For work I'm superfly. Socks from Soxy. Got every color chino and dress shirt. Wear contacts but will give the eyes a rest and wear some regular black frame glasses. Clark Kent shyt. I like
For regular days I wear my earrings and I actually wear a pinky ring. I can pull it off though. I like Screenshot jackets from Amazon.
I stick to Black women but gotdamn, a lot are overweight and/or entitled. Maybe it's just Atlanta. I just don't put up with bullshyt because of the options and I know who I am.
Me and shorty back. When she pulls her face mask down to smile and call me love![]()
When it comes to online dating, just get to the point. You ain't tryna be her texting buddy, you want to get to business.
I used to write witty one-liners. Shakespeare's type of shyt. Realized...I'm wasting madddd energy.
Sometimes, I'll take a break. Then hop back in.
The reason, I mainly prefer face-to-face. Building attraction over text CAN work, but, it lacks the initial excitement and anticipation that the real world comes with.
Too many potential dates.
I'm a 6 fig dude now but I could take every chick that wants to go out for some ice cream and be spending too much. I could have a new date every day of the week but it's a lot of energy after a days work.
Good problems but Idk
Nah I accept women are fickle and cold. I bought a midi to make beats and been making more friends to chill with. As long as I can keep attracting girls I can accept sleeping alone til I die.You'll go back to whining and negativity in no time![]()
Some bytch that ghosted me in january responded to my Instagram story about a movie i was watching
I know she salty..she dated some dude for a month n they broke up lol..i moved on n been with my girl since sept n happy...
bytches be 33
posting memes about pisces and astrology
You stink!!
It’s the best feeling when they come crawling back....but you’ve already moved on lmao. Had a chick do this to me after she popped up with a boyfriend on ig a week after she was grilling me about having a girl. Less than a month later she tried to hit me up talking about the guy was rude and a dikk
Facts! Just stay on your purpose and let these women fall where they mayShe was posting like "my babe is the best hehe".. than she deleted all the pics of the together and changed her facebook status back to single..
That clock is ticking![]()
How far y’all traveling to link up with a chick? There’s gotta be a cut point, somewhere, no matter how bad a chick is![]()
Look man this is a milestone. I know bytches ain’t shyt. It seems like yesterday bytches weren’t fukkin with me at all. I do need to upgrade my finances.