Out of sheer boredom I circled back on a chick I met at the club a good 3,4 years ago. Very pretty girl, petite, but prototype club chick, flaky, young, etc. I remember peeping her IG and she was a fake ass model
I hit her she said she didn’t remember me, so I just said ‘look I didn’t wanna waste your time Imeme take you to dinner since it didn’t happen before’. She was like….ok
I was a lil suprised tbh. So I said ok cool Saturday. She replies asap ‘ok, should I make reservations’
She sounding mad eager so at this point I’m like is she gon try to rob me? Or even worse, is she fat now. So I do some more snooping and find the ig again. She did get thicker…but in the right places …Her light face modeling has turned into ass shots and visible nipple
SoI’ve seen this movie before , I search her ig username and ‘xxx’. bytch got nudes all on the net
. And a freeze frame on one of them cam sites with a dude blowin her back out. Her face all in thr camera
I don’t know what to make of this. On one hand she could be a full on porn star. On the other hand, she bad af… if I woulda knew this I woulda said what you doin TONIGHT. But I guess I’ll find out this weekend