Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


May 24, 2022
But in some of these cases, how interested can she be if y’all have never met? That’s where it can be oversimplified.

It’s not about your statement, more the way some will apply it.

I think the key here is that if there's some sort of hang out/date discussion on her part - there's some interest.

Online, that's a powerball ticket.
Offline, that's still a scratch off.

But there's a chance...

The advice of "If she's not FEELING YOU AT 10 OFF RIP, BUSH HER" - isn't helpful.

What a lot of these cats need to learn, what we learned back in the day, was to cultivate a girls interest.

A little spark can either get blown OUT by the wind, or blown UP by the wind.

Cats be on some binary on/off steez, when reality itself is nuanced and contextual.

That's how you get Autistic Auston Holleman type dudes.


Old Master
May 11, 2012
I think the key here is that if there's some sort of hang out/date discussion on her part - there's some interest.

Online, that's a powerball ticket.
Offline, that's still a scratch off.

But there's a chance...

The advice of "If she's not FEELING YOU AT 10 OFF RIP, BUSH HER" - isn't helpful.

What a lot of these cats need to learn, what we learned back in the day, was to cultivate a girls interest.

A little spark can either get blown OUT by the wind, or blown UP by the wind.

Cats be on some binary on/off steez, when reality itself is nuanced and contextual.

That's how you get Autistic Auston Holleman type dudes.
Don’t disagree at all

Apollo Creed

Look at your face
Feb 20, 2014
Handsome Boyz Ent
This is facts, the social media/phone addicted generation is universal now. Too much screen time used to probably be mainly a boy thing with video games/computers but this next crop seem to be showing same issues across the board and only getting worse.. These girls get alot of passes just because but I see it too much now..
Young hoes use "dry humor"/sarcasum to hide them being weird as shyt. They aren't witty they all just recycle the same memes. Right now in the west you either dealing with a bum ass old bytch that's bitter or a bum ass young bytch that's weird as fukk 7/10 times. And I use bum regardless.of income because women make horrible decisions


Mar 11, 2022
That's a great take!
I know people want to throw out the baby with bathwater basically or outright deny there was alot of meat but that was something that crystalized for me digging in the crates (wayback machine) and/or goin thru your blog start to finish. The pua stuff even at the first 20-50 pages of this thread talked about that and they would use analogies like boat or islands, like a girl wants to visit your island and see what are you about.

I do get the guys that are indifferent and have more juice isnt worth the squeeze mindset (usually older and already achieved their biological imperative) , I think society over played their hand and MANY dudes are checking out or exploring other options. Im seeing it forreal in these airports, brothers really getting out here.


Mar 11, 2022
A chick can flip from medium interest to high interest if the date is proper

That also happens a lot ..contrary to what coli brehs say

Taking a women out usually leads to sex
If you have game and know what ur doing
This part, this is where I was able to benefit from these spaces, because I was doin decent but you come here and dudes basically have worked out streamlined systems and it made sense. Like wtf:ohhh:Like in my head I can take a girl to a rooftop in wynwood and its not gonna be expensive, good vibes, aesthetics, solid drinks, never tried the food there, if we get hungry (we gonna get hungry), lets walk to this Jamaican spot, more vibes, good drinks, dj, hookah, and oxtails :blessed:, if you not wining on me by a certain time, I already know what it is..

Have a couple spots around town, ur place, her place, where you can do something like this and you are good to go..


Dec 25, 2014
Yesterday this woman randomly hit me up on She says "hey im in your town for work event" etc what is there to do here?. Cant front shes 41 no kids but she fine. I literally thought she could have been catfish for a second until I saw photo with her and her mother. Anyways I replied back not much is poppin in this town.She replies gotcha.I also manage to put my # in the message she never got back on. She is from Houston and im in the Carolinas .Strange signal.

She was probably looking to smash. Had a similar thing on Tinder this weekend. Saw someone swiped my profile on Saturday.

Now usually I don't swipe on profiles with no pictures of the person. But the two pictures used kinda piqued my curiosity. Plus what they were looking for. They had put looking for 'new friends' which is what a lot of women put when their looking for uncomplicated encounters on Tinder. I've noticed Asian women especially like to do this.

Anyway sent the first message and the chick messaged back quickly. Said she was on a business trip here in Vancouver. Did the usual asked where she was from she said originally from Shanghai now she lives in Toronto, but she's been in Vancouver for a business trip since last Wednesday.

Anyway we had some back and forth then before I could she suggested we meet for a coffee or drink, as she was really enjoying the convo. Asked for her number she posted it said I'll add her on whatsapp.

Now this is the hard part as I had no idea what she looked like. Connected on whatsapp and I could see from her profile pic she was fine.

She then said do you want some more pics as she'd cut her hair that weekend. Very classy looking, very attractive woman. Mid 30s has kept herself in amazing shape.

She was pretty open with what she was doing in Vancouver workwise. But like you I was thinking is this a catfish?

We decided to meet the next evening she suggested near her hotel as she's kind of in a not great place for bars and she didn't want either of us drinking and driving.

After we say goodnight. I start my research she has a very distinctive name and job so I did some googling and I found her LinkedIn and she was real, had recent pics of her at conferences etc

Fast forward and we met on Sunday night had two drinks, chatted and then went back to her hotel room for some more talk and some gin she said I'd love.

Things went how I expected. I said on here before but for guys looking to PAAG, asian women don't invite men back to a place where they are alone with you unless things are going to get popping and they did.

