Dating in big cities is expensive af man, If it were up to me I would chill all weekend but girls want to dress up etc. My girl and I went out, she bought tickets to Alvin Ailey, and I bought dinner and drinks, not even at a 5-star joint -$160. I brought 4 nips too to pregame, and a joint (estimate ($30) bought her a Alvin Ailey souvenir cup that broke while walking because I was holding too much stuff ($25)

Then after the show, she wanted to go out, against my wishes, she paid for drinks fine. Then she had on heels and was tired of walking, so uber home -(She paid $28) Ikea the next day, uber back because she bought a lot of furniture -$35 Uber then I bought lunch and dinner because she had no groceries- Uber Eats -$48-In retrospect I should've cooked but damn. Was thinking of buying a car, they just put a damn bike rack around the corner from my crib and it was already hard to find parking and there's a school across the street.