Louder than words
eshbabez .......
^You peep the message this broad put at the end of her profile?
about not giving her any "BS"(we all kno what she means by that) when contacting her?
but check out that 3rd picture on the top where she is getting her top undressed like she is getting ready to Put up a Backpage escort ad....
and then look at that other pic in her ton of pictures that only shows a picture of her "lips".....close up......
So basically this girl puts up a picture of her getting half undressed and a closeup of her thick juicy lips....and tells horny red blooded males not to give any BS...
and these chicks wonder why they are not taken seriously at all.
we have to understand that many women are stuck on that basic shyt where if they are looking and acting like a hooker, then they KNOW it will attract them a man who will spend some time and money on them. or at least get her a goon to come by some nights and fukk her

but when women mostly rely on their looks and sex appeal to get a man, they seem to have a lot less to offer you in other terms. no conversations with real substance, little in the way of manners, and never any moral support. you see that in all of her insecurity, its only about her and how much that she puts her looks over everything. on top of that, if their looks are getting them something today, and it can get them something else tommorow, of course theyll be jumping on that next ride. those are the shallow females that have little valuable substance to them, so what they do is they go around playing this "gimme" game on all the sucker ass tricks who're stuck on their looks. females with little substance seek men with little substance.
you know the types, the pretty girls who cant fukk, the girl who is on the phone all the time flirting with men for favors, the ones who expect to be spoiled and do shyt, the females who need a lot of people to pay attention to her photos, etc

that pof profile reminded me, I used that website long ago. I remember getting only two or three responses in a week, where I would shoot out 35-40. it got tiring because I wasnt even using generic messages to holla at them

anyways, I switched it up about a month later. for some reason I thought being articulate, mannered, and appealing to their interests mentioned would get these internet females to respond. it wasnt simping (borderline), but I was making the mistake of coming off as nice and polite.

anyways, I didnt get it at first. so I changed it up and I treated it like a job interview. you know how they looking for "buzz words" and shyt that matches up with their job description?
I completely threw away my old school, tailor made messages for each girl, and went into vh1 mode. I wrote shyt like "Im a man who is not with the drama" "Im brutally honest with my friends" "Im down to earth" "I like to make people laugh" "so if youre not serious, dont reply" and shyt like that, just taking whatever cliches that was on their profiles and repackaged it back at em. to catch their attention, I started using their own language on them.

just like that, I got WAY better responses. even from women I was only testing it on, as well as some of the others

problem is, when you successfully speak chickenhead ... youre dealing with a chickenhead

changing my lingo to get these ho asses wasnt worth it. had me all up and down the city with these broke, thirsty bytches from different parts of town. so many of them put on a big front. damn bruh what a fool I was. I fronted to get with women who were in turn fronting. so fukk all that.
but anyways, if you see youre dealing with a simpleton, then you have to speak simpleton to play them/reach them. but think about that, and whats really going on. thats all Im saying.
the other option is to take it back to basics, and keep it simple. tell her what youre looking for, and she'll either respect it or ignore it. you dont have to play games like that and go in circles to get to where you want to be.
women are so deep into their own games, and being about that bullshyt, that they resent whenever they think theyre seeing a man trying to work his game on them to get to what he wants. they think its them being played, when a lot of times its just courtship and making an impression. well, so be it. I suggest that you never go out your way to be like that. dont play idle games with them or try to impress them. you have to be yourself. and if you dont think thats good enough, then work on that until youre comfortable and happy with your whole shyt to be like that.
see if theyre real, then theyd prefer you to be upfront and real as well. a-alike, b(e) alike, c(see) alike.