Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


✌️ Coli. Wish y’all the best of luck. One
Jul 19, 2012
That's your own personal limited view of leadership. Who said anything about 'complete submissiveness and clutching ankles'? Not a soul in this thread. And a woman being submissive is from the stone ages? Since when? Women being submissive to a man is something that has worked for CENTURIES. You mean we shouldn't go back to the pattern that has produced successful society after successful society? Name me a significant matriarchal society off the top of your head. There is nothing silly about the Bible. The only silly thing is your perception of it and what we're talking about in this thread.

Breh you posted bible quotes that said this:

A woman[a] should learn in quietness and full submission. 12 I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet.

And slavery was the backbone of this nation for centuries, and produced successful societies. America's 20th century 'golden age', economically and socially, was experienced while jim crow was a legislative and societal force and backdrop. According to you, those abuses should be celebrated because America was successful, human rights and agency for all be damned.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
The problem is not American women, but rather women in America. This is an important distinction. America has a cultural milieu and legal system that strongly encourages bad female behavior. Any intelligent young woman will likely figure this out within a couple of years of arriving. She will exist inside a “closed” system thoroughly tolerant of divorce and populated with obsequious men. Women are psychologically flexible. When in Rome, they do as the Romans. The younger they are, the more likely they will conform to American behavioral patterns.

Sent from royalty using Tapatalk breh


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4

Another way that even if men shun marriage they will still be screwed.
. In Canada you will get raped after 3 years.

Sent from royalty using Tapatalk breh


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
I am honestly starting to understand the Islamic world’s treatment of their women. If not “kept back,” I’m beginning to believe that women will behave in such a way so as to collectively destroy society, given 4 or 5 generations. How could anything else result, when the message is unmistakable to the most responsible men: Have children at your peril. Guys who think like us are the foundation of a stable society. We raise better children and keep the economy going. We obey laws and pay our taxes and stabilize society. The fewer children we have, the more unraveled the social fabric will become. Beyond a certain point, a complex society will collapse from too much overhead and too few producers.

It's sad brehs, I cringe for the future

Sent from royalty using Tapatalk breh


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Reincar got it right. NEVER assume a woman is 'good' because she is getting her education and comes from a middle or upper class family. At the end of the day, when she gets turned on, all that educational nonsense goes out the window. She wants it, and either she controls her urges if she has the moral ability to do so, or she gives in to her urges and gives it up. When we peel back all of the socialization aka education, we all are reduced to our urges and how we choose to deal with it. A rich broad has the same emotions and urges as a poor one. It's all up to how that individual female chooses to deal with it. Some of the biggest hoes are some of the most proper and sweetest women.

Never underestimate a woman's capacity for ingraditude. They live in the present with little regard for the past or the future. What they were grateful for a year ago is now what they expect or demand.

Sent from royalty using Tapatalk breh

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
The forces building against marriage are insurmountable; marriage is crumbling in the West, and may soon be almost gone.

Don't do it guys. Don't get married. It hurts me to say this, as I've always viewed a successful marriage as my main goal in life, and I'm one of the most romantic fools you'll ever meet. But I can't deny reality any longer.

I address myself here to the 'good guys', the men who work hard, who treat women nicely, act responsible then get turned over by women who call them 'boring' and prefer to date the b*stards. Do you believe your value to a woman is purely to add a bit of color to her life, as someone to challenge her and keep her on her toes, as nothing but the bad boy who will prove to her that all men are scum? If so then by all means get married, but brace yourself for the very real possibility of what happens when your nuclear family goes nuclear.

Dating and finding a wife is a game of numbers. To get a date you are going to have to talk to a certain volume of women, to get a girlfriend you're going to have to get a certain volume of dates, and to get a wife you are going to have to work yourself through a certain volume of girlfriends. But as any serious young guy knows: Western women are sabotaging the game. They have become indifferent towards men and scathing towards good men. I don't sincerely think that older men have any appreciation of how bad things have gotten for young men looking for a date.

If you are in possession of a decent character, if you believe you have a right to keep the fruits of your labour, and that no-one has the right to stop you from spending time with your own children, then consider Western marriage an extremely high-risk project. Ignore the pressures and ridicule your family and women may throw at you. You are not a sacrificial lemming whose only option is to queue up on the cliff-top and jump, hoping for the best. In the current climate, women have no right whatsoever to lecture us on the need for us to marry. They are not the ones committing suicide en masse due to their kids being taken away and poisoned against them. They are not the ones divorced for no reason then kicked out of their house and forced to spend the rest of their lives labouring simply to meet the costs of a family that now hates them.

