Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women

Poh SIti Dawn

Staying Positive, Getting Better Everyday. Holler!
Feb 8, 2013
Single mums turn to brothels and stripping

poor single moms

i always said to root out the problem of single motherhood in north america is to cut benefits and see how fast it stops, you need housing? do as they do in some eastern european countries a building filled with single oms

But I hear in Eastern Europe most women only marry for money
[ame=]DMX - What They Really Want ft. Sisqo - YouTube[/ame]


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
26*And I find more bitter than death the woman who is a trap, her heart a net, and her hands chains. The one who pleases God will escape her, but the sinner will be captured by her. 27*“Look,” says the Teacher, “I have discovered this by adding one thing to another to find out the explanation, 28*which my soul continually searches for but does not find: among a thousand people I have found one true man, but among all these I have not found a true woman.[/b,]
Sent from royalty using Tapatalk breh


Jun 5, 2012
I dont see why Official Random Thoughts Thread (Ladies only) is stickied. We are building in this thread and they are talking nonsense in that one.

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
I dont see why Official Random Thoughts Thread (Ladies only) is stickied. We are building in this thread and they are talking nonsense in that one.

A lot of them ladies are praising all that bullshyt like TV shows and lusting for bum ass men that ain't about shyt. All of them. The good girl, the hoes, the nerdy chicks. No wonder a lot of them in America are lacking in the personality development.
Jun 15, 2012
As a man, should you have everything in your hands as far as dates go? Say a chick wants to hangout on a certain day, do you text her telling her the time and such, or do you wait for her to text you?

Yeah you do. Females lack initiative so don't leave it on her to come up with plans. If all she's telling you is "lets hang out on Saturday", she probably has nothing planned. If she did, she would have asked you to do something specific.

Now if she's your girl and she invites you to do something specific, don't exert your control at that point. Its one thing to be a leader in a relationship, its another to be a control freak and micromanage every detail.


Chasing The Dragon
Jun 17, 2012
Above The Clouds
Now I can't say that I'm a religious man at all. It's just not me but let me get into Jesus freak mode for a bit...

Have you ever noticed that it's always the flabby and sick (former hoes/single moms/spinsters) ones who go hard in the paint for Jesus when they've ruined their life?

Jesus is perfect, alright...He's the perfect nice guy that every woman wants after she's over the hill. The ultimate beta. Think about that for a second.

After she's used up and her p*ssy is no longer a draw, she has nothing to offer but she wants a man who:

Will love her for her...
Provide in times of need and want...
Who won't fukk her and chuck her...
Who won't judge her past...
Who will tell her she is beautiful/amazing despite reality showing otherwise...

Jesus provides all that and then some. Plus she doesn't have to see him at all and technically, she gets her "provider/backup guy". It's the perfect setup.

Despite his perfection, Jesus is not someone who you should learn "manhood" from, fellas. Everything he did, although noble and for a higher purpose, was beta/simping/textbook nice guy moves. Also, that martyrdom complex didn't help. Aside from the time he went ham and screamed on those dudes in the temple, he wasn't alpha at all. But this is what the church pumps up as the path to follow.

And sadly, many boys are indoctrinated in "nice guy" Jesus who caught far too many L's instead of God (who never simped and constantly laid down the law on these females). Notice how big Easter and Christmas are in America? Two days celebrating the birth and re-birth of the "perfect nice guy". These are the major Christian holidays that we celebrate. We don't celebrate God's creation of the world or the time that he unleashed that flood that wiped the Earth's population but showed enough mercy to let us start over again.

If you trying to deal with these women out here, you have to retrain yourself from being like Jesus to being like God himself. Whatever God did, do it. The Bible laid the groundwork on how men are supposed to act in an dominant alpha way.

