IDK why but I've always stereotyped teachers as boring women in the bed and said I'll probably never date one. So about a week ago I met one...she's cute, stable job, no kids, has some goals, etc. We've been trying to plan when to go out but I had busy weekend and this week has been crazy too. So she invited me over for dinner Tuesday, not sure why I went but I did. The food was average, she made spaghetti but its the thought that counts right. So we're talking about different topics and sex comes up and shes like...I don't like having sex with just anyone because it complicates things and I want to feel a connection and know that we're a couple. I was like cool that's understandable and I respect that. After I left that night I thought she was a bit conservative but she seemed ok so I would see her again sometime. So yesterday she calls around 9pm or so and I'm watching the bball games and sex comes up again and she's like what do you like. So I tell her and she tells me what she's into and so she says she's about to fall asleep and we hang up.....11:30 I get a text saying U still awake I'm like yea watching the game, can't sleep? She responds why you gonna give me some medicine to go? Now I'm thinking she trolling me or its a trap but I respond sure I'm on my way over. I get there and she in her bra and panties ready to go. She said I could beat raw and could bust wherever I wanted, been on the pill since she was 14

Of course I strapped up but busted on her face and mouth
Afterwards shyt had me feeling some kind of way because I thought it would take me weeks but I beat after 1 dinner and didn't have to pay

She seemed a lil different afterwards too, asking me was it good and did I like the sex talk. I was like chill I gotta sleep and go to work in the morning, but now I'm hoping she don't think we a couple

got a feeling she may be a clinger.
These women thinking giving me the p*ssy so fast going to make me want to be in a relationship with them