My great Uncle is in his 70s, he called me today to catch up on things.
Now this man has seen it all, Vietnam, prison, becoming rich, losing it all, city and rural life, and SEVEN marriages, so he’s seen his fair share of people and maneuvered between many social circles.
We were talking about relationships, and this is what he said:
“You still with that cute girl of yours?


“I thought you was going to say that”
“Yea it didn’t work out

“That’s fine nephew. You’re young, intelligent, and making good money, you will have access to different types of women from many walks of life as you ascend through society.
Just make sure the woman genuinely cares about you, and the well being of others around you.
Don’t get no chick that says she is only nice to her man, and stand-offish to your friends and others, especially ones that can’t benefit her. A recipe for disaster. A good woman will care and ask about all aspects of your life.”
After the convo, I scrolled on IG, and see 2 women post about this exact things saying that’s their “whole vibe”
The elders be knowing