I'm not gonna sit here and lie, appearance is one thing, but its not the majority, it just helps, and its highly situational. In clubs, a lot of married/milfs and for some reason, Indian chicks are super forward, they can't help themselves. And you'll even hear the disdain they have for the men they have to deal with in their own culture and lives. I've heard everything from "Ugh he's just so short" to "he's a p*ssy". Birds are vile.
The hard approach always works for me, not a neg, but also not entirely a compliment. I just jump off the cuff with something I know will garner a response. And that's the key here, you're not there to sound like every simp/beta that she knows, afraid to even say you don't like her hair color. You stand your ground on a semi-joke and keep going from there. I've made fun of tall, short, fat, skinny, hot, and ugly women. Its a shock to their system, turns them on that someone would even have the balls to talk to them like that, then its fukk time.
Now with that posted, you'll still have chicks who will want to feign sluttiness and act all moral even after you done already seen her uterus, those just require some liquor or drugs then its cock gobbler 5000 time. Your goal is to stand out in all forms, just don't be a jester, no women ever wanted to be seduced by a fool. Be cool, be funny/offensive for a bit, let her know you don't care about her feeling insulted by continuing the conversation.