Call me a hater, but I just don't give any grace to women, at all. I've learned, but I wish I knew and practiced it way earlier.
They max out their physical attractiveness, put themselves in the spotlight, but then complain when they get attention, or don't know how to handle it - and then blame the very same people that they're trying to attract.
They then engage in anti-social behavior that we're just supposed to accept. We're supposed to have sympathy.
You know, "Things happen".
No. I do not accept it.
And I don't think any of the brothers should accept it either.
It's blatant and constant disrespect.
And most guys will find that they need to command respect from the very start and at all times until the grave, in order to facilitate anything healthy - be it short term or long term.
Even when you got broads blowing you up, and checking for you in public - a woman's attention is not enough.
It will never be enough. Her attention span is short. They change hairstyles everyday, if not morning to afternoon to evening. She can be digging you one moment, and then be disgusted the next.
Expecting reliability from a chick is foolish.
Expecting respect though...
If she doesn't respect you, she doesn't deserve your protection, time, attention, and definitely not your resources.
If we're talking about texting - it's about expectations. If you hit a chick up this afternoon and she don't get back to you until later that evening - fine. You can make your own rules about how "good" a texter a chick needs to be.
For example - you'll be back and forth with a chick on text, and you get to some important point - something that requires a response - and the chick will just ghost - because she doensn't want to answer, doesn't want to commit, something better might come along, etc.
No. Her lack of response, lack of timely response is answer enough. That's your answer.
- If she says no, she means no.
- If she says, we'll see, she means no.
- If she says maybe, she means no.
- If she hesitates, she means no.
Block the chick and move on.
If you see the chick out and about, don't even acknowledge her. Keep it moving, and by it, I mean your life.
If that means you miss out on this particular broad, there are 4 billion other women in the world.
She's not special, especially in those early days.
If that's the only chick that is even entertaining your communication - you have a pipeline problem.