I'm lucky to be very likable and easygoing to talk to, but what I feel has been my best experience is moving/traveling. I could go into deep detail about everything, but instead, I'll just say quit putting women on a pedestal.
Stop that lack of confidence bullshyt, don't hate on another breh out here winning because that could be you if you wanted it to be. After the 1000th time of being like that fine ass dime with this mf?

I realized we (guys) believe what women will find attractive in a man is not what they find attractive. How could we ever know what will attract a female to a guy?
The first thing we go off is looks and then we MIGHT take into consideration of everything else. And you know what that is a sign of? A breh with no experience, a breh with no options. Like a breh talking to a girl with multiple children lol.
Let it be known though, there's nothing wrong with doing that. The thing is if you're only doing this because you believe you want to be in this situation, but the reality is you want to smash someone, then you're doing everybody a disservice. Especially, those innocent kids. Don't do that.
When you have options there will be things you will no longer deal with
-she might have mental issues
-shyt she might not even pay her own bills
Like breh you going to get into a relationship with a girl who won't help contribute to anything just because you find her attractive at the time?
And living in different areas, there's one more thing. These women will simp hardcore over dudes you would never expect to. Just this weekend I went on vacation, and every time I went to the hotel bar this fine-ass bartender had her boyfriend sitting right there. According to the people who live around here, he's here every time she's working. Women will simp over a dude who's broke, fat, weird af, etc. It don't matter, what's safe to assume is that dude is comfortable in his own skin.
You should be too tho. Be yourself and attract what you attract.
And talk to women from different cultures/backgrounds! not growing up on the same interests, social circle doesn't mean shyt! learn from them