wats up wit these young hoes 19-22 that wanna text all the time... ion like that... rather call or FaceTime
These hoes bored and just hit folks up cause they need something to do. Best way to handle it is
get more hoes, cause you need to operate like you don't need none of em.
Long Read.
Entertainment, straight up. She's an internet/novelty addict, like many other people in our society.
Myself included. Trillions of dollars are being made because people need CONSTANT novelty. I can't tell you how many times today I sat down to work on something, but I refreshed YT, IG, The Coli, Discord, Reddit, Gmail, etc. Maybe 45 minutes of work, before I get distracted by something, or I distract myself.
Back to the females, who tend to be more addicted to Social Media/Communication than men. A man is an a novelty like Candy Crush, Instagram, TikTok, and Youtube (and low key other men). It's apparent when she wants to constantly text - especially if the text ain't about anything. She's caught in this loop of waiting for that internet crack, that hit of digital dopamine. It's not so much that she gets the reward, but she's been trained to stay in anticipation of it...
Bringing it your way, and for anyone that's reading..
The fact that She's hitting YOU up, makes the addictive behavior seem personal, seem like you need to personally attend to her,
when it ain't really about you. Kinda like some chicks get mad at you out of nowhere, when it's something else going on in her life. This addiction to novelty is about her constantly needing low grade input because she's been trained that she never has to be bored.
If the communication with you was TRULY important, it would be a phone call/face time.
But she (like many others) can't deal with that level of engagement. I got homies and family members that I like to talk to, but don't want the burden of talking to them on the phone. (Pops will talk my ear off and not say anything profound)
There's not much a man can do/say to her that will keep her in orbit and shut down her annoying behavior.
So the real answer to one annoying broad blowing up the phone is MORE BROADS blowing up the phone.
Because the second you try to throw some energy into modifying her behavior - she's got your mind captured, gotta throw time/effort/attention her way and then you're off your mission.
When a man has 3-4 other baddies blowing him up - he puts all of their antics in perspective.
Safety in numbers.