Really? My game is usually go let them talk about themselves. How does talking about yourself work and what kinda things do you usually talk about?
Also how do you destroy their shyt test? Can you give examples?
Women have a very low hard ceiling when it comes to talking about themselves, I know to most it seems like they can talk forever, but that's just because you or anyone in general is riddled with agenda. My motto has always been; Be agendaless, Be awesome, be gone. Ultimately, women have very little to brag about, since by nature, they're catty with each other, so to a stranger, they'll throw out little tid bits of things they happen to be good at. But if you present yourself to be well read, talented, and an overall renaissance man, they'll fall right into your lap, or at the least, see that they're going up against someone who's their better (never aim for being equal, always higher).
Heidegger said it perfectly, "we are attracted to that which repels us", other men see envy when they're talking to a great man, women see a leader, and someone who can teach them something other than difference between a Drake and Chris Brown song. When you put yourself on a pedestal, they cross reference you, with all the scum/trash they've let have sex with them. You're promoting yourself, you don't need her vagina, merely an audience, so perform, not solely for her, but to increase your own raconteur abilities.
For me, what has always worked are two topics; my love of novels (usually Hemingway or Twain) and how much of an avid movie buff I am....and I mean everything from black and white to now. Again however, this isn't about listing off things that I know, but in mid conversation, sprinkling a sentence with a quote or reference. Everyone, likes a well read man, especially if you have gems that make sense to the topical discussion at hand, and who doesn't like or want to see a certain film? The rest for me, is easy. The point here; is to find something you're good at, or love, and tack it onto the conversation when needed.
shyt tests are easy, because they're always the same; "I bet you say that to all the girls" , and; "I bet you're a player" To which I respond to all of them with a simple shrug and "Wouldn't know, who keeps count?" and keep moving on. I'm always aloof to questions I don't feel like answering or shyt tests. The other default is "Ask a better, deeper, darker question"....always gets their gears spinning.