Peace is impossible for some damaged women
A lot of women are just like hitler.
Peace is impossible for some damaged women
Sounds like suicide bombers/kamikazes to meDon't abide by treaties, holding onto past traumas. Give them a inch they take a mile. Don't ever want peace will rather just blow ish up.
my homey just said a girl flaked on him a few weeks ago on hinge because she said she just started a new job and work got crazy. When they were gonna meet she asked to reschedule and just started hitting him up today.
Not that you should ever look too much into a womens actions but what are the likely scenarios here?
a. she is telling the truth and work was hetic
b. her other guy fell through
c. she got back on hinge and went back to her old matches
One of the women on Hinge I've been talking to said she grabbed drinks with her coworker after work so she feels relaxed
I won't ask her if it was a guy or a girl (she's a pansexual)
What are yall thinking as you're reading this? I'm taking this girl out for coffee tomorrow. She seems very interested in the date and me. I don't want to hurt her feelings. But I'm already noticing some red flags wit her
She's cool as hell and has always been good to me. Just a solid, genuine woman
Might just fukk her mouth, friendzone her then add her on linkedin
meh chics lie and inflate on the regularFemales don't drop everything for possible D. If the dude is not a known quantity and just has potential, he's always gonna be an option, not a priority.
But to make this sort of a mind bender...
Let's say you were looking for a 1997 Civic Si, STOCK.
You can find all types of civics. You can find 97 Civic Si's that have been ratted and modded out.
It's rare when you find an actual stock 1997 Civic Si.
To hear them tell it, that's how women's love lives are. All types of cars. All types of Black Men. All types of dudes in the age range they want.
All types of dudes with the looks.
When I find that car, I get on the phone, I talk to the seller, I drive out there to look at it.
Does she skip out on her BS to find out if this guy is a good deal?
She let's work, friends, family, pets, not feeling like getting ready for a date - stop her from actually going after this thing that she might like.
This is her mentality
These are the people we're all dealing with.
Anytime you get ANY traction with a broad, SHE'S THE LUCKY ONE.
Cause she's seen what's out there, and 99.9% of it she's not interested in, the slightest.
Even if her interest is tepid by most accounts, that's the most she's getting VIA HER OWN DAMN CRITERIA.