Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


One Of The Last Real Ones To Do It
Apr 1, 2013
New York City
If a woman you lost contact with hit you up like this. Would this make you respond to her how she wants?

What she wants in the short term is for you to respond. What she wants beyond that will come up later. If I wanted some easy to get sex I would respond.

On the low this is a technique men can use to hit up old lovers and I have used it to varying success myself. I’m about to use it again myself once the holidays are over and we get that sweet time between Christmas and Valentines days when women just want to stay in and fukk.

The only caveat is the connection of sex to it. Even in the video she kind of implies it. I don’t think this technique would work with a “text buddy” or someone else you haven’t been intimate with because what is there to miss? Her approach is based on setting a man up to want to fukk her again. Listen to what she says about “pleasing” and “feel good” she is talking about fukking. So if you fukked a woman well you can do it too and if she is in need of dikk she’ll respond.
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Dec 25, 2014
Already slept with her?

Surprisingly not yet.

Our second date we went clubbing, which was fun. As she got VIP access to this club night through her friend.

But by the end of that night we were too tired, she'd worked late as well, before coming out. So I wasn't going to push it. She said she really wanted to come over but was probably wiser she got some sleep.

I think we both know it's probably going to happen this week.


All Star
Nov 7, 2014
I think i fukked up brehs. Ive been in a relationship for about 14 months, but in the very beginning i wasn't the most transparent with who i am etc. She is very big on church, good girl etc and im from the south, i go to church when i can but i aint no Jesus freak.

She doesn't like smoking weed or CBD. When i got out the military a while back, i smoke once in a blue moon. I told her initially when we first i wasn't smoking like that, i only fool with gummies and oil, but i lied:manny:thats part of where i fukked up. Its just how she thinks, like overly religious (imo) and like a goody good type of person. And am lowkey resentful of how things will play out over a 10+ year period bc of how i presented myself in the beginning bc i liked her so much

Aside from that shes great. Looks good, makes her own money, supportive, faithful etc. I need to know whether im trippen. I dont want to throw away a good relationship bc of petty shyt:francis:


Boyz In Motion Member
Apr 9, 2017
I think i fukked up brehs. Ive been in a relationship for about 14 months, but in the very beginning i wasn't the most transparent with who i am etc. She is very big on church, good girl etc and im from the south, i go to church when i can but i aint no Jesus freak.

She doesn't like smoking weed or CBD. When i got out the military a while back, i smoke once in a blue moon. I told her initially when we first i wasn't smoking like that, i only fool with gummies and oil, but i lied:manny:thats part of where i fukked up. Its just how she thinks, like overly religious (imo) and like a goody good type of person. And am lowkey resentful of how things will play out over a 10+ year period bc of how i presented myself in the beginning bc i liked her so much

Aside from that shes great. Looks good, makes her own money, supportive, faithful etc. I need to know whether im trippen. I dont want to throw away a good relationship bc of petty shyt:francis:
What does you smoking weed have to do with her not smoking weed? You could of been upfront & respected her wishes in regards to where & when you smoke?

Also, why are you putting so much emphasis on what you “think” she is. What does her being a “goody two shoes” and “overtly religious” have to do with her not being a mere human? Who has her own vices and conflicts? It’s like you putting shordi on a pedestal & projecting yourself on to her.

“babe, I smoke from time to time but will respect you not to bring it around you nor be under the influence with you” she either respects that or walks away.


Boyz In Motion Member
Apr 9, 2017
now this young lady wasted a year and two months with a man who not even real enough to speak to her about SMOKING WEED. If you not being upfront with a simple vice (she should be knowledgeable about if she reads scripture) then how can she trust you with major shyt… all because you wanted to impress her.

she probably let a man she was equally yoked with pass by her.

Digital Omen

All Star
Mar 11, 2022
I think i fukked up brehs. Ive been in a relationship for about 14 months, but in the very beginning i wasn't the most transparent with who i am etc. She is very big on church, good girl etc and im from the south, i go to church when i can but i aint no Jesus freak.

She doesn't like smoking weed or CBD. When i got out the military a while back, i smoke once in a blue moon. I told her initially when we first i wasn't smoking like that, i only fool with gummies and oil, but i lied:manny:thats part of where i fukked up. Its just how she thinks, like overly religious (imo) and like a goody good type of person. And am lowkey resentful of how things will play out over a 10+ year period bc of how i presented myself in the beginning bc i liked her so much

Aside from that shes great. Looks good, makes her own money, supportive, faithful etc. I need to know whether im trippen. I dont want to throw away a good relationship bc of petty shyt:francis:
Man up now and let shorty know the truth. If you don't, it's going to come out later when you least expect it and she'll instantly lose trust in you.
"It's not the crime that gets you, it's the cover up"
Avoid the scarcity mindset. If she walks because you like to spark up and she doesn't, it's best it happens now.
Yes she's dope everything's great etc etc but all of that will get flushed down the toilet when she finds out the hard way you aren't who you presented yourself to be.
Relationships are about what you can and can't live with. It may be that while she doesn't partake, she won't mind if you do as long as it's within reason (something you both will have to agree on, define terms clearly- I had this convo last week with my artsy chick).
On the other hand If she's a religious fanatic, then there probably won't be any room for compromise and that's where you have to be willing to lose her over it.
Either way out of respect for her at the very least she deserves to be given the option to make her choice.