The sex was so good I'm seeing her again this evening. She's coming to my place for dinner as she's back off to Toronto tomorrow.


Let's go panthers
May 1, 2012
This part, this is where I was able to benefit from these spaces, because I was doin decent but you come here and dudes basically have worked out streamlined systems and it made sense. Like wtf:ohhh:Like in my head I can take a girl to a rooftop in wynwood and its not gonna be expensive, good vibes, aesthetics, solid drinks, never tried the food there, if we get hungry (we gonna get hungry), lets walk to this Jamaican spot, more vibes, good drinks, dj, hookah, and oxtails :blessed:, if you not wining on me by a certain time, I already know what it is..

Have a couple spots around town, ur place, her place, where you can do something like this and you are good to go..
This why game matters :manny:
if u on a date and go to 3 different spots

The 4th spot will be your apartment
Women treat a date like an adventure

Problem is most cats don’t know how to plan a date
Non chain Venues with Ambience/views look rooftop >>>cheesecake factories


May 26, 2012
San Diego
The key phrase in my post, my brother in Jah, is

"A chick will literally meet you anywhere if she’s actually interested in or attracted to you."

What the pretty boys and pretty girls don't want to acknowledge is that something OTHER than INSTANT love/lust can happen on a date.

A chick that was a 5 face some nice titties/phat ass can be come an 8 when you have a meal with them.
A dude that wasn't all that, but she bored so goes on the date anyway, can become the love of her life, during that dinner.

And it's not even like person on the other side did something intentional - sometimes the chemistry develops that can't be predicted or planned for. It ain't the 6 figs, or how the Lululemon is straining to hold back them thighs -

This new generation's social media/internet/instant gratification/have it your way mentality REFUSES to see what actually happens in the real world, all the time, every damn day.

Even the ones online hollering the most about being a divestor or becoming a passport bros - fail to account for the times that this has happened to them. Where they gave something a chance that didn't meet their arbitrary cut off and it worked.

There's a lot of this "instant" knowledge bs out there.

A chick knows in the first 5 nanoseconds... - that's the biggest crock of BS, along with women's intuition.

I could go on, but I step back sometimes and I wonder how much of people's minds is within their own skulls, and how much they've outsourced to the hive.

This is very well explained, and something i believe and try to talk about when it comes up. The idea of balance, reflection, but also taking chances, seems very lessened in the last 10 years, probably as a reaction to the YOLO era? Binary and absolution, is exactly what people look for, and how they see the world, it's very limiting, but it offers the idea of control, which in a world that feels the opposite is comforting.

I have some very affirming and ideal stories from last week, I'll get to eventually.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
She was probably looking to smash. Had a similar thing on Tinder this weekend. Saw someone swiped my profile on Saturday.

Now usually I don't swipe on profiles with no pictures of the person. But the two pictures used kinda piqued my curiosity. Plus what they were looking for. They had put looking for 'new friends' which is what a lot of women put when their looking for uncomplicated encounters on Tinder. I've noticed Asian women especially like to do this.

Anyway sent the first message and the chick messaged back quickly. Said she was on a business trip here in Vancouver. Did the usual asked where she was from she said originally from Shanghai now she lives in Toronto, but she's been in Vancouver for a business trip since last Wednesday.

Anyway we had some back and forth then before I could she suggested we meet for a coffee or drink, as she was really enjoying the convo. Asked for her number she posted it said I'll add her on whatsapp.

Now this is the hard part as I had no idea what she looked like. Connected on whatsapp and I could see from her profile pic she was fine.

She then said do you want some more pics as she'd cut her hair that weekend. Very classy looking, very attractive woman. Mid 30s has kept herself in amazing shape.

She was pretty open with what she was doing in Vancouver workwise. But like you I was thinking is this a catfish?

We decided to meet the next evening she suggested near her hotel as she's kind of in a not great place for bars and she didn't want either of us drinking and driving.

After we say goodnight. I start my research she has a very distinctive name and job so I did some googling and I found her LinkedIn and she was real, had recent pics of her at conferences etc

Fast forward and we met on Sunday night had two drinks, chatted and then went back to her hotel room for some more talk and some gin she said I'd love.

Things went how I expected. I said on here before but for guys looking to PAAG, asian women don't invite men back to a place where they are alone with you unless things are going to get popping and they did.

The sex was so good I'm seeing her again this evening. She's coming to my place for dinner as she's back off to Toronto tomorrow.

:obama:, just a note you can use to search a photo usually bang on and will find a instagram, tiktok, linkedin ,facebook

Apollo Creed

Look at your face
Feb 20, 2014
Handsome Boyz Ent
A chick can flip from medium interest to high interest if the date is proper

That also happens a lot ..contrary to what coli brehs say

Taking a women out usually leads to sex
If you have game and know what ur doing

from my experience simply meeting is what changes the interest.


Mar 11, 2022
That's how you get Autistic Auston Holleman type dudes.
I know for me, I give Hollemon alot of shyt but in last year breh been on like 4 continents, been able to build an income that supports that and seem to have experiences that he is looking for with women. Meanwhile I see a dude like swp (willie pete) and this dude 15 years + on yt still talking like he confused about what black women want like its a complex math problem to send shyt to Mars or something..

One is suspected autistic barber and the other a doctor or in medical field, maybe to smart for his own good, he sound like he a prisoner in his own mind tryna figure this shyt out.. SWP get out here the world is WIIIIIIDE OPEN BROTHER!