No, the truth is that not only has marriage in the West become a losing proposition for a man, its an institution looking extremely vulnerable from a barrage of attacks from multiple directions. And you owe it to yourself to take a long hard objective look at Western marriage, its pitfalls and perils.

Already over the last three decades marriage has crumbled, and I see every sign that this trend will continue. Feminism is undoubtedly the single greatest cause of the breakdown of marriage, and this shouldn't be any surprise, it was one of feminism's stated goals from the very beginning to destroy marriage and the nuclear family, which were regarded as "Patriarchal" oppression of women.

And while the odds of having a successful marriage shorten every year, the single lifestyle becomes ever more attractive for both men and women. So, even if one or a few of these forces were to be stopped and reversed, I don't believe the momentum against the destruction of marriage itself can be stopped.

There are seven main forces acting against marriage:

1. Breakdown of the heterosexual model
What exactly is a Western wife offering to her Husband that she hasn't already given to other men? She may have already shared her body with tens of other men, and she is likely to submit more to the masculine authority of her boss than she will ever do to you. The age-old model of masculine/feminine differences and expectations in marriage has been totally eroded.

What we have instead of the heterosexual model is an unstable and largely self-contradictory model based on androgyny and materialism. Couples get married because it's a great way to improve their lifestyle through pooling their assets. They are both devoted to seeking power through their own careers more than they are devoted to each other. It's a temporary arrangement, only held in place until some better 'deal' is on the table.

Given this, it should come as no surprise that Western governments have been under increased pressure to legalise and legitimise homosexual marriages.

2. Diminishing social pressure
It's an obvious point, but the stigma attached to 'living in sin' has collapsed in the now more secular West. What begins as a 'try before you buy' arrangement to live together first and see how things go, becomes entrenched as the standard, and then many people (well, men) wonder what the point of getting married would be. The momentum of this view is now so strong that I can't envisage any circumstances under which the church would be able to regain its power and insist on marriage as the only way a man and woman can live together as a couple. It's just not going to happen.

Also, not only is it increasingly socially acceptable not to marry, but also the sexual revolution is continuing at full pace, amounting to legitimising the 'swinger' lifestyle. In fact, to call someone a 'swinger' is now anachronistic because their attitudes and behaviour are absorbed into the mainstream. Pornography, gay-experimentation, three-somes, sodomy, masturbation, and many different forms of sexual experience are increasingly talked about openly and less likely to be condemned. I'm not saying it's a good thing, I'm just saying its occurring. And it weakens the exclusivity of marriage.

3. Growing temptations and opportunities for cheating
Listen guys, how sure are you that you would never feel the urge to cheat? Are you sure that you could stay faithful to that one woman for the rest of your life, despite the relatively easy availability of single woman who'll casually sleep with you?

You'd never do such a thing?

The very suggestion is monstrous?!

Well, good. But here's a harder question for you to answer: Are you 100% sure that your wife will never cheat on you given the ever increasing opportunities for her to do this? If she works - which she probably will - then her chances of being tempted to stray are vastly increased. And if you have Internet access there is the chance some smooth-talking guy will start taking to her online, and before you can say "cybersex" there will be some electronic intimacy going on.

You can bet that she has already unconsciously memorised all the rationalisations for cheating on you ("There was not enough emotional communication", "We grew apart") Oprah and Rikki taught them to her.

4. Distrust and the divorce industry
With the Western divorce courts outrageously biased against men, the prospect of a divorce is particularly frightening to a hard-working devoted man and particularly tempting to a bored, restless woman.

There are huge financial interests from the legal industry to fan the flames of marital disharmony: divorce is a lucrative opportunity.

As an example of the sort of advice that divorce lawyers are capable of giving, consider the following quote from "Divorce War-50 Strategies Every Women Needs To
Know To Win":

"Criticize Him Daily…by carving into his ego like a Thanksgiving turkey, you can effectively break down his self-esteem… A man's self-image is greatly affected by his perception of his virility. If you degrade his sexual ability, you will essentially emasculate him- his entire sense of self-worth will be dismantled."

Be aware that if your wife gets bored and hits you with a no-fault divorce, she will profit, the lawyers will profit, but you could be emotionally and financially destroyed.

