I've learned that I have more power than I thought and there's a level of confidence & self esteem you should have. Value yourself over her. In my earlier days, women won just for showing up. Don't be that guy just so you can not be alone, have consistent p*ssy. No matter what they did, I was willing to stick with it because I was insecure & just happy to have girls I liked who wanted to be with me........that made me exhibit outrageously simpish behavior that I just don't stand by anymore. What broke me out of that behavior was dating women I didn't like and seeing how I treated them, how respected myself and how they treated me back vs how I acted around women I liked and how they treated me. There's plenty of women out there, if she's not acting right, she can be replaced. Women should earn the things you do for them, the flowers, the dinners, your exclusivity, your time. It's not just something given out freely.
i have to caution some of you guys on something. the notion here is "look how u treated the chicks u didn't like, see how they were glued to your d1ck. well, treat the chicks u do like that way and viola, you'll see miracles happen".
well, u goto give this some careful thought. the chicks u didn't like, u didn't like them for a reason. there was something about them that made u not like them. and just like u couldn't overlook whatever it was, many other guys out there most likely are the same way. these women aren't glued to your d1ck because of how u treat them (although i will say some are and will be). they're glued to your d1ck mostly because the pickings are slim for them. if you try that with a chick who's got a limitless supply of d1cks on her plate, u goto know what your doing, lest you get tossed to the side for practicing too much fucckery.
the best advice you can take from this thread is basically:
1. Dress NICE!!!!!!!
2. Talk little, but when you do talk, talk with authority. Practice your tone of voice.
3. Be very nonchalant in all your dealings with women. No matter what they tell you, do not let a few hours of bliss paint a false forecast of the future. Women are volatile and like the wind, they change directions whimsically. Be ready for that, and when it happens, deal with it like a warrior who's prepared for battle.
There are many rules to the game, but rule number 3 is the most important. You can dress nice, spit the illest game, but if your inner core is built with feathers, melancholy will continue to plague your existence on this earth. how many times can you rinse and repeat?
When I say nonchalant, oh i wish the hearts of those who read my words can fully understand. True nonchalance cannot be faked. True nonchalance is complete apathy to the doings and goings of others. True nonchalance is tamed pessimism trained to perfection. Expect the worst from others and when they consistently fail to meet your expectations, give them a second look.
when you master the art of nonchalance, believe me when i tell you, age old shackles will be broken. your inner spirit will be set free and the glee that was stolen from you will return and it will show in your face.