I was being a little more generous in my "badder" word use, just like attractive, has money/career that is interesting cool, smart, whatever. Even just diversity, if I went out with one reporter, could I go out with a higher profile one? If I went out with someone who went to USC, can I go out with a Yale grad?
and me, looking at those people you named, (Nikcy and J Lo) it's the shared history that is going to bind them together, the ones who knew each other back when....
though would 100% argue that it doesn't get much "badder" than Jennifer Lopez, she's incredibly talented, gorgeous, successful, and she knew Ben 20 years ago, same with Nicki and that guy. They were childhood lovers or something.
I primarily date chicks with professional degrees, JD's, MBA, MPHs, PHD's, etc. I can count one hand, the chicks I've dealt with that don't at least have a undergrad degree. Maybe that's the problem...but I remember the chicks I dated that hadn't spent any time thinking something through - and that's a whole other can of worms. "You spent how much money on what? Why did you think that was a good idea?"
With the "accomplished sisters" all their accolades and professional achievements don't mean much. I think that's the case for most brothers, and more importantly most brothers "on their level". Just cause she found someone that can go back and forth with her on Camus The Stranger, means a lot to her, and nothing to me. The fact that I can swap her brakes out or remove the virus from her computer is a bonus to her...but more service from me.
It's the "man to woman" relationship that's much more important than her skill with make up brush and resilience in making healthy food choices.
So if you date a Eyewitness News Anchor, the next step up is the hot city council member, or the newly elected congressional rep.
Is she better than the CNA you met at the club?
Maybe? Maybe not?
But is it an ego boost to roll up to the spot with a county judge on you arm?
Oh, mos def.
To me, that stuff is internal to you, and external to the world, but not really about the relationship.
And a lot of those external trappings, I have found, got in the way of the man to woman thing.
I'm not trying to quarrel with you, I just think as men, who can do a lot, what we want from women is ....is ...is unknown. Like the biological aspect makes sense. The social and intellectual reasons though?
On a personal, unless I was running a family business, I'd never want a stay at home mother. I've seen all types of things happen to people, and I can't imagine putting a family in a position where Mom ain't been handling hers and I'm out of the picture...