When God said something and it wasn't followed...he came down on them hard. That person was either cut off, cursed, killed or whatever but God made sure he was his word was followed.
When God gave a person something and it wasn't appreciated...he took it from them and let them suffer. They usually ended up coming back and begging for mercy.
God was so consistent that it ensured loyalty. He removed himself from Job and Job still stood by him because he knew God wouldn't forsake him (like he did before his trials and tribulations).

The playbook has been there all along yet your pastors and your female relatives never focus on that part. It's always about humility, mercy, forgiveness and all the nice guy stuff that Jesus was perfect at. That's fine for getting through life but it's not manly at all. Women love it because it absolves them from their own personal failures. My last post about the farmer and the snake pretty much boils down to a man who shows mercy and forgiveness is bound to get fukked over. This is what they drill in men constantly.

And preachers wonder why men don't deal with church. The shyt they put out now goes against a man's interest in every way. In the end, God never compromised who he was in any given situation. No exceptions, no mercy. And neither should you.

TL;DR: The church is a breeding ground for simps and suckers because of what they teach and focus on. However, you can remedy this by approaching situations as God would approach them...not Jesus.

TrifeGod approves :lawd: Man I need to get some damn sleep the amount of realness is Impeccable. Thread brought back a good amount of my awareness. I've lost track for a while but I'm back. One day when I'm in my zone I dop some jewelz. :salute:


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
That's more like the 'concept' the modern churches teach of Jesus, which is a feminized Jesus. If you notice, in this day and age, most of the people in church are women. Jesus was not the soft, cuddly guy they try to portray now. People don't hate soft, cuddly guys who accept anything, but on the other hand Jesus was constantly driven from place to place. What did Jesus say to Judas after Judas betrayed him? "It was better that you were never born." What did he say to those who would cause little ones to stray? "It would be better that a millstone was tied around your neck and you were cast into the sea." His job was a carpenter, which is a very manly job. How often do you hear of women carpenters? He drove the money-changers out with what was essentially a whip. In fact, it says when Jesus comes back, he will be coming back to rule with an iron rod. None of that is congruent with the soft, sweet Jesus that we're supposed to sing near-secular love songs to. In fact, some of the songs in church have become downright disturbing. They went from hymns to songs about asking Jesus to hold you and to carress you. That's not a praise song. It's more akin to a secular love song.

The problem is that even the church has been feminized in order to ramp up the money intake. In fact the Bible is very strict on saying that men should be heads of the household and should not give up their authority to women.

Proverbs 31:3
King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.)
Give not thy strength unto women, nor thy ways to that which destroyeth kings.

The Bible explicitly tells us 1 Timothy 2
11 A woman[a] should learn in quietness and full submission. 12 I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet. 13 For Adam was formed first, then Eve. 14 And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner.

Do they even teach that in church anymore? The Bible straight up tells us not to let women have authority over you or to teach you. What happens when you let a woman lead? She discards you. What happens when you take a woman's advice? You look like a sucker. It's amazing just how true the Bible is.


"The Truth" always prevails
May 10, 2012
I love this thread brehs:to:

I come back every couple days just to check in on the knowledge being kicked, to make sure we still trying to assist one another, and leave out feeling satisfied with the information being given.

I even learn a little more each time I read myself and drop some info when I can.

Salute all the posters in here:salute:


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Let's get Biblical with it. The VERY first story in the Bible pretty much lays out man and woman relationships in this day and age. Adam was the first sucka simp, and Eve was the first bad-boy hound. If you want to know one thing a woman WILL do, it's that thing you tell her to not do. One may to ensure a woman does something is to make it a taboo or restricted action. God told them they could have any and ALL of the good fruit in the garden of eden. Adam abided, but guess who decided to go for the only tree that was prohibited? Guess who decided to follow the actions outlined by the serpent? That's right, Eve. Now, guess what happened when Adam followed up under Eve's leadership? Destruction. What happens when you, as a man, follow up under female leadership? That's right, destruction. Think about it... Out of milleniums of civilized society, how many of them were successful matriarchs where women handled the majority of the tasks given to men in patriarchal societies? You probably can't think of any off of the top of your head. Don't you think they tried that? As Ecclesiastes said, there is nothing new under the sun. So what happened to those societies that tried? They likely headed towards ruin, just like we are in this day and age.

