrything that glitters is gold breh

Poh SIti Dawn

Staying Positive, Getting Better Everyday. Holler!
Feb 8, 2013
Why this girl try to get sly peaks at me, walking blatantly in front of me, walking around my area, staring at me, all while I'm in the grocery store. Crazy to see a woman do such weird things and the funny thing is I just ignored it and continued looking for a sandwich. Too many broads out here for me to be acting all thirsty. I think this time around I gotta be interested before I approach you, no more games to entertain my boredom


Louder than words
May 9, 2012
Vice City
Just a few moments ago as I was reading through The Prince by Machiavelli and I stumbled upon a part that could be applied to dealing with women as well as other things in life, so I decided to share it with everyone in this thread immediately; it reads:

"These men rely entirely on the support and continuing success of the people who gave them their power, which is to say on two extremely unreliable and unstable quantities. They don't know how to hang on to power and even if they did, they wouldn't be able to. They don't know how because, unless they are remarkably gifted and competent, we can hardly suppose that their lives as private citizens have equipped them for command"

I'm not going to interpret it, but instead I'd like you all to and if you can tell me what you think about the quote that I've chosen and how you can apply it to your life.

you need to be your own motivator. you have to have your own goals and destination ahead of you, because placing a person above you would be a recipe for failure. if you get your "power" and draw your motivations from a woman, then the danger lies in you placing your future well being, as well as peace of mind in the hands of somebody else.

from what else I could understand, the quote is also mentioning how ill prepared and unstable another person (like a female) would be as your prime motivator. people come and go, and they change their minds when they want to. what someone else wants, isnt always going to be in your best interests. another thing about females, is that particularly due to how they were raised, is that theyre really expecting you to be better than them. make more money than them, have a higher status, and provide for her. a lot of people today are going on about what is fair, and how the genders are being the blurred, yet the same is always expected from a man. and that is always going to push the traditional dynamic. see with women, they themselves do not expect to be the leader of a household, and thats why theyre looking for someone doing better than them. so you need to set the pace and the destination, and do not put that on somebody who wants you to be her better. this alone proves that you need to be in command.

being as how thats the case, if she jumps ship, then understand that doesnt mean the vessel is going to sink. relax, youre still the captain. you still have a seperate goal to reach.

for a man to be considered accomplished and with his head on straight, it means he keeps his ambitions and destinations ahead of himself. the choices he makes on his road will determine what kind of man he is. his vision should make it so he is working for something greater. he is motivated by the big picture, and as a result, his decisions as well as his integrity need to taken seriously. they have to agree with who he is and where hes going. all things that he includes about himself become magnified and thus become bigger.

if you realize how planets work, you realize that smaller earths orbit the bigger planets. so a man with his own system in play, he does not revolve around women. just the opposite.

when you have the power, you are not at someone elses mercy, and you never will be. in fact, with such clarity and purpose about yourself, youre more likely to only add on to the cause. others will come out and only help your goal, since you accept nothing less around you.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Why this girl try to get sly peaks at me, walking blatantly in front of me, walking around my area, staring at me, all while I'm in the grocery store. Crazy to see a woman do such weird things and the funny thing is I just ignored it and continued looking for a sandwich. Too many broads out here for me to be acting all thirsty. I think this time around I gotta be interested before I approach you, no more games to entertain my boredom

women hate when you ignore them


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
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My world completely ended, needing guidance

My wife and I have been together for 9 years, and married for 4 years. Together we have 2 beautiful girls, our oldest is 6 years and our baby is 2 years old. My wife has been the absolute greatest thing that has ever happened to me

aww what a beautiful wife

At the end of January, I took on more hours at work. I was extremely exhausted every time I came home; she was the last thing I wanted to deal with. She would want to watch T.V, talk, hangout, be intimate as well. But complained every time, in which I myself didn't want to deal with.

how dare he works more to provide for his family

I come home to find the computer on with a flash drive plugged in. I found pictures of the friend and her at a baseball game, and one of my kids and wife at the beach with him not in the picture. My heart dropped to the ground and I called her... She told me that he was just a friend that she knew even before me. She stated she knew the "friend" back in middle school that he would know all about our relationship problems we've ever had and is a good friend. For some reason it all started to make sense, but because I loved her I kept the blind fold on. Ever since, I've noticed she would be very protective of her phone and had put a passcode on her iPhone. I also noticed her taking pictures of herself of random poses or just a couple of face shots of her smiling. I thought that was weird since I didn't get any of them like I usually do.

