This is actually being packaged n sold on social media in mass, dudes might be behind the curve a lil but in all their iterations of "soft life", "black girls in luxury", "Level up".. But even if someone doesnt subscribe to it en mass, them just swiping and seeing this on daily seeps into their subconscious. Stuff like that perks my ears and I believe people the first time they show me who they are. Also understand approaching a person and pulling their card, usually makes them realize they told on themselves and hide their cards better..Indications of selfish behavior such as the bolded: nip it in the bud now (have a convo and come to an agreement) or bush.
If you don't deal with it now, don't be surprised when she bushes you because you didn't meet her selfish standards
She's basically telling you "don't disturb my peace with your bullshyt"
Cold world
I wouldnt say much, just have your thrid eye open and watch actions. Its the same thing when women tell you about their past, dont judge them, just laugh and say hey I remember the time I did the same, what else you got And make mental notes..