Honestly, I don't know if you're "hard" case or not, but acknowledging that your game has problems is the first part.
Lemme ask you this,
can you get into a small talk type conversation with ANYONE you meet - girls, women, kids, teenagers, old people, cops, cashiers, bus driver, etc?
Because that's the underlying skill set for shooting the gift with broads.
If you can't small talk - you gotta break that apart into its components
- Assessment of them
- Acknowledgment of your own emotions and body language
- Approach
- Topics - With females - Food, Music, Popular People, Dating, Relationships, and finally Sex
- Delivery - Are you shaking like a leaf? Are you rushing through your words? Are you making eye contact? Are you purposefully not making eye contact?
- Reaction - How is she reacting? How are you reacting to her reaction?
- Improvisation - Are you talking about things that allow you to improvise?
Without having a the play by play on "80 girls" - I can't do more than point you in this direction.
That said, pat yourself on the back, most guys would kill themselves after approaching 80 girls in a weekend and not getting any traction.
That alone tells me you have the foundation to be GREAT.