what shes not allowed to have a friend? what a horribel husband

In March, things got really tough on me. I confronted her about the "friend" and she made me feel ridiculous to even think she would be dating him or seeing him other than just being a "good friend". I came home at 2:30 in the morning; as I walk in my heart just drops and tells me get her phone. I never look through her phone, emails, call log, or anything because I have complete trust in her and she does for me. I went upstairs and quietly took her phone and spent 3 hours breaking into it. I finally broke into the phone and my dear friend s on this forum, I was numb, nervous, broken, and in shock to read all the text messages sent to each other, pictures of them together, the trips they took during the "college visit", the white hotel bedroom with the heart shaped red flowers on the bed. Although there weren't any nude or revealing pictures, there was some where she took a picture of her cleavage and blew him kisses.


I learned that on Valentine’s Day she was with him and got him a gift. As I read those messages they sent to each other, I read that they had sex with each other unprotected with really graphic text, kissed every time they saw each other and at times spent the night together, you can imagine what they did when she stayed the night. She also said in the messages that she was happy to have been in contact through email with him since she was unhappy with our marriage. That she always loved him, even after 2 children with me together. I confronted her that same night and respectfully asked to explain herself about all the events that took place. She simply smirked and acted like it didn't even affect her, I would have thought she would beg and pleaded and say sorry... she didn't. I was on my knees begging her to tell me if she loved him and to tell me the absolute truth in those messages. She told me after 3 hours of trying to talk to her, that I was reading into those messages more than what they are. She confessed that she had sex with him "once" before we were married when we had a major breakup or time apart if you will. She partly owned up to the sexual messages sent to each other, stating that they kissed, and played around but she "pulled away" and couldn't go through it… Which I know it’s BS.

whats wrong with playful banter amongst the gender, not like they had sex she said they didnt


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
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I caught my wife cheating 3 weeks before our 22 year Ann.

am 43 years old, love my wife and family more than anything, they after my Christian Faith define who I am. 22 years, 3 wonderful children, Christian home, dedicated church members. I can't understand how this happened. It started a year and a half ago, I never look at the details of our phone bill but just pay it, this month I noticed that my wife had more text messages than my 2 teenage daughters combined.

a good christian wife and 22 years of marriage :obama:, see men dont worry heres a 22 year marriage

Facebook, I looked back and although the public post were not bad, I could tell they were flirty and just didn't feel right. I asked her to please stop., I also asked her to give up her Facebook, she protested this so strong I knew something was up. She had like 6000 friends, and I told her if she needed a Facebook to keep up with friends and family we could have one together. I forgot to mention on her page she was listed as single with her phone number posted, no mention of me at all.

so what a wife cant have a seperate facebook with a single status? its just online its just for fun, its just to reconnect with olds friends

hen a few days ago she got a new phone from a normal upgrade, looking for some legal papers I found where she had hid her old phone. My heart was broken as I discovered she had been living a double life, she had a fake name on face book and has been talking to these guys under a fake identity. I could only see a few text from a app called Tiger Text, this way they would not be on our bill. The problem is the few I saw were vulgar sex messages about what they would do to one another. This guy lives out of state so when I confronted her she admitted the fake names and said the messages were just very inappropriate conversation. I was devastated, crushed not only did this feel like cheating with no contact, but the mother of my children would talk this way. I begged her to tell me if there was more, she cried and I actually felt hurt to see her hurting, we made love that night and although I was still devastated I loved her so, it was such a tender and intimate night.


A double life? so a woman cant follow two masters? a woman cant have fun?

remember what i told you yabout women living double lives



Aug 12, 2012
Lol at this clown ass simp "and we made love that night"

Not to stereotype/generalize but I guarantee this is a white guy

A lot of these guys in general need to learn to stop living in fairytales...."Our children our children"..........

Your children can learn that it was because of mommy trying to have "fun" and get some dikk that you had to separate.

These men kill me with this forgiving nonsense. Despite my religious beliefs(or lack of them lol) as I stated numerous times on here, in terms of philosophy there are very useful lessons in that book.

Simps like this guy Reincar spoke about above seemed to be living in some make belief world where the "God" in his Christian fake was forgiving over things like this....