All Star
Mar 11, 2022
now this young lady wasted a year and two months with a man who not even real enough to speak to her about SMOKING WEED. If you not being upfront with a simple vice (she should be knowledgeable about if she reads scripture) then how can she trust you with major shyt… all because you wanted to impress her.

she probably let a man she was equally yoked with pass by her.

Man up now and let shorty know the truth. If you don't, it's going to come out later when you least expect it and she'll instantly lose trust in you.
"It's not the crime that gets you, it's the cover up"
Avoid the scarcity mindset. If she walks because you like to spark up and she doesn't, it's best it happens now.
Yes she's dope everything's great etc etc but all of that will get flushed down the toilet when she finds out the hard way you aren't who you presented yourself to be.
Relationships are about what you can and can't live with. It may be that while she doesn't partake, she won't mind if you do as long as it's within reason (something you both will have to agree on, define terms clearly- I had this convo last week with my artsy chick).
On the other hand If she's a religious fanatic, then there probably won't be any room for compromise and that's where you have to be willing to lose her over it.
Either way out of respect for her at the very least she deserves to be given the option to make her choice.

After my last breakup, I had to mature in my viewpoint in relationships. The truth about relationships is that they have to be treated in a logical way. Both individuals need to come to the table with terms, or else you'll end up in trouble later down the line. I went through the effort to introspect and figure my quirks and dealbreakers.

For the future, anytime I get into some time of arrangement past a ONS, I'm just going lay my terms on the table and my boundaries. It's a very sterile way of starting a relationship, but it's no different from weddings vows or a business arrangement, i.e. I promise to do this or I promise not to do that.

Digital Omen

All Star
Mar 11, 2022

After my last breakup, I had to mature in my viewpoint in relationships. The truth about relationships is that they have to be treated in a logical way. Both individuals need to come to the table with terms, or else you'll end up in trouble later down the line. I went through the effort to introspect and figure my quirks and dealbreakers.

For the future, anytime I get into some time of arrangement past a ONS, I'm just going lay my terms on the table and my boundaries. It's a very sterile way of starting a relationship, but it's no different from weddings vows or a business arrangement, i.e. I promise to do this or I promise not to do that.
I learned this too after I took off the rose colored glasses when my marriage honeymoon period ended.
We both did not define our terms and dealbreakers plainly and clearly from jump, and that led to massive headaches, fights, and of course ended in divorce.

Like right now with the weed. Artsy chick and I have been kicking it heavy. Right now we're at the "I like you. I like you too. Let's keep building together and see where it goes" stage.

Having realized that and having had that convo, I (among other things) asked her if she minded that I spark up regular. We smoked out once. The next time I offered she declined, and told me she's not a smoker, just once in a blue type thing.

I said that's cool and I respect that. Me on the other hand, I spark up almost daily. What do you think about that?
"It's cool that's your thing, it's just not my thing."
"Does it bother you?"
"cool, let me know if and when you change your mind. We can talk about it."

And that was it. No ambiguities on my part. Beyond agreeing on basic dealbreakers (cheating, physical violence, lying) everyone has their own personal dealbreakers and terms. Lot of BS and heartbreak can be avoided by having that convo early.


Free Sheist
May 1, 2012

After my last breakup, I had to mature in my viewpoint in relationships. The truth about relationships is that they have to be treated in a logical way. Both individuals need to come to the table with terms, or else you'll end up in trouble later down the line. I went through the effort to introspect and figure my quirks and dealbreakers.

For the future, anytime I get into some time of arrangement past a ONS, I'm just going lay my terms on the table and my boundaries. It's a very sterile way of starting a relationship, but it's no different from weddings vows or a business arrangement, i.e. I promise to do this or I promise not to do that.
Been saying this over and over in the thread


R.I.P. Kobe and Nip, that’s off the rip
May 14, 2012
Brehs which dating app is best for if you’re travelling to a new country and want to set your location there?


Aug 7, 2019

After my last breakup, I had to mature in my viewpoint in relationships. The truth about relationships is that they have to be treated in a logical way. Both individuals need to come to the table with terms, or else you'll end up in trouble later down the line. I went through the effort to introspect and figure my quirks and dealbreakers.

For the future, anytime I get into some time of arrangement past a ONS, I'm just going lay my terms on the table and my boundaries. It's a very sterile way of starting a relationship, but it's no different from weddings vows or a business arrangement, i.e. I promise to do this or I promise not to do that.

Example of terms / boundaries?


Living the dream
May 16, 2012
What does you smoking weed have to do with her not smoking weed? You could of been upfront & respected her wishes in regards to where & when you smoke?

Also, why are you putting so much emphasis on what you “think” she is. What does her being a “goody two shoes” and “overtly religious” have to do with her not being a mere human? Who has her own vices and conflicts? It’s like you putting shordi on a pedestal & projecting yourself on to her.

“babe, I smoke from time to time but will respect you not to bring it around you nor be under the influence with you” she either respects that or walks away.


Living the dream
May 16, 2012
now this young lady wasted a year and two months with a man who not even real enough to speak to her about SMOKING WEED. If you not being upfront with a simple vice (she should be knowledgeable about if she reads scripture) then how can she trust you with major shyt… all because you wanted to impress her.

she probably let a man she was equally yoked with pass by her.