I think very deeply
Why does a girl assume there must be a lot of other women hitting you up? I get zero buns![]()
Now I make it a habit not to confirm or deny.
Why does a girl assume there must be a lot of other women hitting you up? I get zero buns![]()
Why does a girl assume there must be a lot of other women hitting you up? I get zero buns![]()
This is a good strategy for sure. Don't waste time if you don't have to.Thats the common problem with anyone who knows game or has had easy targets. At some point you forget that you should always be sharpening your blade. I don't talk to her, I talk about me, anything she learns from me, is what I wish to give said bird. But also I don't mind destroying some shyt test or making them look like ignorant holes, my skill is high that I can do that easily, but I never forget to keep the mind sharp. With that said, same, I'm not kissing and or fingering some broad only to be stopped half way, its bush time if that's the case....some things should not be tolerated.
Hahaha ha. I love this sir. This is like a great game. Some mystery to put pieces to. Like the characters from a great novel. Bravo.Women have a very low hard ceiling when it comes to talking about themselves, I know to most it seems like they can talk forever, but that's just because you or anyone in general is riddled with agenda. My motto has always been; Be agendaless, Be awesome, be gone. Ultimately, women have very little to brag about, since by nature, they're catty with each other, so to a stranger, they'll throw out little tid bits of things they happen to be good at. But if you present yourself to be well read, talented, and an overall renaissance man, they'll fall right into your lap, or at the least, see that they're going up against someone who's their better (never aim for being equal, always higher).
Heidegger said it perfectly, "we are attracted to that which repels us", other men see envy when they're talking to a great man, women see a leader, and someone who can teach them something other than difference between a Drake and Chris Brown song. When you put yourself on a pedestal, they cross reference you, with all the scum/trash they've let have sex with them. You're promoting yourself, you don't need her vagina, merely an audience, so perform, not solely for her, but to increase your own raconteur abilities.
For me, what has always worked are two topics; my love of novels (usually Hemingway or Twain) and how much of an avid movie buff I am....and I mean everything from black and white to now. Again however, this isn't about listing off things that I know, but in mid conversation, sprinkling a sentence with a quote or reference. Everyone, likes a well read man, especially if you have gems that make sense to the topical discussion at hand, and who doesn't like or want to see a certain film? The rest for me, is easy. The point here; is to find something you're good at, or love, and tack it onto the conversation when needed.
shyt tests are easy, because they're always the same; "I bet you say that to all the girls" , and; "I bet you're a player" To which I respond to all of them with a simple shrug and "Wouldn't know, who keeps count?" and keep moving on. I'm always aloof to questions I don't feel like answering or shyt tests. The other default is "Ask a better, deeper, darker question"....always gets their gears spinning.
@The Hierophant how bad is your anxiety? I’m just now coming to terms that even though I have gotten better with women and socializing. It won’t go away. Porn has ruined me. It took tinder to make me realize my 7 incher no homo is good enough. I still get insecure and worry I’ll get shytted on by a size queen brehette one day.
Work girls choose on me. I agree I would love to meet brehettes out in the world. I fake it til I make it. I flirt and joke but in the inside I’m freaking out. Text game kinda weak. Your post has depth and I need to sleep for 3rd shift to ttyl.breh you need some tough medicine. And it’s called the truth. Now this may be hard to hear but it’s outta love dog cause I used to be just like you.
But Thomas Jefferson once said,
“If you want something you've never had
You must be willing to do something you've never done.”
This means no porn, eating right, exercising not only your body but your mind. The hard truth that u need to hear is that if you don’t get over your anxiety or at least control it then you will forever have female problems.
What dudes with anxiety don’t realize is. The women out here have anxiety as well and on top of that most don’t know how to approach a dude that they want. So if you’re never going to approach a female and only rely on social media and work (which is dumb by the way) then you will never really succeed my friend.
And unless the chick is a square herself why would she want someone who’s scared and not fun to be around? Girls out here looking for dope dudes who have fun with or without them not someone who can’t even approach.
now I’ve read your posts and every single one involves you discrediting yourself. You claim you’re ugly. You say shyt like youre soft and can’t even use the restroom in public. And on top of that you seem to be afraid.
now what chick with an actual brain would want to be around that, or even if it’s not true, it’s still how you feel. I’m assuming you must not have a lot friends either because who the hell wants to be around that depressing shyt?
Literally a majority of the people out here got major anxiety and you don’t even know. That’s what helped me with becoming a likeable dude. The entire time you could be sitting somewhere overthinking about why certain people don’t like you based on your looks or actions, but the reality is that those people are sitting around overthinking too.
everyone out here stuck in their own minds. Specially with technology being around. And they’re all just looking for the right person to get them out of that funk.
but the truth is to get out of it is you have to take risks and most importantly love yourself. You gotta be able to socialize with almost everyone. This also means dudes too. You need to be able to make friends. shyts in the same realm with women.
The answers about improving yourself from your mindset to your outfits to your diet to other shyt is cliche but it’s the proper answer. If you really want to have better opportunities with the ladies you can’t be doing the same shyt you’re doing now. Like thinking so down on yourself.
Now I make it a habit not to confirm or deny.
thats what I did. Then she asked to go through my phone two dates in![]()
thats what I did. Then she asked to go through my phone two dates in![]()
thats what I did. Then she asked to go through my phone two dates in![]()
thats what I did. Then she asked to go through my phone two dates in![]()
Not even my own mama, some times I don't know what these women are thinking....then I realize; they met Mr. Simpington 5000 and they were allowed to walk all over this human doormat. If you can't say no to a 5'0-5'7 woman, you have more serious issues, like finding the location of your backbone. How does a man get so wrong?
What does being 5'0-5'7 have anything to do with it? I'm a 5'8 breh and I keep the same energy towards taller chicks too.
"The power of the P-U-S-S-Y"Its hyperbole of course, I just don't understand how any man, can let something so frail and tiny, boss them around....psychological upbringing aside, at some point, I'm just gonna say 'fukk off, no"....and be on my way. These simpish co-dependent men are also the problem, enabling these spoiled brats to walk all over them. These are the future married-soon-to-be-divorced, couples of the future. Damn shame.