Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


Joke ting blood
Jun 4, 2012
London under protest
There is only one thing I could to add to this thread.

Just learn to say no. No matter how much she screams cries or begs. If you dont want to do something say no and stick to it.


Mar 27, 2013
I want to touch on something that myself and few others've mentioned previously. That is, the Extroverted woman vs the Introvert kind.

In my earlier years, having dealt with and been attracted to the extroverted woman and her seeming zest for life, I, like many of you, grew to realise that these are usually the sort of women who require constant reassurance and who crave near-excessive amounts of socialisation.

The introverted woman, while always secretly attractive to me, seemed like too much hard work to open up. But as time went by, and being an (expressive) introvert myself, I started to reason that due to their aversion to the extrovert's blatant attention-whoring, these introverted, people-shy women would and could possibly be better suited to long-lasting relationships. After all, logic would dictate the more shyness a person has, the fewer distractions, and the smaller the need to crave other brother's ***** would be, right?

Well, brahs. I've dated and coupled-up with these shy quiet women, too. And they just hide their desire to be in the spotlight on the low. As soon as you boost them up to the point where they have more confidence, they out that door. Don't be fooled into thinking "She doesn't hittin' up the clubs and prefers to stay in. Keeper!" Because I tell you that even, the "nerdy" ones whose perfect evening is staying in to play Gears of War and watch Star Trek are tricky. Sometimes the reason they entrench themselves in typically male-dominated past-times is to attract the male attention they'd get if only they weren't too shy to go out.

Case in point: women who stay in, but play male-dominated MMORPGs, or who stay in, and spend most of their time on videogame or sports forums. Those among us who've frequented videogame boards at one point have surely seen the woman/girl who oh-so-casually mentions she's a "girl geek" or "girl gamer" on a forum full of thirsty men. She's not stupid, and she likes the male attention. Don't put those introverted women on a pedestal.

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
I want to touch on something that myself and few others've mentioned previously. That is, the Extroverted woman vs the Introvert kind.

In my earlier years, having dealt with and been attracted to the extroverted woman and her seeming zest for life, I, like many of you, grew to realise that these are usually the sort of women who require constant reassurance and who crave near-excessive amounts of socialisation.

The introverted woman, while always secretly attractive to me, seemed like too much hard work to open up. But as time went by, and being an (expressive) introvert myself, I started to reason that due to their aversion to the extrovert's blatant attention-whoring, these introverted, people-shy women would and could possibly be better suited to long-lasting relationships. After all, logic would dictate the more shyness a person has, the fewer distractions, and the smaller the need to crave other brother's ***** would be, right?

Well, brahs. I've dated and coupled-up with these shy quiet women, too. And they just hide their desire to be in the spotlight on the low. As soon as you boost them up to the point where they have more confidence, they out that door. Don't be fooled into thinking "She doesn't hittin' up the clubs and prefers to stay in. Keeper!" Because I tell you that even, the "nerdy" ones whose perfect evening is staying in to play Gears of War and watch Star Trek are tricky. Sometimes the reason they entrench themselves in typically male-dominated past-times is to attract the male attention they'd get if only they weren't too shy to go out.

Case in point: women who stay in, but play male-dominated MMORPGs, or who stay in, and spend most of their time on videogame or sports forums. Those among us who've frequented videogame boards at one point have surely seen the woman/girl who oh-so-casually mentions she's a "girl geek" or "girl gamer" on a forum full of thirsty men. She's not stupid, and she likes the male attention. Don't put those introverted women on a pedestal.

you right. Some introverted chicks do be seeking male attention online. However, the introverted chick is the most realistic choice to marry. Extroverted chicks just do anything for status and attention, as well as the most short tempered and intolerant to men that don't fit in conformity.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
From my viewpoint, special, great and good women are gone fast.

My sister is 29, been married for 5 years. Only had 3 relationships in her life. Never smoked, drank, or went clubbing and married still being a virgin.

My brother in law won.

Like i said earlier jm extremely cautious of women my age who are single.

Sent from royalty using Tapatalk breh


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4

As we began dating, it wasn’t long until I discovered that something was wrong with my new friend. One day after a very romantic but expensive dinner date in a fancy Italian restaurant, she finally came clean. She told she had been burned by a$$hole guys before and needed to heal before getting more intimate.

One night at 3am I received a phone call from her. She was crying. One of her ex-boyfriends — a big motorcycle guy with Japanese tattoos — was back in town. They had sex. He left her apartment as soon as he ejaculated.

Lol nice April fools

Sent from royalty using Tapatalk breh

Poh SIti Dawn

Staying Positive, Getting Better Everyday. Holler!
Feb 8, 2013
Lol^. On that note, what should you do if a chick that ditched you so you threw her number into the bushes tries to contact you later on down the road?