5. The death of romance
The feminine, pure yearning for romance is dead. The object of the game for Western women today is to 'enjoy their independence'. This is incompatible with what provokes a man to treat women romantically and commit to them. A man looks at a good-time girl and sees a good-time, he doesn't see a feminine woman that he longs to cradle in his arms, protect and cater for. And the dirty little secret that the feminists don't want you to know is that the good-time girl generation of Western women are riddled with sexually transmitted diseases, some of which lead to infertility. There is an epidemic. Particularly amongst teenagers, with their cellphones and Email it is easy for them to 'hook up', and why shouldn't they? Ever since they were kids the TV, movies and magazines have been telling them there's nothing wrong with it. When I now hear of a girl loosing her virginity at 12 or 14 I don't even think it unusual anymore. But what blows my mind is imagining a girl loosing her virginity at 12, and not getting married till she's 30 or 35, and seeing it as her right to hook-up with men: how many men with these girls have slept with before they marry? To not expect any psychological or gynaecological consequences to this is insane.

6. The pool of psychologically healthy people is drying up
Stable people make for stable marriages. This is something not often discussed because it offends a lot of sensibilities and is politically incorrect to say, but please bare with me: I'm not mentioning this to demean anyone, I'm simply stating it objectively as a force that is working against marriage. As divorce and raising children outside marriage has skyrocketed over the past three decades the harm this has done to new generations is huge. Many now are very cynical about marriage, many are psychologically harmed; they have issues with trust, they have low self-esteem, depression, or simply no understanding of how family life can work. Many who have been brought up by a single mother have contempt for the very existence of fathers. Such a population of people does not bode well for fighting against the odds to make marriage work again.

7. Increased attractiveness of the singleton lifestyle
Again, this has been discussed endlessly in the media: there are more perks for the single person than ever in history. Aside from the explosion of consumer choice in dining and entertainment there are now more product options for the sexually hungry. The unsavoury but honest truth is that there has been an explosion of single men (and even women) accessing the vast online reservoirs of pornography and women are now funding a fast-growing industry of vibrators (available for the 'sex and the city' generation of girls in all varieties of shapes, designs and speeds); instant sexual satiation for a generation for whom commitment has become too unattractive.

If you want to have children and value the security and love that marriage has the potential to offer then you will vastly lower the risks of marriage by seeking a non-Western woman. Yes, there are indeed Western women who would make excellent wives, but the ones who would enrich your life and truly never opportunistically cheat on you or divorce you are few and far between. And the main problem is that it's impossible to identify them. I've known several women who I thought were really decent people and credits to their husband's who then decided to bale out of their marriage and took their husband for a ride in the process. You would never have guessed they'd have done this. Their husbands certainly didn't. Almost everyone now has family members (two cousins in my case) who they now never see because the ex-wife has made it impossible.

As I said before, looking for a wife is a game of numbers and opportunities; it's just like fishing. Now, the river of the feminist-indoctrinated countries has a high percentage of fish that are poisonous to you, but the river of the traditional countries is largely stocked with healthy and delicious fish. Which river will you choose to fish in?

I'm not a hater of Western women and I am not saying this because I believe Western women are evil to the core. The reason that 'no' must be considered an option for men thinking of marriage is that the lifestyles, culture and expectations of Western women are now such that its an uphill struggle to successfully marry one. Even if we totally destroyed feminism tomorrow, its effects would continue for years. It would take probably one or two more generations to purge the feminist poison from our societies. Don't think you can change one of these women; to think that is nothing short of arrogance.

I predict that as the cost and availability of travel and communication become more accessible around the globe, more Western men will come into contact with traditional, non-Western women and immediately notice an opportunity for a happy marriage. For American men this is most likely to be a Mexican or other Southern American woman, for British men this may be the Southern or Eastern European woman, and those lucky Australian men have a vast population of Asian lovelies right on their doorstep.

When it comes to considering marriage, be a man. Don't let other people, particularly women, manipulate your emotions on this subject. Think it through rationally and assess whether you are willing to take the risk, whether you are willing to pay the price. You don't have much choice whether to let pushy, man-bashing Western women into your workplace, gym, library, or sports club, but you can keep them out of your marital beds.

Sent from royalty using Tapatalk breh

:ohmy: America is gonna be on some "No Country For old Men" especially when men stop having kids.

