I had a date last night with this red haired white chick. Wholesome type or maybe I'm projecting that on her: 34, no kids, getting masters, medical lab scientist, introvert, doesn't drink, goes to church but getting away from Christianity, doesn't have many friends, and busy with work. Met on bumble. Texted back and forth for a few days before last night. We went to Mexican restaurant. I paid. Had a great convo and she didn't really want it to end so we went and got dessert. Stayed til everyone left. Finally called it a night at 10. Didn't kiss.
She had told me that with affection she has to warm up and feel safe, so I didn't expect it...but I kept getting this lingering feeling she wanted me to come over, but I couldn't tell. Kept biting her lip, staring in my eyes but would sometimes look down, there felt like chemistry but in my past whenever I go out with a wholesome girl and don't make a move out of respect of what the woman has said about affection/intimacy, I end up losing out and not going on a second date bc they really did want it and were just full of shyt. It's always wholesome ones like thst for me that fukk my whole game up, and the truth is its because deep down that is exactly what I want. I am truly hoping she ain't full of shyt.
Texted her when I got home, like she asked, said I enjoyed talking to her and meeting her and thought she was cute. She replied that she had a lovely evening this morning. I responded to thst and said glad she enjoyed herself bc I did as well. Haven't heard shyt since this morning. With her personality that's not surprising but there's always the chance I'm playing myself