Got a lil situation with my ol lady. Shes had a mail friend since childhood, and from her account he has never violated that platonic friendship line. But a couple years back, he broke up with his then gf, and in that moment he was going through it. Saying should i go back to woman X, get with woman Y, should i get with you (talking about my ol lady). She said she shut it down in that moment, that she valued their friendship too much, she dont see him that way etc.
Well i'm like ok, the fact that he even brought up my ol lady name when he was talking in that moment is enough for me to consider that "platonic" line as being crossed. She feels like that line hasn't been crossed. I feel disrespected when she calls their friendship platonic, and honestly doenst feel like he meant what he said. To me, once that line is crossed, thats it
Mind you this exchange happened a couple years back, before i was even in the picture, but im trying to asses the nature of their friendship. I'm not sure if im overreacting to this. She's said that all i have to do it tell her the boundaries and she'll do it, which i will. But where im at is, i dont like that she doesnt feel like he crossed that line based off what he told her in that moment.

Im not really budging on that one. If what he said wasnt out of line, she wouldnt have had to chastise him and shut it down. And from my perspective, as a man, at that point in time, he thought about her sexually (bc of him even throwing her in the mix of that conversation). And of course she shut it down etc. Not sure if im trippen or not