I am honestly starting to understand the Islamic world’s treatment of their women. If not “kept back,” I’m beginning to believe that women will behave in such a way so as to collectively destroy society, given 4 or 5 generations. How could anything else result, when the message is unmistakable to the most responsible men: Have children at your peril. Guys who think like us are the foundation of a stable society. We raise better children and keep the economy going. We obey laws and pay our taxes and stabilize society. The fewer children we have, the more unraveled the social fabric will become. Beyond a certain point, a complex society will collapse from too much overhead and too few producers.

It's sad brehs, I cringe for the future

Sent from royalty using Tapatalk breh

Yeah, too many women spend their money on bullshyt and they are not inventors or philosophers of any sort. All they do is consume at an unstable rate and are overly selfish.

Doin2Much Williams

Grace Under Fiyah
May 18, 2012
Insignificant posting from an insignificant poster
Reincar got it right. NEVER assume a woman is 'good' because she is getting her education and comes from a middle or upper class family. At the end of the day, when she gets turned on, all that educational nonsense goes out the window. She wants it, and either she controls her urges if she has the moral ability to do so, or she gives in to her urges and gives it up. When we peel back all of the socialization aka education, we all are reduced to our urges and how we choose to deal with it. A rich broad has the same emotions and urges as a poor one. It's all up to how that individual female chooses to deal with it. Some of the biggest hoes are some of the most proper and sweetest women.

First thing that comes to mind when you mention that is that Ivy League chick that amassed a "FUKK LIST" in power point presentation as a part of her master's thesis project.

Talk about quantitative research.




follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Breh you posted bible quotes that said this:

And slavery was the backbone of this nation for centuries, and produced successful societies. America's 20th century 'golden age', economically and socially, was experienced while jim crow was a legislative and societal force and backdrop. According to you, those abuses should be celebrated because America was successful, human rights and agency for all be damned.

She has to fully embrace submission, meaning she has to humble herself to the authority of her man. That has nothing to do with becoming some sort of slave or robot to her man, and any man with sufficient leadership capabilities knows that he wouldn't want a woman like that anyways. A woman definitely should learn to be quiet when it's time to be quiet and to listen to her man when he's getting down and telling her something real. The Bible also requires a man to have his household in ORDER, meaning the man needs to have sufficient knowledge, wisdom and execution ability to handle business.

Let's be real, we like to imagine 'times have changed', but human nature hasn't changed. Women have and always will want a strong man that takes control. She is always looking for a man bigger than herself. A woman doesn't truly respond to a man unless he's a man that has the qualifications to where she has the feeling of humbling herself. There is nothing offensive about a man leading and a woman following her man. That's how it has been virtually all throughout human history in all of the successful societies that have existed. There is nothing particularly new about our age. "New-age" is really 'fail-age', aka some repackaged nonsense from the past that has proven to fail but is brought back because people forgot why what works really works and want to try something new for something new's sake. These women are waiting for some real leadership, even if they don't know it yet. They just need the right men to stand up and stand on it.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Never underestimate a woman's capacity for ingraditude. They live in the present with little regard for the past or the future. What they were grateful for a year ago is now what they expect or demand.

Sent from royalty using Tapatalk breh

Man real talk, that's why you can't give anything to a woman easily. Got to make her earn it. She has to show she's down in order to come up. She has to bring the mentality that she is going to do what it takes to make sure her man is on top. Otherwise, men need to stop giving out these freebies and sponsoring these women. If a woman wants the benefit packages, she has to CHOOSE UP with the right man and put in her work to show that she's qualified to receive those benefits.

As a man, you are the BOSS. You are the employer. THe problem so many men have is they are "paying" their employees before the employees do any work. How can you run any company like that? The employee has to do quality work in order to get paid. In other words a woman really needs to show how much she is about her man and how much she respects him over a long period of time before she even really thinks about getting some of those benefits. These women are getting the benefits packages on day 1, and thus quitting the company on day 2 because it was just that easy to obtain. We got these out of line, wayward women because we got so many soft bosses... men not stepping up and making a woman earn her keep.


✌️ Coli. Wish y’all the best of luck. One
Jul 19, 2012
She has to fully embrace submission, meaning she has to humble herself to the authority of her man. That has nothing to do with becoming some sort of slave or robot to her man, and any man with sufficient leadership capabilities knows that he wouldn't want a woman like that anyways. A woman definitely should learn to be quiet when it's time to be quiet and to listen to her man when he's getting down and telling her something real. The Bible also requires a man to have his household in ORDER, meaning the man needs to have sufficient knowledge, wisdom and execution ability to handle business.