God has tasked MAN to lead. Women, being the original Earthly creatures of rebellion, will constantly test you and attempt to usurp your power... she will cry, whine and attempt to seduce your authority away from you, and once given, you will be headed towards destruction and she will move on. Throughout your relationships, women will constantly test and attempt to rebel against you and your authority and principles and if you give in, you will be viewed as weak. NEVER give your authority up to a woman. You must always maintain the position of leader and never allow that to be undermined. If she continues to attempt to emasculate you, give her the boot, because if you let her stick around, she's going to ruin your life and leave anyways.


Dec 11, 2012
Be the leader right. I'll make the call tonight and if she answers I'll set something up if not ill drop her out.

And I agree, my ex and I were together for 3 months, we broke up but would fight, see each other, etc, but I waited 2 years for shyt to workout while messing with other girls. Finally December time the bytch hit me up and we chatted the whole month and her ass wouldn't see me once, saying she was scared and uncomfortable, with my hoe ass being a hoe I let her do that shyt. I. Hit her up today cause I had a dream she got killed so I wanted to make sure she was ok and she tried to converse, use smiley faces and shyt. I just sat back, thought about the shyt I learned from this thread like I ain't Finna deal with this bytches shyt no more. I ain't gonna chase her 6/10 ass when I've pulled better. fukked up thing was I made our relationship, that's why I swear she stays trying to hit me up when she's in town with her dusty Muslim ass. fukk her I ain't chasing, I'll let it go and she can hmu, but she ain't getting nothing from my ass. gotta set the tone.....

fukk these broads...

dont even give them the time of day


May 6, 2012
Let's get Biblical with it. The VERY first story in the Bible pretty much lays out man and woman relationships in this day and age. Adam was the first sucka simp, and Eve was the first bad-boy hound. If you want to know one thing a woman WILL do, it's that thing you tell her to not do. One may to ensure a woman does something is to make it a taboo or restricted action. God told them they could have any and ALL of the good fruit in the garden of eden. Adam abided, but guess who decided to go for the only tree that was prohibited? Guess who decided to follow the actions outlined by the serpent? That's right, Eve. Now, guess what happened when Adam followed up under Eve's leadership? Destruction. What happens when you, as a man, follow up under female leadership? That's right, destruction. Think about it... Out of milleniums of civilized society, how many of them were successful matriarchs where women handled the majority of the tasks given to men in patriarchal societies? You probably can't think of any off of the top of your head. Don't you think they tried that? As Ecclesiastes said, there is nothing new under the sun. So what happened to those societies that tried? They likely headed towards ruin, just like we are in this day and age.

God has tasked MAN to lead. Women, being the original Earthly creatures of rebellion, will constantly test you and attempt to usurp your power... she will cry, whine and attempt to seduce your authority away from you, and once given, you will be headed towards destruction and she will move on. Throughout your relationships, women will constantly test and attempt to rebel against you and your authority and principles and if you give in, you will be viewed as weak. NEVER give your authority up to a woman. You must always maintain the position of leader and never allow that to be undermined. If she continues to attempt to emasculate you, give her the boot, because if you let her stick around, she's going to ruin your life and leave anyways.
Men who chose a woman over their principle because they thought she was "the one"

Adam and Eve
Samson and Delilah
Salomon followed pagan women

Meanwhile Abraham's principles (submission to God) required him to sacrifice his son, an act which would be considered crazy and his wife would probably have HATED him since it was their only son. He was scared but he still was bout it. God stopped him and he was still rewarded. Principle ABOVE EVERYTHING!!!

Lot (of Soddom and Gomorah)could have turned back when he saw his wife turn back but he followed God's instructions.


May 2, 2012