Let's get Biblical with it. The VERY first story in the Bible pretty much lays out man and woman relationships in this day and age. Adam was the first sucka simp, and Eve was the first bad-boy hound. If you want to know one thing a woman WILL do, it's that thing you tell her to not do. One may to ensure a woman does something is to make it a taboo or restricted action. God told them they could have any and ALL of the good fruit in the garden of eden. Adam abided, but guess who decided to go for the only tree that was prohibited? Guess who decided to follow the actions outlined by the serpent? That's right, Eve. Now, guess what happened when Adam followed up under Eve's leadership? Destruction. What happens when you, as a man, follow up under female leadership? That's right, destruction. Think about it... Out of milleniums of civilized society, how many of them were successful matriarchs where women handled the majority of the tasks given to men in patriarchal societies? You probably can't think of any off of the top of your head. Don't you think they tried that? As Ecclesiastes said, there is nothing new under the sun. So what happened to those societies that tried? They likely headed towards ruin, just like we are in this day and age.
God has tasked MAN to lead. Women, being the original Earthly creatures of rebellion, will constantly test you and attempt to usurp your power... she will cry, whine and attempt to seduce your authority away from you, and once given, you will be headed towards destruction and she will move on. Throughout your relationships, women will constantly test and attempt to rebel against you and your authority and principles and if you give in, you will be viewed as weak. NEVER give your authority up to a woman. You must always maintain the position of leader and never allow that to be undermined. If she continues to attempt to emasculate you, give her the boot, because if you let her stick around, she's going to ruin your life and leave anyways.