May 6, 2012
Lol^. On that note, what should you do if a chick that ditched you so you threw her number into the bushes tries to contact you later on down the road?
do what your gut tells you to do. if you still want to hit that, let her come back in but set your own terms and don't compromise.

if you don't want anything from her, tell her you're not interested.

whatever the case, i suggest you don't lie. keep it real and your words will be congruent with your mindset.

International Playa

Playa with a Passport
Nov 26, 2012
As we began dating, it wasn’t long until I discovered that something was wrong with my new friend. One day after a very romantic but expensive dinner date in a fancy Italian restaurant, she finally came clean. She told she had been burned by a$$hole guys before and needed to heal before getting more intimate.

One night at 3am I received a phone call from her. She was crying. One of her ex-boyfriends — a big motorcycle guy with Japanese tattoos — was back in town. They had sex. He left her apartment as soon as he ejaculated.

Lol nice April fools

Sent from royalty using Tapatalk breh

It might be a joke, but best believe that eish happens, as soon as an ex contacts them, they vanish of the face of the earth


King of Beasts
Feb 24, 2013
i understand what you're saying but when i say be a "sociopath", i don't even mean like be a player. i believe in honesty. but what i meant is that it almost seems like you have to not care about what they want or what they could regret in the future. cause even with a "good girl" (matter of fact, ESPECIALLY with them...) that compassion you have could fukk you up. they simply aren't wired like us.

i don't think there are good girls, just like i don't think there are bad/wrong girls. they will just be what you allow them to be. if you get fukked over by the last girl who was once a good girl (but you eventually allowed her to be a bad girl) then when you meet the next good girl, you'll be more guarded and cold. what happens though is that the new girl you pick will probably be even more innocent and seem more nice and genuine than the last one. even worse if she has a sob story. the problem is now, you learned from last time so you will put her through a lot. she seems unhappy and insecure because of it. suddenly that compassion that's wired in you kicks in. you feel "this chick really is ride or die for me...she deserves more of me. she deserves to be more happy. she shouldn't have to pay for the last chick that fukked me over, she's a different person." that's when you're fukked. because she will turn if you change on her.

that's why i said you almost gotta be a sociopath. You could meet the perfect girl for you who truly cares about you, ride or die, sweet as fukk, never did anything wrong to you, always had your back when she didn't have to, showed you loyalty, cooperating, easy-going, etc etc etc....once that protective instinct kicks in and once you start feeling bad for her, you're prey. she sees an opening and you're done. but it's just how we are. we can't help it. nature wired us that way for the survival of the race. if we didn't have that compassion, we'd just play them, fukk em, and not give a fukk about their physical or emotional protection. it's almost like we all have an inner fight in us, both males and females. except their inner fight is in reverse from us. We are wired to be compassionate but we have to force ourselves to be cold to attract them. they are wired to be cold but have to force themselves to be sweet and nice in order to attract us. trust me man, it's the nice ones that could fukk you up the most because it'll be easier for them to soften your heart. and it's not on purpose. they're not evil. it's just nature. if they weren't like that, the human race would be in trouble as well. you have to truly not give a fukk that she seems like an exception. Once you start thinking "she doesn't belong to the game cause she's nice" you're already prey. cause we're all in the game. don't expect her to feel like you don't belong to the game when (not if but when...) the shoe is on the other foot.

the ones that are consciously scheming are easy to spot. it's the ones that aren't even consciously playing the game that will burn your soul the most. fukk what she feels, fukk what she wants, fukk if she never did anything wrong to you. Never think a chick is doing you a favor because she didn't hurt you. Whenever you're with a chick, you have to constantly feel like you're the best thing that ever happened to her and that she's lucky to even have you in her life. Never make her feel like you're lucky to have her. fight the urge to constantly make her feel safe. she should ALWAYS be a little insecure. you should foster that feeling in her (not too much but enough). and you should do it because it's in your best interest. your principals above her life. it sounds fukked up. it sounds evil. it even feels counter-intuitive. but i sincerely think that everytime you will feel compassionate to her you will lose a little (and that feeling is inevitable because it's in our nature.) that's what i meant by sociopath.

and in a relationship, it's inevitable that you will lose sometimes. but you always have to fight the feeling.

Man Turbulent, the knowledge you just dropped was like ether to a young breh's soul. You broke the game down so well, there's not too much more to add to it. You are appreciated. I encourage all the coli fam to heed these words and apply them not only to their daily dating or pump-and -dump lifestyles, but to their marriages also. Cats get married and think that the game stops, no brehs, the game just began. Churchhhhh.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
It might be a joke, but best believe that eish happens, as soon as an ex contacts them, they vanish of the face of the earth

Yup I know because I've been there :to:

Sent from royalty using Tapatalk breh