Absolutely breh, I love the game and love to see the light bulb turn on for brothers as they excel in life and thrive, if you took any value out of my post Im good.I sincerely appreciate the long type up. You ain’t have to take the time out ya game to give ya gems out, and I appreciate that.
I’ll answer this post by each paragraph & spoiler it
1) I completely agree. I’m also self-aware to know.. some brehs my age or even younger got itcould easily use the older men excuse as a copeout but I’m a realist. Talked to my OG about it and we concluded I don’t fit the college environment and quite frankly.. the standard of what a BM “should” be. I hate to say the latter. It sounds whiny and is honestly something WE define not the world. I can be immature, short-sighted sometimes, and in general make errors of the regular 21 year old… I’m not special but boy does it feel like it sometimes so I either have to adapt/fake it or vastly improve my vetting. As y’all say: understand your lane.
2) I like how you broke down the fundamentals of what I bring to the dating pool. I personally & honestly think I am the greatest accumulation of atoms God ever crafted but means absolutely nothing if I don’t gauge how I am perceived as well as what I display to others. It’s those uncomfortable introspective moments where you really have to measure yourself and understand what is good for you. Good thing I can proudly say is I take a large chunk of accountability for dating woes. All fixable, all correctable, all on me.
3) I appreciate this portion of your post, because it reiterates how I need to be in tune with myself as well as what I have going on. Everytime I talk about my internships & scholarships to my OGs, their eyes light up and they start doing math on how much salary I can reign in, what cities I could move to, what can I invest my play money in.. I realize they do this because youth is truly wasted on the youth. Build the groundwork so I can flourish as I grow.
4) Babyface & Mustafa said the same thing — this stage is your building stage. Obviously, you should enjoy dates.. go see what’s out in the pond from time to time.. but your greatest use of time is earning wealth: physically and financially
Most of what I posted was the fundamentals from your reply you seem to have a positive enough self esteem about yourself, I like the boastfulness and you speaking about your accomplishments. Now posting it on a site and translating that same energy when interacting with opposite sex needs to be identical. KEEP. THE. SAME. ENERGY. Now I wouldnt recommend you reading off who you are or what you do, that comes across kinda tacky. Its better to let them find out stuff about you organically and in passing but definitely carry that air of IM HIM. That alone can carry you a long way. Having the confidence and in tandem leading in all situations will get you results you desire.
No matter where you are there are always paths to victory. Pros and cons to everything, so look at the positives and lean into those, it sounds like you have alot going on with internships/scholarships which I am sure put you in proximity to like minded and same age people. Something that is highly overlooked is proximity and how that is one of biggest indicators of being successful in dating. Most guys complain because they cant even be around women, if you take avg university the ratios are heavily skewed in your favor. You have proximity to the what some would say the most desirable women available in your city without them having supervision from their parents and usually have time to interact. Thats gold right there, even just talking and building friendships will help you see who is into you as you get exposed to other networks. I am a big proponent of being into who is into you. If you have your fundamentals in check the women will soon be checking for you, now question is will you be able to catch their signals because young dudes sometime miss those cues while women think they are being obvious.
You sound like you are on right path in regards to developing your money making skills, that alone will put you ahead of game in no time. I would also add if you get a chance check out @WIA20XX (Im not sure if its the same west indian archie but thats been his name on other sites, welcome home) website ( I would scroll down to beginning of archive and start at beginning for quality info on actually approaching and "game" type info. His info is beyond legit and keep fingers cross he ever drop that book (we been waiting yearsssss).