Let's be real, we like to imagine 'times have changed', but human nature hasn't changed. Women have and always will want a strong man that takes control. She is always looking for a man bigger than herself. A woman doesn't truly respond to a man unless he's a man that has the qualifications to where she has the feeling of humbling herself. There is nothing offensive about a man leading and a woman following her man. That's how it has been virtually all throughout human history in all of the successful societies that have existed. There is nothing particularly new about our age. "New-age" is really 'fail-age', aka some repackaged nonsense from the past that has proven to fail but is brought back because people forgot why what works really works and want to try something new for something new's sake. These women are waiting for some real leadership, even if they don't know it yet. They just need the right men to stand up and stand on it.

what the hell do you mean by "submission"? one doesnt need to have people around them in a state of submission, in order to assume a leadership role. Thats ridiculous. Are you in submission to your boss and other authorities at work or other areas of life? Of course not.

You guys are completely invested in this mentality, where you want to essentialize all women as inherently evil, stupid, selfish, and incapable of fair mindedness, and enlightened and mature thoughts. Women must be controlled, and dominated according to you and this thread, like they were animals or some sort of sub species. The way you talk about women in this thread is the way st0rmfr0nt talks about blacks and jews.

You pine and lament for a day long since passed where women were socially obligated to remain under the full control of a man, and were socially and legislatively ordered to completely quiet their voice, hopes, dreams, desires, and agency for the whims of men in their life. Its realy demeaning and sick.

I dont know what experiences you've had in your life, but whatever they've been they've turned you guys into bitter, raving lunatics. Relationships are partnerships, and men, and yourself, arent perfect. Jesus, get over yourself.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
what the hell do you mean by "submission"? one doesnt need to have people around them in a state of submission, in order to assume a leadership role. Thats ridiculous. Are you in submission to your boss and other authorities at work or other areas of life? Of course not.

You guys are completely invested in this mentality, where you want to essentialize all women as inherently evil, stupid, selfish, and incapable of fair mindedness, and enlightened and mature thoughts. Women must be controlled, and dominated according to you and this thread, like they were animals or some sort of sub species. The way you talk about women in this thread is the way st0rmfr0nt talks about blacks and jews.

You pine and lament for a day long since passed where women were socially obligated to remain under the full control of a man, and were socially and legislatively ordered to completely quiet their voice, hopes, dreams, desires, and agency for the whims of men in their life. Its realy demeaning and sick.

I dont know what experiences you've had in your life, but whatever they've been they've turned you guys into bitter, raving lunatics. Relationships are partnerships, and men, and yourself, arent perfect. Jesus, get over yourself.

Man do you. I'm not going to spend any more time explaining it when I've already explained 'submission', among other topics in previous posts. If what you doing is working for you, keep doing it, but I'm doggone going to keep doing me. I don't lament for a 'day long passed'. What we're saying ain't sick. What's sick is your own imagined perception of what we're talking about which is completely out of alignment with what we're really saying.


✌️ Coli. Wish y’all the best of luck. One
Jul 19, 2012
Man do you. I'm not going to spend any more time explaining it when I've already explained 'submission', among other topics in previous posts. If what you doing is working for you, keep doing it, but I'm doggone going to keep doing me. I don't lament for a 'day long passed'. What we're saying ain't sick. What's sick is your own imagined perception of what we're talking about which is completely out of alignment with what we're really saying.

dont try to play me and act as if you guys are rational and even tempered. You guys are bitter women haters, and a majority of what Ive read in the last few pages borders on psychotic. You're right. You will live your life the way you see fit, as will I. Its a free society as long as you're not hurting anyone --- but im tellin u right now a lot of ya'll cats have gone off the deep end. Straight up. I have no agenda. Im just bein real.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
dont try to play me and act as if you guys are rational and even tempered. You guys are bitter woman haters, and a majority of what Ive read in the last few pages borders on psychotic. You're right. You will live your life the way you see fit, as will I. Its a free society as long as you're not hurting anyone --- but im tellin u right now a lot of ya'll cats have gone off the deep end. Straight up. I have no agenda. Im just bein real.

ah here it is, the typical mangina screaming bitter women haters

it amazes me because a man doesnt conform to the simp nature in this feminized society hes a bitter women hater,

the same guys who bump their chris breezy song, listen to misgonystic rap music, call women whores and bytches, but if a man speaks out he';s a bitter women hater, pathetic breh.

I've never cheated, hit a woman, raped a woman, touched a women inappropriately without her consent, but im a woman hater right?