Have some damn self respect

It pisses me off when these stories of women in entertainment cheating get does not get that much buzz...

Did any of you guys know that Elizabeth Hurley chick Hugh grant cheated on in the late 90s or whatever with that prostitute....................

She got into her own affair years ago in 2010 or something and it made news......but of course was not as big as if a man would do it.......of course she gave the whole "my husband and I had separated before this relationship" bullshyt excuse.....and I can't remember anyone who spoke about the hypocrisy....


Most wanted baby father
May 1, 2012
where they cross-over and clap boards
I can't deal with a goofy chick...a lil silly a times yes but all around goofy :what:

currently on the phone right now with this goofy ass chick and she keeps laughing at her own chicks. I was in to her until I seen this side of her. I'm just sitting here in silence while she tries to make me laugh. And she asking dumb questions like a teenager would ask :mindblown:

Single life forever :manny:


Jun 28, 2012
I can't deal with a goofy chick...a lil silly a times yes but all around goofy :what:

currently on the phone right now with this goofy ass chick and she keeps laughing at her own chicks. I was in to her until I seen this side of her. I'm just sitting here in silence while she tries to make me laugh. And she asking dumb questions like a teenager would ask :mindblown:

Single life forever :manny:

:ehh:They are all crazy. You just have to pick the type of crazy you can deal with :ehh:


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Lol at this clown ass simp "and we made love that night"

Not to stereotype/generalize but I guarantee this is a white guy

A lot of these guys in general need to learn to stop living in fairytales...."Our children our children"..........

Your children can learn that it was because of mommy trying to have "fun" and get some dikk that you had to separate.

These men kill me with this forgiving nonsense. Despite my religious beliefs(or lack of them lol) as I stated numerous times on here, in terms of philosophy there are very useful lessons in that book.

Simps like this guy Reincar spoke about above seemed to be living in some make belief world where the "God" in his Christian fake was forgiving over things like this....

Have some damn self respect

It pisses me off when these stories of women in entertainment cheating get does not get that much buzz...

Did any of you guys know that Elizabeth Hurley chick Hugh grant cheated on in the late 90s or whatever with that prostitute....................

She got into her own affair years ago in 2010 or something and it made news......but of course was not as big as if a man would do it.......of course she gave the whole "my husband and I had separated before this relationship" bullshyt excuse.....and I can't remember anyone who spoke about the hypocrisy....

im a christian, the bible even states when infidelity occurs is the only way you can get a divorce, these men are dikkless and pathetic.

SHE CHEATED ON YOU, and there begging on their grovelling for another chance:rudy:

lol at elizabeth hurley every man she has ever dated has cheated on her so of course the media feels sorry

its funny shes so "beautiful" yet a man cant be faithful to her


Mar 27, 2013
Yeah, I know a lot of red pill brothers who've confessed to me "Man, I don't even wanna look at these bangin' attention whores. I feel bad lusting after them."

Don't get it twisted, though. We're hetero men; we're wired to find that booty attractive. You're gonna scope that ***, teddies, and facial aesthetics. And it will affect you. The key is having a grip on the reins of your lust, being aware of how much it can lead you into foolishness if you let it roam too freely. You gotta have a total mastery of your urges to avoid being caught up solely on a woman's looks and silver-tongued lies (of which there are many).

You gotta be on some Obi-Wan Kenobi, looking passed the flesh, into their souls ****.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Yeah, I know a lot of red pill brothers who've confessed to me "Man, I don't even wanna look at these bangin' attention whores. I feel bad lusting after them."

Don't get it twisted, though. We're hetero men; we're wired to find that booty attractive. You're gonna scope that ***, teddies, and facial aesthetics. And it will affect you. The key is having a grip on the reins of your lust, being aware of how much it can lead you into foolishness if you let it roam too freely. You gotta have a total mastery of your urges to avoid being caught up solely on a woman's looks and silver-tongued lies (of which there are many).

You gotta be on some Obi-Wan Kenobi, looking past the flesh, into their souls ****.

Charm is deceitful and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the LORD will be praised



Jun 28, 2012
I've come to know, when a woman cheats she is basically saying she doesn't want to be with you anymore. I guess, they would classify that as a subtle sign that you should just "get". There's nothing you can do about that relationship. Hopefully, you didn't have any kids with her (that's why you should wait a number of years before kids). On to the next one.